Forum » Zvok in slika » Kateri televizor?
Kateri televizor?
Temo vidijo: vsi

aalbre ::
Ok. Se zadnje vprasanje... teoreticno recimo da je budget cca 1000 eur. Kateri 40" in kateri 43" bi bil najbolj optimalen?

Tomson ::
Do 1000EUR velikosti 40/43" (glede na razmerje cena/velikost/kvaliteta) so, razvrščene po kvaliteti slike navzgor, daleč najboljše opcije Sony 43W808C za 650EUR (VA FHD), Philips 43PUS6501 (IPS 4k) za 600EUR in Samsung 43KU6402 (VA 4k) za 800EUR ter Sony 43XD8005 (VA 4k) za 800EUR (je še nekaj dobrih alternativ (Sony X8305C, Panasonic CX750, LG UH750V) a za to ceno in velikost je to to.
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Tomson ()

fpbs ::

Tomson ::
Mislim, da ceneje od 1.500€, kolikor je že bil 55B6 nekaj tednov nazaj v ITA ne bomo videli pred drugim letom, če sploh... Bo pa, upajmo, cena v SLO končno padla iz trenutnih 2.400€, a dvomim da bistveno pod 2.000€, z zamikom seveda, kot je v SLO že navada ...
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor

celastala ::
Tomson ti si kralj za ks7000 tukaj, v čem je razlika med

andrej69 ::
Ni razlike.Gre za modela, ki sta namenjena različnima tržiščema.Zato razlika v oznakah.
Ni razlike.Gre za modela, ki sta namenjena različnima tržiščema.Zato razlika v oznakah.

fpbs ::
Mislim, da ceneje od 1.500€, kolikor je že bil 55B6 nekaj tednov nazaj v ITA ne bomo videli pred drugim letom, če sploh... Bo pa, upajmo, cena v SLO končno padla iz trenutnih 2.400€, a dvomim da bistveno pod 2.000€, z zamikom seveda, kot je v SLO že navada ...
Pomembno je, da cene padajo. Čez 2 meseca bodo predstavljeni novi modeli. Pričakujem, da z nižjimi začetnimi cenami od letošnjih. Čez 2 leti pa mogoče izenačene cene z LCDeji.

Tomson ::
Glede na trenutno stanje, ko dobiš LG 55B6 za 1.700€, bodo cene OLEDov čez 2 leti nižje od vseh flagship LCD modelov! ;) Kar je tudi sicer strategija LGja ...
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor

mgermo ::
Čeprav po forumih (avs) pričakujejo višje 2017 cene.
Je pa kul, da se je oled po ceni praktično že izenačil z flagship samsungom.
Je pa kul, da se je oled po ceni praktično že izenačil z flagship samsungom.

fpbs ::
Mislim, da ni niti enega razloga, da bi bile cene OLEDov 2017 višje. LG napoveduje s printanjem OLED panelov znižanje stroškov proizvodnje, postopoma ukinja proizvodnjo LCDejev in jo nadomešča z OLEDi, 2018 bodo začeli s proizvodnjo v novi gigafabriki.

kumer ::
v podjetju bomo nabavili full hd tv
iščemo najcenejši tv 58 ali 60"
tv bo služil kot digitalna informativna tabla in bo zamenjal cca 5 let starega lg
na sem našel ta dva:
je to dobra izbira oz ali se dobi še kje kaj cenejšega
iščemo najcenejši tv 58 ali 60"
tv bo služil kot digitalna informativna tabla in bo zamenjal cca 5 let starega lg
na sem našel ta dva:
je to dobra izbira oz ali se dobi še kje kaj cenejšega

truplo279 ::
Bil sem v mediaworld pa me je prodajalec prepričeval naj rajši kupim Sony XD93 (55) kot pa Oled LG OLED 55b6v. Kaj menite? Cena je skoraj enaka. Prepričajte me še vi. Jst zaenkrat še ostajam pri LG 55UH850V modelu :) Čeprav je tud Sonyjev XD 85 videt dobro. Samsung pa mi ne diši ne vem zakaj :)

Tomson ::
v podjetju bomo nabavili full hd tv
iščemo najcenejši tv 58 ali 60"
tv bo služil kot digitalna informativna tabla in bo zamenjal cca 5 let starega lg
na sem našel ta dva:
je to dobra izbira oz ali se dobi še kje kaj cenejšega
Od omenjenih je še boljša opcija Samsung 60J6200 za 846€ ...
Še ceneje, pa sta edini ok opciji Samsung 58J5250 za 770€ in TLC 58S7806 za 750€ ..
Samsung J6200 je seveda najboljša, ne pa najcenejša opcija izmed naštetih ...
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor

