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Tv serije
Temo vidijo: vsi

SambaShare ::
IMDB ocene za serije so že dolgo časa popolnoma neuporabne. Generalno previsoke, morajo biti plačani reviewi (boti). Recenzije pa preveč polarizirane, je vpaktično vse 1/2 ali 9/10.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: SambaShare ()

delavec44 ::
Slo-tech je enako polariziran. Kaj ti potem ostane? RT audience score (critic je čisto neuporaben)?
Je pa na tem primeru precej imdb recenzij na 4-6 oceni. Kar pa je meni premalo za dobro serijo.
Je pa na tem primeru precej imdb recenzij na 4-6 oceni. Kar pa je meni premalo za dobro serijo.

Pithlit ::
Slo-tech je enako polariziran. Kaj ti potem ostane? RT audience score (critic je čisto neuporaben)?
Ne. Sem ti povedala. Če mal slediš temam v sedem umetnosti pol ti hitro postane jasno kdo ima okus podoben tvojemu. Ostale pač ne upoštevaš preveč.
Jaz recimo vem koga vse moti ta famozni 'woke' in vas jemljem z veliko rezerve. Ker pogosto to pač prevlada kot argument proti nečemu, tudi če je drugače stvar povsem spodobna. Sistem deluje, večinoma.
Life is as complicated as we make it...

delavec44 ::
Moj vidik je, normalna serija ima recimo 15% možnosti da mi bo dobra. Če je ta serija woke, je pa ta procent mogoče 1. Ne zato ker je woke, ampak ker ima nesposobne scenariste, ki woke izpostavljajo kot jedro serije. Veliko starih serij je že bilo "woke" preden so izumili ta izraz pa so povsem ok, ker je bila tudi zgodba kvalitetna.
Lahko mi pa ti priporočiš kakšno novejšo povsem spodobno woke serijo s kvalitetno zgodbo in character arc-om.
Lahko mi pa ti priporočiš kakšno novejšo povsem spodobno woke serijo s kvalitetno zgodbo in character arc-om.

Pithlit ::
Težko, ker ne vem kaj iščeš. Pa jaz se tudi ne trudim iskat 'woke' serij. Ker enostavno nisem občutljiva na to tematiko.
Life is as complicated as we make it...

delavec44 ::
Hvala za predlog, bom preveril. Ne vem pa, če spada to pod woke. Na prvi pogled mi ne zgleda.

c3p0 ::
Da malo prekinem to prepucavanje...
Priporočam "EXIT", skandinavska drama, po dolgem času nekaj spodobnega za ogled. Je tudi na Voyo.
Priporočam "EXIT", skandinavska drama, po dolgem času nekaj spodobnega za ogled. Je tudi na Voyo.

buttcrack ::

klempo ::
Invitación a un Asesinato aka A Deadly Invitation Season 1 Netflix
Olivia Uriarte is a woman recently divorced from her fifth husband and completely ruined. Intent on preventing the impending decline, Olivia hatches a detailed plan to bring about her death...or rather, her murder.
Lupin Season 3 Netflix
Inspired by the adventures of Ars?ne Lupin, gentleman thief Assane Diop sets out to avenge his father for an injustice inflicted by a wealthy family.
Loki Season 2 Disney+
The mercurial villain Loki resumes his role as the God of Mischief in a new series that takes place after the events of "Avengers: Endgame."
Our Flag Means Death Season 2 Max
The year is 1717. Wealthy land-owner Stede Bonnet has a midlife crisis and decides to blow up his cushy life to become a pirate. It does not go well. Based on a true story.
Chucky Season 3 SyFy
After a vintage Chucky doll turns up at a suburban yard sale, an idyllic American town is thrown into chaos as a series of horrifying murders begin to expose the town's hypocrisies and secrets.
SurrealEstate Season 2 SyFy
Realtor Luke Roman and an elite team of specialists handle the cases that no one else can: haunted and possessed houses that literally scare would-be buyers away.
Codename Annika Season 1 SkyShow
Finnish art crime investigator Emma Haka infiltrates a Stockholm art auction in an undercover mission that turns out to be more dangerous than expected and digs deep into her own secrets - her undercover role is based on a real person.

yayo ::
Če se Lupin v tretji sezoni še ukvarja z onim starim penzionerjem potem je bolje, da zamenja obrt.

