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Najbolj neumno vprašanje?

Najbolj neumno vprašanje?


ABX ::

Da vidimo komu znese postavit najbolj neumno vprašanje v zvesi računalništva.

Kako odprem nov Topic?:D

Sem slišal da lahko navijem napajalnik z unim malim stikalom vzadaj 110V/220V. Kolko bi se poznalo v Excelu?

Loki ::


freserovski ::

Zakaj mi noče vržt cd-ja ven pri ugašenem računalniku?
Ali lahko ukužim glasbeni stolp z virosom na računalniku?:D:D:D>:D
Problemi so, problemi bodo! Kurc jih gleda!!


Kje pa ma računalnik skrite tako velike možgane? A so v monitorju? Pa zakaj rabimo vse te kable?:\
Be good, be bad ---> JUST KEEP ON OVERCLOCKING...[Heko]

luni ::

Imam matično ploščo Iskra PL-675A, procesor Gorenje 224, ki je hlahen z mojo zlato ribico. Na kolko ga lahko navijem in kako voltazo moram za to nastavit?
Artificial Intelligentia

AlchemY ::

Nisem vedel da imajo racunalniki taksne lepe podstavke za kavo, ga dobis zraven pc zastonj ali je potrebno doplacilo (CD rom):D

Marjan ::

a se lahko iz diskete ki je okužena z virusom lahko prenese virus na drugo disketo, ki je postavljena 15cm stran od nje (btw its real, frend me je to vprasu)

Marjan ::

aja sm pozabu povedat ta frend je šou zdej študerat računalništvo :O

mojsterpeter ::

Ooo lep računalnik!
A je dizel?
In kje ga tankaš...


Sm slišal, da se da okužit računalnik, če v ukazno vrstico napišeš 'upload virus'. kako, da men to ne dela?!?!?!
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.

Senitel ::

Kako zaženem program, ki je na 5 disketah?? Samo dve gresta noter!!>:D

Loki ::

OK ka pa recimo:

Zakaj mi CDRW ne pece z 32 hitrostjo?
CD sem prepognil, da bi roba na njem vzela man prostora, zakaj mi CD-ROM javlja napako?


||_^_|| ::

tale je ze stara>:D:)
Who is that fucking Failure, and why the fuck is he reading my HDD?!

miranpozar ::

Gornji vic gre bolj takole:

- general error reading drive c:
- Whoah! Who's that general and why is he reading my disk?

Saj bi povedal se kaksnega, a vam raje dam en link na Computer Stupidities, pa padite dol, hehe!
Miran Požar, Portorož, http://sites.google.com/site/miranpozar/

OrlyTM ::

Faust (igra od Arxel Tribe) rab 2 mega, moj računalnik ma pa 5 mega, a bo faust delov ? :D:D:D
to me je res včer ena bejba k študira računalništvo prašala. Točno tako kt sm zapisov.

Miran: še boljša izvedenka:

General Protection fault. Kdo je ta general protekšn in kva za boga on dela z mojmu diskam :)):D

<b>Fear is in The Eye Of The Beholder. Don't let it be You!</b>

gorenc ::

One user -- a regular caller of ours -- got herself into some serious computer trouble when she set about cleaning up her system. She had been exploring the hard drive in the file manager and discovered hundreds of files in the Windows directory with all different file extensions. Being of an orderly mind, and with several hours of free time, she had created a TXT folder, a COM folder, a DLL folder, and so forth, and moved all the files into these subdirectories.

We maintain a 24 hour, 800 number call desk for our maintenance contract customers, a very expensive undertaking. Non-contract customers can call as well, but our per-call maintenance charge is $250/hour, with a minimum of three hours. If you only call us occasionally, it's a lot cheaper than a contract, but it's clearly designed to discourage trivial calls.

In 1996 a per-call customer called. "What does MSDOS stand for?" she asked. We told her. Her firm paid the $750 bill without demur.


andro ::

Jaz mam eno: Kak bi lahko sformatiral ram?:)
To have no errors, woud be life without meaning . No strugle no joy!

gorenc ::

PREDNO ME KDO OBTOZI-TO VSE JE POBRANO Z www.rinkworks.com./stupid/8-)

I was getting several "illegal operation" errors on a new Windows 95 machine I was trying out. So I called tech support.