Tomson ::
Bil sem v mediaworld pa me je prodajalec prepričeval naj rajši kupim Sony XD93 (55) kot pa Oled LG OLED 55b6v. Kaj menite? Cena je skoraj enaka. Prepričajte me še vi. Jst zaenkrat še ostajam pri LG 55UH850V modelu :) Čeprav je tud Sonyjev XD 85 videt dobro. Samsung pa mi ne diši ne vem zakaj :)
Bil si v trgovini, naredil primerjavo na lastne oči, zakaj bi te prepričevali, si nisi ustvaril lastnega mnenja? ;)
Oba sta odlična TVja, vsak ima svoje prednosti in slabosti, recimo da je Sony nekoliko boljši pri nižjeločljivostnem in bolj kompresiranem viru, OLED pa je superioren na marsikaterem drugem področju. Sicer pa gre za OLED vs VA, kar pomeni bistveno razliko pri vidnih kotih, če to kaj šteje. Odvisno je predvsem od tebe samega, kaj so tvoje preference, želje, potrebe. Razliko med LCD in OLED pa si poglej še TUKAJ, mogoče bo odločitev kaj lažja ...
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor

Tomson ::
Mogoče v pomoč še tale "review" enega od kupcev LG B6 (lastnik že 2 meseca) iz AvForums, ki zelo lepo, iz stališča uporabnika opiše svoje ugotovitve ...
If like me you're looking to enter the world of serious home AV technology then you have certainly found the right TV to begin your journey!
The B6 was the first item in my multi-step upgrade plan, having scoured the battlefield that is a new TV purchase I'd come to the conclusion that OLED would be my display technology of choice, which with LG at the time being the only company with OLED sets led me to the OLED x6 line of TV's.
After deciding I didn't like the look of soundbar beneath the E6 & G6 sets and deciding 55" was my size choice I carefully considered which compromise to make - do I keep 3D but get a curved panel which I'm not a fan of (the C6) or lose 3D but stick with my preferred flat panel style (B6), the C6 didn't quite make the cut and after 2 months with the B6 here are my findings.
"That is TOO thin!" - That one sentence alone from my fiance gives a good idea of what to expect from the B6 design-wise! The upper portion of the panel is about the same in thickness as an iPhone 6, with the set thickening out towards the lower portion housing the TV's connections.
One thing that is worth mentioning (having upgraded from the LG ub850v) the side HDMI connections feel a little further back from the edge of the TV giving just enough room for HDMI cables to make the 90+ degree turn away from being on show.
In a strange move the power supply for the TV is hardwired into the TV rather than being an IEC cable which you can disconnect, this could cause problems for users looking to wall mount their TV; very odd move from LG here.
The design of the remote also feels a little lazy on LG's part in my opinion, the remote is shared between other 2016 models meaning the B6 remote has a button to active 3D despite not actually being a 3D panel! Additionally in a a bizarre move they've gotten rid of the info button!
Other than those minor issues the magic pointer functionality of the remote works an absolute treat, making web OS 3 a joy to navigate!
Now lets get down to the real important stuff...
Picture quality.
Out of the box I was absolutely stunned by the B6's picture quality, with this being my first OLED I immediately gave the Sin City BluRay a spin and was amazed, all this time I had been used to dark grey masquerading as black but not anymore, this is how dark scenes are supposed to look!
Couple this with the amazing colour pop and you are on to an absolute winner with this set, two months in and it still leaves my jaw on the floor from time to time!
Coming from edge-lit LED I was very nervous when it came time to watch a football match, but instead of an image plagued by horrible banding I was instead treated to motion perfect high quality football nirvana.
Out of the box ISF day/night settings along with the default HDR and Dolby Vision settings are pretty good and perfectly usable however they'll never be as good as getting a professional calibration done. For example prior to my pro-calibration the film grain added to Star Trek Into Darkness was far more noticeable than it should have been simply due to having incorrect settings. Once professionally calibrated this same film-grain was far more subtle and felt as intended, rather than overwhelming the picture.
One other point to consider is that this set will only ever be as good as the source material you feed it, the B6's excellent video processing will really highlight any faults or poor quality found in source material. For example The Revenant UHD BluRay in all its HDR glory will simply blow you away whereas on the flipside of that coin if you view a channel that broadcasts in severely compressed HD or SD it really won't look that good; but in this day and age who is really watching SD channels?
Also with the recent introduction of HDR gaming I'm sure many will be concerned with LAG input but having played both Forza Horizon 3 and the latest Deus Ex in HDR I would personally say this is a null point; I haven't noticed any LAG in HDR mode whatsoever! Many users are calling for a HDR Game Mode and while I'm sure it is something LG have in the pipeline, unless you're a serious competitive gamer I don't think the current lack of such a mode should put you off the B6.
Finally I feel I must address the infamous(?) UHD HDR BluRay stutter issue that many owners have been complaining about over the past couple of months. The latest firmware release (at the time of writing this review) not only resolves the issue but shows LG's dedication to customer service - LG reps actually visiting an AV forum members house to test a fix for the issue in a live environment, I do wonder how many other major TV manufacturers would go to such lengths when it comes to customer service; outstanding stuff from LG in my opinion!
Sound Quality.
I'm afraid I can't really comment much here, with me running the TV into a 5.1 system and before that a soundbar, I haven't really experienced the B6's built in sound capabilities all that much. The odd occasion I have used the built in speakers however, they have seemed sufficient but lacking those lower frequencies that really fill the body of the sound that only a sound bar or surround sound system can deliver.
Final Verdict.