Yossarian ::
Sem pogledal 1. del 2. sezone Lokija. Pa kaj ga toliko serjejo s temi časovnimi potovanji? Čisto sem se izgubil, kaj je bilo prej, sedanjost... Enako so uničili tudi Agents of S.H.I.E L.D. Še ima kdo drug težave s temi časovnimi zankami?
Nikoli se ne prepiraj z idiotom, ker te bo potegnil
dol na svoj nivo in te premagal s svojimi izkušnjami.
dol na svoj nivo in te premagal s svojimi izkušnjami.

jb_j ::
proizvajalci filmski serij, se zavedajo, da so ocene Serij zelo pomembne
in se v zadnjih časih, veliko bolj "napumpajo" ocene samih serij,
čeprav so ne gledljive
ampak na takšne načine, pridobijo mnogo, mnogo Gledalcev
(nekaj je takšnih primerov, ko so bile serije zelo visoko ocenejene,
ampak, ko so jih gledalci začeli gledati,
so ocene močno padle)
ker pa obstaja tudi močan monopol, pri recenzorjih,
so še vedno visoke ocene, pri zelo mizernih in negledljivih serijah
in se v zadnjih časih, veliko bolj "napumpajo" ocene samih serij,
čeprav so ne gledljive
ampak na takšne načine, pridobijo mnogo, mnogo Gledalcev
(nekaj je takšnih primerov, ko so bile serije zelo visoko ocenejene,
ampak, ko so jih gledalci začeli gledati,
so ocene močno padle)
ker pa obstaja tudi močan monopol, pri recenzorjih,
so še vedno visoke ocene, pri zelo mizernih in negledljivih serijah
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: jb_j ()

delavec44 ::
Sem pogledal 1. del 2. sezone Lokija. Pa kaj ga toliko serjejo s temi časovnimi potovanji? Čisto sem se izgubil, kaj je bilo prej, sedanjost... Enako so uničili tudi Agents of S.H.I.E L.D. Še ima kdo drug težave s temi časovnimi zankami?
Leni scenaristi. Plus tega ni več nobene finalnosti, tudi če kdo umre, bodo že skočili nazaj in ga rešili.
Enako je z multiverse.

klempo ::
Shining Vale Season 2 STARZ
A family moves to a small town into a house in which terrible atrocities have taken place. But nobody seems to notice except for Pat, who's convinced she's either depressed or possessed--turns out, the symptoms are exactly the same.
Goosebumps Season 1 Disney+
A group of five high schoolers unleash supernatural forces upon their town, now they must work together in order to save it.
Everybody Loves Diamonds Season 1 Amazon Prime
Follows a team of small-time Italian thieves who manage to deceive top-level security to steal millions of dollars' worth of precious stones from the Antwerp Diamond Centre.
Lessons in Chemistry Season 1 Apple TV+
Set in the early 1960s, Elizabeth Zott's dream of being a chemist is put on hold when she finds herself pregnant, alone, and fired from her lab.
The Fall of the House of Usher Season 1 Netflix
To secure their fortune (and future) two ruthless siblings build a family dynasty that begins to crumble when their heirs mysteriously die, one by one.
Frasier Season 1 Paramount+
Frasier is off to a different city with new challenges to face, new relationships to forge, and an old dream or two to finally fulfill. Frasier has re-entered the building.

klempo ::
Billy The Kid Season 2 EPIX
An epic romantic adventure based on the life of Billy the Kid, from his humble Irish roots and his early days as a cowboy and gunslinger in the American frontier, to his pivotal role in the Lincoln County War and beyond.

klempo ::
Monarch Legacy of Monsters Season 1 Apple TV+
Set after the battle between Godzilla and the Titans, revealing that monsters are real, follows one family's journey to uncover its buried secrets and a legacy linking them to Monarch.

Mr.B ::
Imam vprasanje glede Foundation tv serije.
Prebral sem od isaac asimov tri knjige: foundation trilogy, Prelude to Foundation in Foundation and Earth. Je se ene par knjig... Samo a sem kej falil. Ker nekako mi ne klapa s serijo. Ok idejo serije razumem on povezave, samo direktno nekako ne klapa. In to bolj ne klapa kot wool serija.
Vec nebi dodal, ker potem rabimo novo temo.
Prebral sem od isaac asimov tri knjige: foundation trilogy, Prelude to Foundation in Foundation and Earth. Je se ene par knjig... Samo a sem kej falil. Ker nekako mi ne klapa s serijo. Ok idejo serije razumem on povezave, samo direktno nekako ne klapa. In to bolj ne klapa kot wool serija.
Vec nebi dodal, ker potem rabimo novo temo.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

matobeli ::
Očitno je večji od trga ki tega ne želi.
Večina nas je pa itak nekje vmes in nas ne to ne briga dokler vse ostalo štima.
Večina nas je pa itak nekje vmes in nas ne to ne briga dokler vse ostalo štima.

