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Kdo je rekel da ni davka na temo 9/11?

Kdo je rekel da ni davka na temo 9/11?


September 11 Security Fee - Passenger Fee

The September 11 Security Fee is imposed on passengers of domestic and foreign air carriers for air transportation that originates at airports in the United States. The fee, which is collected at the time the ticket is bought, is $2.50 per enplanement and is imposed on not more than two enplanements per one-way trip. Changes to the travel itinerary may result in either additional fees or a refund. Passengers who believe they are entitled to a refund should contact the airline which sold the ticket. The fees are collected by the direct air carriers, who must remit the fees to the Transportation Security Administration on a monthly basis.

Dobro so američani nastavili davek kar skladno z letalsko karto. Če si prepričan, da bi moral dobit ta znesek povrnjen, se pritoži na letalsko agencijo.
"You may fool all the people some of the time;
you can even fool some of the people all the time;
but you can't fool all of the people all the time."
  • spremenil: BALAST ()


 Še slikanice za otroke zakaj morajo preiskat telesne odprtine.

Še slikanice za otroke zakaj morajo preiskat telesne odprtine.

"You may fool all the people some of the time;
you can even fool some of the people all the time;
but you can't fool all of the people all the time."

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