If there was ever a time to dive into the latest in TV technology I would certainly say now is the time to do so, for the current price of the 55B6 you're getting a LOT of TV for your money and that is only going to become more of a true statement in the upcoming months with (hopefully) some great Black Friday, Christmas and January sale bargains to be had.
The outstanding picture quality that is able to dive into the deepest of blacks while then being able to soar to incredible brights in the blink of an eye coupled with it's gorgeous design and wealth of features/in-built apps make the LG 55B6v a real tough TV to compete with!
If like me you're looking to enter the world of serious home AV technology then you have certainly found the right TV to begin your journey!
The B6 was the first item in my multi-step upgrade plan, having scoured the battlefield that is a new TV purchase I'd come to the conclusion that OLED would be my display technology of choice, which with LG at the time being the only company with OLED sets led me to the OLED x6 line of TV's.
After deciding I didn't like the look of soundbar beneath the E6 & G6 sets and deciding 55" was my size choice I carefully considered which compromise to make - do I keep 3D but get a curved panel which I'm not a fan of (the C6) or lose 3D but stick with my preferred flat panel style (B6), the C6 didn't quite make the cut and after 2 months with the B6 here are my findings.
"That is TOO thin!" - That one sentence alone from my fiance gives a good idea of what to expect from the B6 design-wise! The upper portion of the panel is about the same in thickness as an iPhone 6, with the set thickening out towards the lower portion housing the TV's connections.
One thing that is worth mentioning (having upgraded from the LG ub850v) the side HDMI connections feel a little further back from the edge of the TV giving just enough room for HDMI cables to make the 90+ degree turn away from being on show.
In a strange move the power supply for the TV is hardwired into the TV rather than being an IEC cable which you can disconnect, this could cause problems for users looking to wall mount their TV; very odd move from LG here.
The design of the remote also feels a little lazy on LG's part in my opinion, the remote is shared between other 2016 models meaning the B6 remote has a button to active 3D despite not actually being a 3D panel! Additionally in a a bizarre move they've gotten rid of the info button!
Other than those minor issues the magic pointer functionality of the remote works an absolute treat, making web OS 3 a joy to navigate!
Now lets get down to the real important stuff...
Picture quality.
Out of the box I was absolutely stunned by the B6's picture quality, with this being my first OLED I immediately gave the Sin City BluRay a spin and was amazed, all this time I had been used to dark grey masquerading as black but not anymore, this is how dark scenes are supposed to look!
Couple this with the amazing colour pop and you are on to an absolute winner with this set, two months in and it still leaves my jaw on the floor from time to time!
Coming from edge-lit LED I was very nervous when it came time to watch a football match, but instead of an image plagued by horrible banding I was instead treated to motion perfect high quality football nirvana.
Out of the box ISF day/night settings along with the default HDR and Dolby Vision settings are pretty good and perfectly usable however they'll never be as good as getting a professional calibration done. For example prior to my pro-calibration the film grain added to Star Trek Into Darkness was far more noticeable than it should have been simply due to having incorrect settings. Once professionally calibrated this same film-grain was far more subtle and felt as intended, rather than overwhelming the picture.
One other point to consider is that this set will only ever be as good as the source material you feed it, the B6's excellent video processing will really highlight any faults or poor quality found in source material. For example The Revenant UHD BluRay in all its HDR glory will simply blow you away whereas on the flipside of that coin if you view a channel that broadcasts in severely compressed HD or SD it really won't look that good; but in this day and age who is really watching SD channels?
Also with the recent introduction of HDR gaming I'm sure many will be concerned with LAG input but having played both Forza Horizon 3 and the latest Deus Ex in HDR I would personally say this is a null point; I haven't noticed any LAG in HDR mode whatsoever! Many users are calling for a HDR Game Mode and while I'm sure it is something LG have in the pipeline, unless you're a serious competitive gamer I don't think the current lack of such a mode should put you off the B6.
Finally I feel I must address the infamous(?) UHD HDR BluRay stutter issue that many owners have been complaining about over the past couple of months. The latest firmware release (at the time of writing this review) not only resolves the issue but shows LG's dedication to customer service - LG reps actually visiting an AV forum members house to test a fix for the issue in a live environment, I do wonder how many other major TV manufacturers would go to such lengths when it comes to customer service; outstanding stuff from LG in my opinion!
Sound Quality.
I'm afraid I can't really comment much here, with me running the TV into a 5.1 system and before that a soundbar, I haven't really experienced the B6's built in sound capabilities all that much. The odd occasion I have used the built in speakers however, they have seemed sufficient but lacking those lower frequencies that really fill the body of the sound that only a sound bar or surround sound system can deliver.
Final Verdict.
If there was ever a time to dive into the latest in TV technology I would certainly say now is the time to do so, for the current price of the 55B6 you're getting a LOT of TV for your money and that is only going to become more of a true statement in the upcoming months with (hopefully) some great Black Friday, Christmas and January sale bargains to be had.
The outstanding picture quality that is able to dive into the deepest of blacks while then being able to soar to incredible brights in the blink of an eye coupled with it's gorgeous design and wealth of features/in-built apps make the LG 55B6v a real tough TV to compete with!
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor

