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(sic) ::

Tole je iz Take 2jeve strani:

Duke Nukem Forever brings back the king of action in a highly anticipated game set to pummel players with unprecedented interactivity, variety, realism, and Duke's special whoop-ass brand of humor. The first in-house Duke Nukem game by 3D Realms since Duke Nukem 3D.

Powered by the latest in Unreal technology, Duke Nukem Forever delivers an intense FPS experience, with stunningly detailed characters in expansive interactive maps. Motion captured animation and realistic area-sensitive damage take realism to scary new heights, and make picking off those alien bastards all the more fun.

DNF will push the limits of gaming and establish new standards in interactivity, variety, and pure fun.

Duke Nukem Forever naj bi prišel nekje konec 2003 oz. začetek 2004... Mx Payne 2 je tudi najavljen za konec 2003... 2003 bo še zanimivo leto.

Pa še link do Jokerjeve strani, kjer še nekaj piše...

flipflop ::

Takole vam povem:če bo duke nuke forever res ugledal luč sveta prihodnje leto,si nabavim original.>:D

BaRtMaN ::

flipflop: jst tud. Oz. ne, ker bo tole nova Daikatana!

flipflop ::

Heh,sej ga nikoli ne bo,zato pa pravim.>:D

BaRtMaN ::

Ne bi bil presenečen, če bi hotl konkurirat Doomu III in bi spet zamenjali pogon.

Duke Nukem Fornever! >:D

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: BaRtMaN ()

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Film: Borderlands / Duke Nukem (strani: 1 2 )

Oddelek: Sedem umetnosti
8711730 (1140) oo7

Duke Nukem Forever (strani: 1 2 3 412 13 14 15 )

Oddelek: Igre
74299817 (17480) Testman42

Bombshell (Duke Nukem: Mass Destruction ?)

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3D Realms šli rakom žvižgat, Duke Nukem Forever tudi (strani: 1 2 )

Oddelek: Novice / Nakupi / združitve / propadi
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Duke Nukem: Forever

Oddelek: Igre
61964 (1770) Dami

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