Customer: "I want to buy this computer, but I'm a little concerned that I'm getting so many error messages. Is that common with this machine?"
Tech Support: "Well, we have to reformat the hard disk and reinstall the software every day. That's normal."
Customer: "Wait, wait, wait. You're saying that I will have to reinstall Windows every single time I use the computer?!?"
Tech Support: "When it has errors, ma'am, that's the only way to get rid of them."
Needless to say, I purchased my computer elsewhere, from a store and salesmen that had a clue.

:DTech Support: "How much RAM do you have in the computer?"
Customer: "32 megs."
Tech Support: "Are you using any RAM doubling software?"
Customer: "Yes."
Tech Support: "So you have 16 megs of actual, physical RAM?"
Customer: "No. I have 8 megs. I installed [a RAM expanding product], and that gave me 16. I liked it so much I went out and got [another RAM expanding product]. So now I have 32."

Customer: "You people owe me a new computer."
Tech Support: "You're having trouble with your computer? What seems to be the problem?"
Customer: "Well, I bought some memory from you people, and ever since I installed it into my computer, it's been doing nothing but making grinding noises, and nothing works anymore!"
Tech Support: "Grinding noises?? It shouldn't be doing that!"
Customer: "I know that! That's why you people owe me a new computer, and I'm going to charge you for lost downtime and my inconvenience."
Grinding noises from SIMMs? This was a new one.

Tech Support: "Sir, did you install those chips yourself or did someone do it for you?"
Customer: "I'm not an idiot! I did it myself. I put them right in that slot in the front of the computer, smart aleck."

:Drom a Windows 95 user:

Customer: "I think my computer doesn't know what it is doing."
Tech Support: (pause) "Why? What is the problem with the system?"
Customer: "Well, it keeps asking me, 'What is this?'"

:D:DBack in the early days of Windows 95:

Customer: "I have Windows Thirty One."
Tech Support: "Ok, this program requires either Windows 95 or Win32s. Do you have Win32s on your system?"
Customer: "No, I have Windows Thirty One, not Thirty Two."
Tech Support: "Windows 3.1 is the operating system. Win32s is a program that makes your computer fast like Windows 95."
Customer: "What's Windows Ninety Five got to do with it?"
Tech Supprort: "You need either Windows 95 or Win32s to run this."
Tech Support: (giving up) "Ma'am, your computer is too old. Buy a new one with Windows 95."
Customer: "I've heard about Windows Three Hundred and Eleven. Wouldn't that be better than Ninety Five?"
:D:DMe: "Hi, I have a problem with my left speaker, no sound is coming out of it."
Tech Support: "Have you adjusted the balance in the volume properties?"
Me: "Yes, it's definitely not that, and it's not a sound card or connection problem either. Could you just send me some new speakers? It's still under warranty."
Tech Support: "Errrm, ok, I want you to go to DOS and type 'format c:' and then restore your hard disk from the master CD."
Me: (click)

gorenc ::

Customer: "I have just received your software, but I have these plastic things, what are they?"
Tech Support: "Could you describe them please?"
Customer: "They are black plastic, thin, and square."
Tech Support: "Anything else?"
Customer: "They have a metal bit on one edge."
Tech Support: "Disks?"
Customer: "Well, I don't know, do I? I just brought your package. What do I do with them?"
I see a horrible call ahead, and the customer is quite irate already.

Tech Support: "Put the disks in the drive."
Customer: "What's a drive?"
Tech Support: "The slot in your machine that looks just the right size for the disk."
Customer: "Which machine?"
Tech Support: "Do you have a hard drive?"
Customer: "I have two boxes. One has a picture on it."
Tech Support: "Put the first disk in, metal side first."
Customer: "Ok. It's gone in."
Tech Support: "Go to the 'start' button, then run, then type 'setup'."
Customer: "My computer isn't on. How do I turn it on?"
Tech Support: "Push the button by the drive to eject the disk, and press the button that says 'power' on the machine without the pictures on it."
Customer: "Ok. Done."
Tech Support: "Now put in the disk, go to start, run, and type 'setup'."
Customer: "Oh, it's all working now. Thanks, but your software isn't very easy to use, is it?"


