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Gaming slušalke z 3D sound system

Gaming slušalke z 3D sound system

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Malo gledam slušalke, namenjene igranju.

Razer Megalodon Elite 7.1 USB Gaming Headset

The Razer Megalodon is a 7.1 Surround Sound Gaming Headset designed specifically to incorporate the Razer Maelstrom Audio Engine, making it the definitive headset for gamers today. Utilizing next generation HRTF technologies and a superb DSP with unheard of processing power, the Razer Megalodon is the most advanced audio headset of its kind.

Cena: od 126EUR.


Razer Tiamat Elite 7.1 Surround Sound Analog Gaming Headset

Behold the Razer Tiamat 7.1, the world's first circumaural gaming headset with 10 individual drivers built-in to deliver the ultimate 7.1 Surround Sound experience. Dominate deathmatches when you can hear incoming enemy footsteps to prevent backstabs and pinpoint enemy locations through gunfire with absolute precision. No other surround sound headset has been engineered to produce such lifelike positional audio geared for the ultimate tactical advantage.

Total audio mastery in your hands. Set the volume, audio positioning and bass depth as you want via the audio control unit. Whether it’s configured to blast a full frontal wall of sound or scaled down to simple stereo, get the right level of intensity for your gaming audio every time.

Cena: ~173EUR


Logitech Wireless Gaming Headset G930 7.1

A fast wireless connection lets you level up without being tied down—and 7.1 surround sound puts you right in the middle of the action.

Cena: od 132EUR v eni trgovini; v večini okoli 150+EUR.


Vengeance 2000 Wireless 7.1 Gaming Headset

Corsair's optimized HRTF positional audio technology gives you the tactical advantage you need for victory. Accurate reproduction of multi-channel 5.1/7.1 surround sound gaming audio helps you locate your opponents even if you can't see them, for an immersive, realistic gaming environment.

Cena: 137.88EUR (sestavi.si)


Tako, zbral sem nekaj izdelkov, izmed Gaming 7.1 slušalk. Na mizi imam plato+Ivy+ram+SSD (brez ohišja - ga še iščem!), v neodprti škatli nvidia 670, in sem prišel na idejo, da bi si kupil še gaming slušalke (za glasbo ne menjam Seinheizerc verjetno NIKOLI. Ampak kot pravi star Slovenski pregovor: "nikoli ne reci nikoli.").

Ima kdo te, takoimenovane 5.1/7.1 slušalke? Kako se obnesejo v real world igranju? Ali sploh ponujajo (dobro) 3D zvočno orientacijo, kot je reklamirano, ali je to bolj software trick našim možganom?

Ima me, da bi kupil Razerjeve Megadolon USB (Razer Tiamat je analog IN dražji. WTF?), ampak po drugi strani bi jih najraje prvo preizkusil. Žal ne poznam nikogar, ki bi imel takšne (zgoraj) "3D gaming" slušalke, zato se obračam na Gamerje tukaj na Slo-Techu.

Menda jih ima kdo, da bi povedal svoje izkušnje...

Ali je pa to novodoben software trick nateg?
(Zato sem pa tudi odprl temo in nametal nekaj slušalk, ki sem jih našel.)
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

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