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Canon Pixma IP3000

Canon Pixma IP3000

timek4 ::

Lep pozdrav!

Včeraj sem na računalnik priklopil malo starejši tiskalnik in sicer Canon Pixma IP3000. Problem je v tem da Windows tiskalnik zazna ampak potrebuje "Odpravljanje težav". Vedno piše, da potrebuje posodobitev gonilnikov, čeprav sem jih zlowdal z Canonove uradne strani z gonilniki. Imam Windows 7 SP-1 in sicer 64-bitno verzijo. Poskusil sem vse, od gonilnikov za 32-bitno sedmico, za Visto, itd. Imam tudi nek software od Canona in sicer MyPrinter. Tudi ta mi "teži" za novejše gonilnike. Pomislil sem tudi na to, da je problem v tem, ker na uradni strani z gonilniki je na voljo gonilnik le za Canon IP3000 in ne Canon Pixma IP3000.

Hvala za odgovore.
  • spremenil: timek4 ()

floyd1 ::

To je sicer hudo stara rešitev, a meni dela. Imam enako situacijo kot ti (Pixma IP3000 in Win7 64 bit). Pred "davnimi časi ;)" sem inštaliral tako - finta je, da s Canonove strani cukneš driver od 64 bitnih XP-jev in slediš temu navodilu:

No big deal I thought, just head over to their website and download the latest driver for Vista, right? Nope. All they have for Vista is an "Add-on Module" for the driver. Odd. That got me nowhere.

The first part of the answer was simple. Download the Windows XP 64-bit drivers. Duh.
Here's the link for those that don't want to endure the tedious task of navigating Canon's site and having to close window after window with each link followed.

Why Canon neglects to include the XP driver alongside the useless Vista "Add-on" when "Vista" is selected as the OS is puzzling. I hope this helps someone else afflicted by the poorly-organized site (in Canon's defense, every driver-related site I found does the same thing).

Extract the file you download from Canon's site to a location you'll remember (C:\drivers\Canon\iP3000 would be a good idea).

Now we come to problem number 2. This one isn't quite so simple, though the fix is easy. Windows 7, by default, will not allow unsigned drivers to be installed. So if you simply run the installer from the folder you created above, you'll eventually get an error telling you this. Since so digitally signed driver exists, you'll have to circumvent Microsoft's security.

To do this, reboot the PC, press the F8 key before the Windows logo appears. This will give the option to boot into Safe Mode, Last Known Good Configuration, and a number of other options to boot into a system for troubleshooting purposes. The relevant option in this case would be "Disable Driver Signature Enforcement." Select that, boot up.

Now you should be able to run Canon's driver installer without problems. If you still get the error about an unsigned driver, finish the setup and then proceed to the "Devices and Printers" section of your Control Panel. Add a new printer, (choose "Local" if it's connected directly to the PC in question, "Network" if it's shared on another PC), click on "Have Disk" when asked for the make and model of your Printer, and navigate to the directory where you extracted the file downloaded from Canon's site (in the example above, it was C:\drivers\Canon\iP3000). The driver should install correctly now.

timek4 ::

Ja. Zdaj dela... Res nebi nikoli pomislu, da bi delal s tako starim gonilnikom. Hvala za pomoč

floyd1 ::

Ni problema ;).

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