kumer ::
v podjetju bomo nabavili full hd tv
iščemo najcenejši tv 58 ali 60"
tv bo služil kot digitalna informativna tabla in bo zamenjal cca 5 let starega lg
na sem našel ta dva:
je to dobra izbira oz ali se dobi še kje kaj cenejšega
Od omenjenih je še boljša opcija Samsung 60J6200 za 846€ ...
Še ceneje, pa sta edini ok opciji Samsung 58J5250 za 770€ in TLC 58S7806 za 750€ ..
Samsung J6200 je seveda najboljša, ne pa najcenejša opcija izmed naštetih ...
smo se odločili da vzamemo 60", verjetno bomo vzeli SAMSUNG LED TV UE60J6202, verjetno je to novejši model in boljši kot J6200
če se motim pa me popravi

bojanpo ::
Kar sem se enim sodelavcem ravnokar poslal: After reading this user review, I just want to go and buy this OLED B6 thingy.
Mogoce komu v pomoc, kakor geizhals in je tudi italijanska stran na voljo za cekiranje razlik med cenami:
Se morebiti kaksna? Trenutno ne najdem modela pod cca 1,8k€. Za 55" omenjam. Sicer me pa prsti srbijo in ce najdem (verjetno sanjam) za nekje 2,5 - 2,8k 65" model, se odpravim ponj.
Mogoce komu v pomoc, kakor geizhals in je tudi italijanska stran na voljo za cekiranje razlik med cenami:
Se morebiti kaksna? Trenutno ne najdem modela pod cca 1,8k€. Za 55" omenjam. Sicer me pa prsti srbijo in ce najdem (verjetno sanjam) za nekje 2,5 - 2,8k 65" model, se odpravim ponj.
Mogoče v pomoč še tale "review" enega od kupcev LG B6 (lastnik že 2 meseca) iz AvForums, ki zelo lepo, iz stališča uporabnika opiše svoje ugotovitve ...
If like me you're looking to enter the world of serious home AV technology then you have certainly found the right TV to begin your journey!
The B6 was the first item in my multi-step upgrade plan, having scoured the battlefield that is a new TV purchase I'd come to the conclusion that OLED would be my display technology of choice, which with LG at the time being the only company with OLED sets led me to the OLED x6 line of TV's.
After deciding I didn't like the look of soundbar beneath the E6 & G6 sets and deciding 55" was my size choice I carefully considered which compromise to make - do I keep 3D but get a curved panel which I'm not a fan of (the C6) or lose 3D but stick with my preferred flat panel style (B6), the C6 didn't quite make the cut and after 2 months with the B6 here are my findings.
"That is TOO thin!" - That one sentence alone from my fiance gives a good idea of what to expect from the B6 design-wise! The upper portion of the panel is about the same in thickness as an iPhone 6, with the set thickening out towards the lower portion housing the TV's connections.
One thing that is worth mentioning (having upgraded from the LG ub850v) the side HDMI connections feel a little further back from the edge of the TV giving just enough room for HDMI cables to make the 90+ degree turn away from being on show.
In a strange move the power supply for the TV is hardwired into the TV rather than being an IEC cable which you can disconnect, this could cause problems for users looking to wall mount their TV; very odd move from LG here.
The design of the remote also feels a little lazy on LG's part in my opinion, the remote is shared between other 2016 models meaning the B6 remote has a button to active 3D despite not actually being a 3D panel! Additionally in a a bizarre move they've gotten rid of the info button!
Other than those minor issues the magic pointer functionality of the remote works an absolute treat, making web OS 3 a joy to navigate!
Now lets get down to the real important stuff...
Picture quality.
Out of the box I was absolutely stunned by the B6's picture quality, with this being my first OLED I immediately gave the Sin City BluRay a spin and was amazed, all this time I had been used to dark grey masquerading as black but not anymore, this is how dark scenes are supposed to look!
Couple this with the amazing colour pop and you are on to an absolute winner with this set, two months in and it still leaves my jaw on the floor from time to time!
Coming from edge-lit LED I was very nervous when it came time to watch a football match, but instead of an image plagued by horrible banding I was instead treated to motion perfect high quality football nirvana.
Out of the box ISF day/night settings along with the default HDR and Dolby Vision settings are pretty good and perfectly usable however they'll never be as good as getting a professional calibration done. For example prior to my pro-calibration the film grain added to Star Trek Into Darkness was far more noticeable than it should have been simply due to having incorrect settings. Once professionally calibrated this same film-grain was far more subtle and felt as intended, rather than overwhelming the picture.
One other point to consider is that this set will only ever be as good as the source material you feed it, the B6's excellent video processing will really highlight any faults or poor quality found in source material. For example The Revenant UHD BluRay in all its HDR glory will simply blow you away whereas on the flipside of that coin if you view a channel that broadcasts in severely compressed HD or SD it really won't look that good; but in this day and age who is really watching SD channels?
Also with the recent introduction of HDR gaming I'm sure many will be concerned with LAG input but having played both Forza Horizon 3 and the latest Deus Ex in HDR I would personally say this is a null point; I haven't noticed any LAG in HDR mode whatsoever! Many users are calling for a HDR Game Mode and while I'm sure it is something LG have in the pipeline, unless you're a serious competitive gamer I don't think the current lack of such a mode should put you off the B6.
Finally I feel I must address the infamous(?) UHD HDR BluRay stutter issue that many owners have been complaining about over the past couple of months. The latest firmware release (at the time of writing this review) not only resolves the issue but shows LG's dedication to customer service - LG reps actually visiting an AV forum members house to test a fix for the issue in a live environment, I do wonder how many other major TV manufacturers would go to such lengths when it comes to customer service; outstanding stuff from LG in my opinion!
Sound Quality.
I'm afraid I can't really comment much here, with me running the TV into a 5.1 system and before that a soundbar, I haven't really experienced the B6's built in sound capabilities all that much. The odd occasion I have used the built in speakers however, they have seemed sufficient but lacking those lower frequencies that really fill the body of the sound that only a sound bar or surround sound system can deliver.
Final Verdict.
If there was ever a time to dive into the latest in TV technology I would certainly say now is the time to do so, for the current price of the 55B6 you're getting a LOT of TV for your money and that is only going to become more of a true statement in the upcoming months with (hopefully) some great Black Friday, Christmas and January sale bargains to be had.
The outstanding picture quality that is able to dive into the deepest of blacks while then being able to soar to incredible brights in the blink of an eye coupled with it's gorgeous design and wealth of features/in-built apps make the LG 55B6v a real tough TV to compete with!