Yohan del Sud ::

evo enga prosto po Dilbertu

- V tistih časih, ko še niso bile na voljo neke "visual" varienate smo vse programirali v binarni kodi. Pa še to včasih enke sploh niso bile na voljo. Program za neko nuklearko sem spisal s samimi ničlami....

- Imeli ste ničle? Mi smo morali uporablajti o-je.

luni ::

Yohan e vidis... to so ti bli maherji, ne pa danasnja mladina :))
Artificial Intelligentia

Sergio ::

Tako grem jaz, tako gre vsak, kdor čuti cilj v daljavi:
če usoda ustavi mu korak,
on se ji zoperstavi.

sleby ::

Hmm jest sm dol padu k sm vidu ->

Keyboard failure od keyboard not found. Press F1 to continue.

.. ceprov je bedna.

KTr1sk ::

Za nadaljevanje pritisno katerokoli tipko! Kje zavraga je katerokoli tipka?

Mercier ::

- Sašaaa!!! Kje je dokument, včeraj sem ga še imela?!

- Kam si ga pa shranila?
- V word.
- Aha.

(to promeni, da ga ni več na listi zadnjih štirih odprtih dokumentov)

BigWhale ::

A ni ze na slo-techu precej tega? ;> Najbolj zanimiva cvetka se mi je pa zdela nekaj v tem stilu:

'Kazalo mi je ful mal crnila v printerju, potem je pa printer kar naenkrat nehal printat, a zdej ce reinstaliram Windowse, a bo spet zacel printat?'

Ya rite! :P

Kar se pa Windows 2000 tice je pa najbolj zanimiv error message v event viewerju:

Service not started because of the following error: Operation completed successfuly'

Za crknt ;>

perci ::

Kliče fotrov sodelavec domov in pravi, da je nekaj klikal, se je odprlo eno okno in potem je kliknil čejnčl in je zadeva izginila. Zanimalo ga je če je kaj zajebal.

Lahko verjamete, da mi ni takoj kapnilo, da je čejnčl enako cancel >:D .

CaqKa ::

bigwhale.. tisti error sem jaz imel celo na winxp :)
ono z keybord not found pres f1 sem pa tudi že v real doživel na svoji mašini :)

fat boy slim ::

En moj kolega ma pa " 17 Mega-bajtn monitor"!!

mare_ ::

Ja js sem pa enkrat dobil:
Error showing error message!

Me en pokliče, k se mu je neki zataknilu pri inštalaciji:
A nej dam zdej tle čontinve al kancel?

mare_ ::

Neumno vprašanje:
Računalnik se noče prižgat. Ma to kej zveze s tem, da je zmankalo elektrike?

moj_nick ::

Ko se je men win98 sesul, ponavad tut ni hotu izpisat sumnikov. Namesto c (s kljukco :D ), mi je napisu f. In genijalen msg:

Prosimo pofakajte

Hisa polna smeha :D

Super Sonic ::

Dober dan- (dobra teta pravi)
dober dan (ji odgovorim)
jest sm pa pršla po eno igrco (pove mladenka)
mmm, igrco? (jah teh mam pa bl mal, si mislm>:D ), mogoče veste naslov le te? (ji odgovorim)
ja ja, ge force 3 titanium
ja takoj prnesm (:P )

Ko sm služil novce preko študenta
Photography is an immediate reaction, drawing is a meditation.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • polepsal: Tomi ()

domeski ::

Kolk barve pa pokur tvoj monitor

JerKoJ ::

stranka: man probleme z instalacijo dosa
support : kva pa je narobe
stranka : ma glup racunalnik mi prav da naj vstavim disketo #3
support : ja in ?
stranka : ma vi ste isto zmesani, sploh vesto kok sem se matru da je sla ze druga disketa not !!!

Gh0st ::

A kdo zna kako priklopit tipkovnico pisalnega stroja na PS/2 port?
you might start believe in Gh0st stories. you're in one. :)

R0K ::

Jest vem. Vzami razdelilec za elektriko in priklopi grafično kartico pa bo delalo.

