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Microsoft, Innovation, and Linux By John C. Dvorak

Microsoft, Innovation, and Linux By John C. Dvorak

kuglvinkl ::

Zanimivo mnenje:

Rotten roots. You'd hope that the open-source movement would have made a wild leap that would get it off the treadmill of featurism and onto something entirely new. After all, we are told that millions of coders on the Web can match and beat Microsoft and its mere 20,000 to 30,000 drones. The trouble is that too many members of the Linux community started out on the x86 Wintel platform. After all, Linux was designed for the x86. This is the simple but overlooked fact of the Linux revolution: Its roots are in Wintel.

So just as Microsoft has copied Apple's inventions out of necessity, the Linux community copies the inventions of Microsoft out of necessity. This is partly because of the pressure to conform to the dominating standards of look and feel. But also, part of the reason is the Wintel background of the open-source movement. Not everyone in the movement, mind you, just most of the participants. The various user interfaces are compared with Windows. Programs such as GIMP are compared with Windows programs. Though the Linux community does not want to admit this, Linux has become a pale imitation of the evil OS it intends to replace. On some levels, Linux is better, but from most perspectives it is summarized as "not quite as good but a lot cheaper."

Cel članek tu.
Your focus determines your reallity

Airskull ::

Se delno strinjam s tem člankom, res je zanimivo branje.
Hvala za link;)
Every word of this is a lie, and my readers should put no trust in it at all.

andrej ::

John je definitivno faca v nasem poslu.:D Ceprav velikokrat kar bluzi tja v tri dni, ti da vcasih kar mislit.

pred leti sem ga se readno bral, potem pa mi je postal prevec samovsecen pa tudi PC Mag ni vec nic kaj boljsa rac. revija od ostalih...

kuglvinkl ::

Se strinjam, kar nekajkrat je že krepko falil (npr. in na žalost z Newtnom, avantime...). Sam ga berem v Bugu.

Je pa nekoč prišel ven z idejo, da je treba MS nacionalizirat :). To iz ust samovščenega desničarja? :)
Your focus determines your reallity

andrej ::

hja. ceprav newton sploh ni bil slat. za tiste case je bil jako napreden, samo kaj ko si apple ni znal kaj zaceti z njim... skoda...

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