Tomson ::
smo se odločili da vzamemo 60", verjetno bomo vzeli SAMSUNG LED TV UE60J6202, verjetno je to novejši model in boljši kot J6200
če se motim pa me popravi
Modela J6000 in J6002 sta popolnoma enaka, razlika je le tržišče, za katerega sta namenjena, zato tudi razlika v ceni. Vzamite cenejšega! ;)
Se morebiti kaksna? Trenutno ne najdem modela pod cca 1,8k€. Za 55" omenjam. Sicer me pa prsti srbijo in ce najdem (verjetno sanjam) za nekje 2,5 - 2,8k 65" model, se odpravim ponj.
Glede na to, da se v ITA že kar nekaj časa najde 65" B6 za 3.150€, bo cena konec leta ali v začetku drugega ali najkasneje proti začetku prodaje novega modela še defenitivno padla. 2.500€ je sicer kar optimistično, a LG po drugi strani vodi kar agresivno politiko nižanja cen.
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Tomson ()

Tomson ::
Mogoce komu v pomoc, kakor geizhals in je tudi italijanska stran na voljo za cekiranje razlik med cenami:
Se morebiti kaksna?
Trovaprezzi je trenutno najmočnejša tovrstna opcija za Italijo, sicer pa imaš za večino evropskih držav na voljo še: LeGuide, PriceRunner, Idealo, Kelkoo, Twenga ... (samo dodaš končnico države)
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor

Han ::
Tale (Samsung UE40ES5500) je bil pred štirimi letni vstopni Smart TV, ki potrebuje za brezžični internet WiFi dongle (USB ključek). Ker nima premaza proti bleščanju (glossy panel), so barve bolj žive... 290 eur je malo pretirano, razen če je res kot nov in če rabiš Smart funkcije, ki so večinoma neuporabne. Edini plus proti 3 leta novejšemu UE40J5100 je možnost snemanja na HDD ali USB ključ.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Han ()

Tomson ::
Zakaj bi kupil 4-leta star 40" Samsung serije 5, če lahko za isti denar dobiš nov, bistveno novejši 40" model serije 5, ki je na vsek področjih boljši?
Iz Hdtvtest ...
Iz Hdtvtest ...
The Samsung UE40ES5500 is a decent budget 40? LCD-based HDTV, although it doesn't excel in enough areas to get an all-out recommendation. Overall image quality is a step back compared to what we've seen from Series 5 in the past: in particular, we remember that the LE40B550 (three generations before) featured a panel of comparable quality to those found higher up in the range, with less low-tone smearing, and on certain units, a full colour management system with near-perfect accuracy. Perhaps the addition of "Smart TV" features at this price point has forced compromises elsewhere?
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor

aalbre ::
Hvala fanta. Ne poznam tega modela, nisem vedel da je tako star (iz oglasa sodeč bi reku da ima par mesecev). Se strinjam z vama...

ciao ::
Samsung UE60KU6072
LG 60UH605
Prosim za pomoč, Odločujem se med temi televizorji. LG je najcenejši, samsunga sta malenkost dražja. Katerega se najbolj splača vzeti.
Samsung UE60KU6072
LG 60UH605
Prosim za pomoč, Odločujem se med temi televizorji. LG je najcenejši, samsunga sta malenkost dražja. Katerega se najbolj splača vzeti.

