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ZoneAlarm in Apache

ZoneAlarm in Apache

Seadoo ::

Kaj naj naredim, da bom lahko iz drugih racunalnikov dostopal do www serverja (Apache), ce imam instaliran Zone Alarm. Obkljukan je, da lahko deluje kot server in kot Access v obeh conah, a vseeno preko Interneta ne dobim nic. Se vec, v Alert & Logs mi celo napise, da racunalnik dostopa do mojega porta 80, a je paket vedno blokiran.

Namrec, imam dva racunalnika, vsak je preko ADSL a na Internetu in vsak ima drugac IP. Ce vpisem svoj IP na svojem PCju mi pokaze stran, ce pa vpisem svoj IP na drugem, pa ga blokira. WTF?

Isto mi dela s pingom. Sam sebe lahko, drugi mene ne morejo.

A je ta Zone alarm mal tko... za bolj domaco rabo. A je bolse met kak firewall, v katerega vpisujes dostop po portih in po IPjih.
Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.

Ziga Dolhar ::

ZoneAlarm ni nič "tko", je zlo zmogljiva zadevca :-)). Sam sem imel enako težavo kot ti -- ne spomnim se točno, kako sem jo odpravil, a takole ti bom svetoval:

1. poglej v help, morda kaj piše ;)
2. vključi prikaz vseh sporočil v logu
3. poglej, kakšno sporočilo izvrže ob httpd zahtevku
4. preberi sporočilo dvakrat in porihtaj ;).
5. za ping -- moraš omogočiti icmp.

Seadoo ::

ZoneAlarm blocked access to port 80 on your computer
No breach in your security has occurred. Your computer is safe. What happened?
ZoneAlarm prevented a remote computer from connecting to port 80 on your computer. This connection attempt was probably a port scan trying to find unprotected Web servers. To learn more about port scans, see the Details tab.

To mi napise na spletni strani. Nic koristnega. Hvala bogu je moj racunalnik varen pred vsemi, ki hocejo uporabljat moj www server. :)

V helpu ne pise nic koristnega. A se da kje porte nastimat? Da bi kr reku da naj 80 lepo pusti pri miru?

In glede ICMP, ni ga v seznamu, pa niti ne vprasa, ce ga hocem omogocit. Kako ga dodam v seznam? Sem iskal icmp.exe pa ga ni na disku.
Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.

Seadoo ::

No, kaj sem zdej nasu: (google: "zonealarm apache" im feeling lucky)

11 OCTOBER 2002 @ 23:20
Well, it's official, Apache doesn't work with ZoneAlarm. This is most curious, as the Apache developers insist it is a ZoneAlarm problem (while the old apache works just fine with ZoneAlarm), and ZoneAlarm has never given me a problem - ever - with any other program. My diagnosis as a programmer: Apache uses some sort of horrible hack to do something. Technically the hack is supposed to work. The ZoneAlarm folks didn't bother to check whatever border case that hit, and wa-la, we have deadlock. Good old non communication. The Apache folks are as usual arrogantly snubbing their Windows users because it is "not their problem". They're correct, of course - hey, it's free, and we get what we pay for. But the attitude could be toned down a bit. Anyhow. ZoneAlarm goes bye bye. Sorry for the downtime - don't worry, all is now well.
Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.

ferjan ::

pa mimogrede IIS tudi ne dela z ZoneAlarmom ...tako da roke proč od tega kosa programske opreme.

Seadoo ::

No, na tej strani pise to:

If you will install Apache 2.0 on a PC with ZoneAlarm installed, you may discover that Apache 2.0 stops responding, and that when you stop the Apache 2.0 server or shutdown your machine, you may experience crashes (BSoD, or the Blue Screen of Death).

No further details are available at this time. See the following bug report for the details and observations that have been collected;

The Apache HTTP Project does not support using ZoneAlarm, or other software firewall solutions in conjunction with Apache. It is the user's responsibility to determine the compatibility between any firewall product and the Apache HTTP Server.

No comment... Pac, Apache in ZoneAlarm ne spljoh!
Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.

Ziga Dolhar ::


Tole nekaj ne bo v redu -- pri meni Apache za ZoneAlarmom dela bp. Ko sem mel probleme, sem pogledal kakšen msg ven vrže, in sem "nekaj naredu" in dela -- www.piksne.org (pržgan nekje 13:00 do 22:00).

Bom šel jutri mal pogledat nastavitve...

SLOWWWeb.net ::

kaj se matraš s tem ZAjom, raje si inštaliraj Sygate firewall, ti bo vsaj normalno delal.

Aja,...kdo je rekel da je ZA varen :D ?
WEBhosting / WEBdesign / WEBdomain / Security solutions
BREZPLAČNI marketinški nasveti za podjetja in www strani

govno ::

največja fora je v tem, da zonealarm free ne podpira http protokola, da bi ga obravnaval kot strežnik ... torej, če imate spletni strežnik (http), zonealarm free odpade, razen če naštimate na trusted zone, samo potem nimate nič od njega ...

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

Security Alert

Oddelek: Omrežja in internet
71014 (915) bluefish

Licenca za Zone Alarm antivirus

Oddelek: Programska oprema
81520 (1344) Death Paladin

Par problemov z XPji

Oddelek: Operacijski sistemi
342750 (1996) Mercier

Kateri Firewall naj uporabim !!!

Oddelek: Pomoč in nasveti
101128 (974) GaPe


Oddelek: Omrežja in internet
201497 (1260) andrej

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