Gh0st ::

Sm že probu pa ne dela. A če bi dal vmes pretvornik USB/bluetooth bi delalo?
you might start believe in Gh0st stories. you're in one. :)

f|ction ::

Ne !Ne bo delalo-vzemi cepin pa ga nezno premakni v smeri razdelilca da se pojavijo elektricne vrzeli!Nato vse to daj za par minut v vrelo vodo in potemtakem bi hrček mogu mlet kavo!

Old-Death ::

Ej Janez rabm gonilnike za modem.
Janez: Ma ne da se mi pejd na net poiskat.

Mami (po 5 letih latništva pc-ja): Sine zadnjič sem sesala pod mizo, kaj dela tista kišta tm a to rabš?

Jest: Mami dej mi zrihti iz službe win2000
Mami: Ok bom rekla fantom u službi pa ti bojo po mejlu poslal.

hehe enkrat sem ene 7 ur res čist neprestano sedel za računalnikov in prepisoval en text iz zvezka ki sem ga imel poleg monitorja. Na konc sem bil že tolk sfukan da sem se začel zavedat da hočem z miško skočit ven iz monitorja u zvezek pa dat copy/paste. Pol sem šel pa raje spat:)

@ljash ::

v računalniški trgovini:

pride not ena starejša gospa, gleda računalnike in vpraša prodajalca: Teli računalniki majo pa zelo veliko gumbov.

prodajalec: Ja z gumbi bi zgledali zelo čudno...

mare_ ::

Misliš z zadrgami...

Asgard ::

pride enkrat v k nam v trgovino ena gospa pa vprasa : ali imate stojala za cd-je.
jest valda razkazem najprej najdrazje pa do najcenejsih :D . Ona pa gleda enga ka je bil za ene 50 cd-jev pa rece: a ce jih imam samo 20 tudi gre not ali mora biti ravno 50 ?

p.s. stran sem se obrnu ker sem mislil da bom krepal od smeha !!!8-)

Yohan del Sud ::

AAAAAaaaaAaAAAA računalnik z gumbi!!!!!! :O


AAAAAaaaaAaAAAA računalnik z zadrgami!!!!! 8-O

Klemenn ::

Koliko cajta zdrži barva v tem monitorju=? :D

mare_ ::

Sem bratu za hec poslal z net send to sporočilo: An error has occured bla bla bla... This computer will explode in aprox. 10 seconds.

AAAAAAAAAAA, BUM, Markooooo, računalnik bo ekspodiraaaaalll!!!

Pridem k njemu, vidim, kako leži stol na tleh, pa odprta vrata, brata pa nikjer...

McHusch ::

Sem se preprial s fotrom o sofinanciranju nakupa skenerja:

Jest: ... in tko bom skener kupu.
Fotr: Skener?!
Jest: Ja, sej veš, da lahko slike spraviš v računlanik.
Fotr: NE!
Jest: ???
Fotr: Ka ti misliš, da bom zdej jest kupoval dvojne kartuše -- za tiskalnik IN skener?

Gh0st ::

To se mi je dejansko zgodilo:

mat: kam je zginu ta tekst?
jest: kašn text?
mat: pisala sm en text in zdej ga ni več.
jest: kako ni več? si shranila?
mat: kako shranila? a se to ne shranjuje?
jest: avtomatsko? ne. to moraš ti delat.
mat: ja pa kašn računalnik je to? pa sej je biu skor 300 jurjev, kwa si kašna jajca kupu al kaj?
jest: ??? nč jasn. računalnik je čist uredu. ti ne znaš delat z njim.
mat: popizdi, češ ti pa men ne boš govoru kaj znam in kaj ne.

Tok za reference, ne loči diska od RAMa in potem gre meni pamet solit...to se mi je kar dostkrat že zgodilo.
you might start believe in Gh0st stories. you're in one. :)

Macro ::

Pride riba pa rece "GLU,GLU"
Pa pride druga pa rece "GLU,GLU,GLU"
Pa pride tretja pa zatezi "PA PIZDA KWA SIKATE???"

Mene je fotr prasu a je to Mlacom...bli smo pa pred tablo AGT - Racunalniki!!!:\

Izak ::

Ej, red alert sm inštaliral na cd-rom, zto daj cd v cd-rom in ne v cd-rw. Ajaa čaki, wormse sm pa inštaliru na snemalnik zto v cd-romu ne delajo... :D

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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