OK.d ::
No ko smo ravno pri starih tv-jih, ali mogoče kdo pozna skrite servisne menije, da se vidi koliko ur je bil tv v uporabi.

Anney ::
Obstajata samo dva načina kako živeti svoje življenje:
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.

Tomson ::
Samsung UE60KU6072
LG 60UH605
Prosim za pomoč, Odločujem se med temi televizorji. LG je najcenejši, samsunga sta malenkost dražja. Katerega se najbolj splača vzeti.
Samsung serija KU 6 je kar boljša opcija od omenjenega LGja. Sicer pa sta KU6000 in KU6072 enaka, vzameš KU6072, ker je cenejši.
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor

rini ::

MaticKregar ::
Lep pozdrav. Rabim tv do 270 eur, velikost 32. Bo ta ok?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: MaticKregar ()

Tomson ::
Je ok, sicer pa imaš še nekaj dobrih opcij, Philips 4101, LG LH570 in še za las boljšo varianto, Sony WD600 ...
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor

andrej69 ::
MaticKregar je izjavil:
Lep pozdrav. Rabim tv do 270 eur, velikost 32. Bo ta ok?
Jaz bi ti kar priporočil, tale Samsung model.

MaticKregar ::
Hvala, vseeno padla odločitev za večji tv. Kaj pa ta model?

andrej69 ::
MaticKregar je izjavil:
Hvala, vseeno padla odločitev za večji tv. Kaj pa ta model?
Lahko vzameš tudi ta model.

darkozz ::
Še nekaj za vse, ki si želite LG-jev OLED TV za novo leto, ampak zanj niste pripravljeni odšteti več kot 1200 EUR:
LG 55EG910V OLED Full HD 3D curved TV je v Italiji na voljo za 1189 EUR.
Pred novim letom bo cena verjetno še padla, morda celo do 1000 EUR, tako da mi ta TV deluje kot zelo dobra alternativa B6 in LED TV-jem v cenovnem razredu 1200-2000 EUR, še posebej zaradi bolj kvalitetne slike gibanja (športa itd.), seveda v primeru, da vam UHD in HDR nista pomembna in vas ukrivljenost zaslona ne moti.
Priporočam ogled posnetka LG 55EG9100 OLED Live Demo and Review, ki bo pomanjkljivosti tega TV-ja, opisane v recenziji na, prikazal v bolj realni luči.
LG 55EG910V OLED Full HD 3D curved TV je v Italiji na voljo za 1189 EUR.
Pred novim letom bo cena verjetno še padla, morda celo do 1000 EUR, tako da mi ta TV deluje kot zelo dobra alternativa B6 in LED TV-jem v cenovnem razredu 1200-2000 EUR, še posebej zaradi bolj kvalitetne slike gibanja (športa itd.), seveda v primeru, da vam UHD in HDR nista pomembna in vas ukrivljenost zaslona ne moti.
Priporočam ogled posnetka LG 55EG9100 OLED Live Demo and Review, ki bo pomanjkljivosti tega TV-ja, opisane v recenziji na, prikazal v bolj realni luči.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: darkozz ()

Longinus ::
Tak ,danes sem vrnil svoj pokvarjen Samsung KS7002.
Z prodajalci smo ugotovili da se pojavljajo črte na desni strani ekrana.
Zunanjih poskodb tv ni imel.
Žal smo naredili samo reklamacijski zapisnik.
tak da mi zdaj ne preostane drugega kot pa da čakam na odgovor.
Sem pa v dilemi al naj še enkrat vzamem Samsung KS7002 al pa naj probam Sony KD55XD8577S oz KD55XD8505B SONY
Z prodajalci smo ugotovili da se pojavljajo črte na desni strani ekrana.
Zunanjih poskodb tv ni imel.
Žal smo naredili samo reklamacijski zapisnik.
tak da mi zdaj ne preostane drugega kot pa da čakam na odgovor.
Sem pa v dilemi al naj še enkrat vzamem Samsung KS7002 al pa naj probam Sony KD55XD8577S oz KD55XD8505B SONY
wir sind die herscher,wir sind die sklaven
wir sind uber all, wir sind nirgends
wir sind die herscher der purpurnen fluse
wir sind uber all, wir sind nirgends
wir sind die herscher der purpurnen fluse

Tomson ::
Če si bil s TVjem v celoti zadovoljen mu daj še eno priložnost, omenjeni Sony je na marsikaterem področju korak nazaj. Presodi sam: Samsung vs Sony
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor

darkozz ::
Sem pa v dilemi al naj še enkrat vzamem Samsung KS7002 al pa naj probam Sony KD55XD8577S oz KD55XD8505B SONY
Strinjam se s Tomsonom, če povzamem: Sony ima IPS edge LED panel s poslednično nižjim kontrastom in slabšim prikazom črne barve, ima pa zato boljše vidne kote. Pojdi si ga ogledat v živo in preizkusi odzivnost in delovanje Androida. Neglede na vse ostalo, če se ti po občutku Sony ne bo zdel vsaj enako dober, raje še enkrat vzemi Samsunga, garancijo tako imaš in se v primeru kakšne nove napake lahko odločiš za drug model.

Tomson ::
V trgovini žal slika ne bo realna, vsaj kar se tiče prikaza črne barve, le ta pride do izraza, ko se v prostoru ugasnejo luči ...
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor

? ? ? ::
Pozdravljeni, sem v fazi nakupa novega tv-ja. Par dejstev...do1300eur., oddaljenost 3m(dnevna soba), SD signal(osnovna TV shema, šport, filmi), želja IPS ni pa nujno.
Nekako sem imel v mislih LG55uh7700 ali LG55uh8507.
Zanima me razlika med LG55uh8507 in LG55uh850V?
LG55UH8507 Je ta televizor vreden denarja? Mi priporočate katero drugo znamko oziroma model z boljšimi karakteristikami v tem cenovnem razredu?
Nekako sem imel v mislih LG55uh7700 ali LG55uh8507.
Zanima me razlika med LG55uh8507 in LG55uh850V?
LG55UH8507 Je ta televizor vreden denarja? Mi priporočate katero drugo znamko oziroma model z boljšimi karakteristikami v tem cenovnem razredu?

Tomson ::
UH850 in UH8507 sta enaka, gre le za drugo tržišče, zato razlike v ceni. Lahko je kakšna razlika v dodatnem tunerju, a po kvaliteti slike in splošni opremi ni razlik.
UH850 je dejansko eden najboljših IPS TVjev, UH770 je nekoliko slabši, predvsem zelo zaostaja pri uniformiranosti črne barve, čeprav gre v obeh primerih za IPS panel. Če gledaš TV v zatemnjenem prostoru je to kar pomembna razlika. UH850 je tudi boljši pri prikazovanju gibanja. (šport, hitri prehodi). Še ena velika razlika v prid UH850 je predvajanje 24p vsebin pa omeniti še velja zvok, ki je na UH850 boljši, Lahko si tudi sam prebereš primerjavo: UH770 vs UH850
UH850 je dejansko eden najboljših IPS TVjev, UH770 je nekoliko slabši, predvsem zelo zaostaja pri uniformiranosti črne barve, čeprav gre v obeh primerih za IPS panel. Če gledaš TV v zatemnjenem prostoru je to kar pomembna razlika. UH850 je tudi boljši pri prikazovanju gibanja. (šport, hitri prehodi). Še ena velika razlika v prid UH850 je predvajanje 24p vsebin pa omeniti še velja zvok, ki je na UH850 boljši, Lahko si tudi sam prebereš primerjavo: UH770 vs UH850
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor

verakis ::
Prosim za pomoč - nabavil Sony KDL 50W808C v upanju, da bodo predvsem športni programi OK - na forumu omenjen kot zelo dobra izbira v rangu cca. 800€.
Slika je katastrofa - ali so potrebne kake posebne nastavitve (imam nast. na footbal...).
Pred tem bil na CRT ekranu, to je prva izkušnja z LCD. Zaenkrat še prikluček preko SCART na komunikator (AMIS).
Tudi drobni tisk (reklame) pvsem razmazan. Razdalja gledanja cca. 3m.
Slika je katastrofa - ali so potrebne kake posebne nastavitve (imam nast. na footbal...).
Pred tem bil na CRT ekranu, to je prva izkušnja z LCD. Zaenkrat še prikluček preko SCART na komunikator (AMIS).
Tudi drobni tisk (reklame) pvsem razmazan. Razdalja gledanja cca. 3m.

MadMax ::
Preko scarta pač ne moreš dobiti resolucije boljše kot 720×576 (če se ne motim), ne glede na to koliko pixlov ima nov tv. HDMI kabel bi naredil občutno razliko.
Kar se pa barv oz. same slike tiče se pa malce zakoplji v osnovne nastavitve, skoraj vsi tvji imajo po defaultu preveč kontrastno in presvetlo sliko ("prežgano").
Kar se pa barv oz. same slike tiče se pa malce zakoplji v osnovne nastavitve, skoraj vsi tvji imajo po defaultu preveč kontrastno in presvetlo sliko ("prežgano").
Stvari so preproste, le ljudje smo neverjetni mojstri, da jih zakompliciramo.

darkozz ::
Slika je katastrofa - ali so potrebne kake posebne nastavitve (imam nast. na footbal...).
Pred tem bil na CRT ekranu, to je prva izkušnja z LCD. Zaenkrat še prikluček preko SCART na komunikator (AMIS).
Tudi drobni tisk (reklame) pvsem razmazan. Razdalja gledanja cca. 3m.
Neglede na znamko ali model TV-ja, je slika ponavadi najboljša v načinih movie, cinema, ISF day / night, expert ali custom. Nastavi TV po teh nastavitvah za Sony W800C in, kot je MadMax že omenil, uporabi HDMI kabel.

Tomson ::
TUKAJ so tudi zelo dobre "calibration settings" za W80xC in kot rečeno, defenitivno presedlaj na HDMI ...
TUKAJ so tudi zelo dobre "calibration settings" za W80xC in kot rečeno, defenitivno presedlaj na HDMI ...
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor

staher ::
Kopujem novi tv, navedlel bi kaj bi rad imel.
- Velikost 55"-60" raje 60"
- 3D ja
- internet, smart ne poterbujem razenn, če ni druge možnosti.
- cena do 1500€
kaj mi svetujete? kateri model in znamka?
Kopujem novi tv, navedlel bi kaj bi rad imel.
- Velikost 55"-60" raje 60"
- 3D ja
- internet, smart ne poterbujem razenn, če ni druge možnosti.
- cena do 1500€
kaj mi svetujete? kateri model in znamka?

Invictus ::
Prosim za pomoč - nabavil Sony KDL 50W808C v upanju, da bodo predvsem športni programi OK - na forumu omenjen kot zelo dobra izbira v rangu cca. 800€.
Slika je katastrofa - ali so potrebne kake posebne nastavitve (imam nast. na footbal...).
Pred tem bil na CRT ekranu, to je prva izkušnja z LCD. Zaenkrat še prikluček preko SCART na komunikator (AMIS).
Tudi drobni tisk (reklame) pvsem razmazan. Razdalja gledanja cca. 3m.
Zamenjaj za komunikator s HDMI. Če ga nimajo, zamenjaj operaterja

"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."

andrej69 ::
Kopujem novi tv, navedlel bi kaj bi rad imel.
- Velikost 55"-60" raje 60"
- 3D ja
- internet, smart ne poterbujem razenn, če ni druge možnosti.
- cena do 1500EUR
kaj mi svetujete? kateri model in znamka?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: andrej69 ()

Modri dirkač ::
Prosim za pomoč - nabavil Sony KDL 50W808C v upanju, da bodo predvsem športni programi OK - na forumu omenjen kot zelo dobra izbira v rangu cca. 800€.
Slika je katastrofa - ali so potrebne kake posebne nastavitve (imam nast. na footbal...).
Pred tem bil na CRT ekranu, to je prva izkušnja z LCD. Zaenkrat še prikluček preko SCART na komunikator (AMIS).
Tudi drobni tisk (reklame) pvsem razmazan. Razdalja gledanja cca. 3m.
Kaj pa pričakuješ preko ŠKART? 4K kvaliteto?
Everybody lies!

m0LN4r ::
Vprasanje za vas specialce, kateri 4K TVji 100% podpirajo HDR over HDMI ?
Namrec vedno naletim na take stvari:
Rezultat je bil, da je Sony iz opisa odstranil, da podpira HDR...
Torej TV oglasuje HDR v resnici pa to ne deluje tocno tako, kot pricakovano. Recimo PC->TV HDMI naveza.
Isto pri Hisense TVju kjer pise, da podpira HDR je en kup negativnih komentarjev, da zadeva ne deluje. Odgovor proizvajalca pa, da pride update, ki v bistvu ne pride.
Isto ima kolega Sonyja:
Each HDMI connector can be individually optimised for
HDMI UHD Color. However, HDMI UHD Color is available only with a video source featuring the specification of UHD 50P/60P 4:4:4 and 4:2:2.
Zadeva sicer dela na 60p 4:4:4 ne dela pa HDR
Na steamu pravijo, da Samsung KS8000 podpira HDR tako kot treba v recimo Shadow Warrior 2, kako pa je z Netflix in Prime, ko pridejo HDR vsebine?
Namrec vedno naletim na take stvari:
Rezultat je bil, da je Sony iz opisa odstranil, da podpira HDR...
Torej TV oglasuje HDR v resnici pa to ne deluje tocno tako, kot pricakovano. Recimo PC->TV HDMI naveza.
Isto pri Hisense TVju kjer pise, da podpira HDR je en kup negativnih komentarjev, da zadeva ne deluje. Odgovor proizvajalca pa, da pride update, ki v bistvu ne pride.
Isto ima kolega Sonyja:
Each HDMI connector can be individually optimised for
HDMI UHD Color. However, HDMI UHD Color is available only with a video source featuring the specification of UHD 50P/60P 4:4:4 and 4:2:2.
Zadeva sicer dela na 60p 4:4:4 ne dela pa HDR
Na steamu pravijo, da Samsung KS8000 podpira HDR tako kot treba v recimo Shadow Warrior 2, kako pa je z Netflix in Prime, ko pridejo HDR vsebine?
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM
Trade Republic 38MVDVXM