delavec44 ::
Čez en teden pride South Park: Joining the Panderverse
Med drugim je Disney že sprožil legalno bitko, da ustavi predvajanje.
Med drugim je Disney že sprožil legalno bitko, da ustavi predvajanje.

klempo ::
Yaratilan aka Creature Season 1 Netflix
When tragedy befalls a reckless scientist in Ottoman-era Istanbul, his student uses untested methods to finish his work with devastating consequences.
Elite Season 7 Netflix
When three working-class teenagers begin attending an exclusive private school in Spain, the clash between them and the wealthy students leads to murder.
Bodies Season 1 Netflix
Four detectives in four different time periods of London find themselves investigating the same murder.
Neon Season 1 Netflix
Three friends move from a small town in Florida with the hope of making it in the world of reggaeton in Miami.
Upload Season 3 Prime
A man is able to choose his own afterlife after his untimely death by having his consciousness uploaded into a virtual world. As he gets used to his new life and befriends his angel (real world handler), questions about his death arise.
Bosch: Legacy Season 2 Freevee
Bosch embarks on the next chapter of his career and finds himself working with his one-time enemy, Honey Chandler.
Scavengers Reign Season 1 MAX
It follows a crew of a damaged deep space freighter who are stranded on a beautiful but dangerous planet.

yayo ::
Yaratilan aka Creature Season 1 Netflix
When tragedy befalls a reckless scientist in Ottoman-era Istanbul, his student uses untested methods to finish his work with devastating consequences.
dobesedno turški Frankenstein, verjetno križan z žajfnico.

klempo ::
Boudica Queen of War Season 1 Saban
The eponymous Celtic warrior who rules the Iceni people alongside her husband, Prasutagus. The King dies at the hands of Roman soldiers, leaving Boudica's kingdom without a male heir, and the Romans seize her land and property.
30 Monedas aka 30 Coins HBO
An exiled priest tries to escape his demons while living in a remote village in Spain.

c3p0 ::
Čez en teden pride South Park: Joining the Panderverse
Med drugim je Disney že sprožil legalno bitko, da ustavi predvajanje.
South Park je predvidel vso to PC/Woke/Trans norost že v kali in še naprej orje ledino, po toliko letih. Genius.

Horas ::
samomor? je imel vsega dovolj? me spominja na robina williamsa pa še kakega komedijanta...
samomor? je imel vsega dovolj? me spominja na robina williamsa pa še kakega komedijanta...
8700k+z390, 32gb 3600mhz, 1080ti, 700w gold, 512gb+2x250gb m.2 nvme + 2tb hdd
8500+b360, 32gb 2666mhz, rx 6600, 600w bronze, 512gb+250gb ssd m.2 + 2tb hdd
8500+b360, 32gb 2666mhz, rx 6600, 600w bronze, 512gb+250gb ssd m.2 + 2tb hdd

Jarno ::
Občasno še dandanes pogledam kak del Prijateljev. Je pa na YT zaslediti videe z naslovi, ki se začnejo na "Tragic real life story of...".
Chuck Norris je med števili 0.999... in 1 uspel vriniti konstanto imenovano CN.

Ganon ::
samomor? je imel vsega dovolj? me spominja na robina williamsa pa še kakega komedijanta...
Smrt spominja na Hribarjevo. Zjutraj je bil še fizično aktiven, umrl je po tistem, ko je prišel domov. Asistentko je poslal po opravkih, dve uri kasnej ga je našla mrtvega.
Večino življenja je imel hude težave z odvisnostjo. Treh sezon Prijateljev se sploh ne spomni. Smo vsi lahko videli, kako se je njegova podoba v seriji spreminjala. Škoda ga je.

delavec44 ::
Po moje ga je izdalo srce v vroči vodi in se je utopil. Je pa to srce verjetno precej pretrpelo do sedaj.

Horas ::
eh kje, tablete+alko 100%. klasika samomora.
8700k+z390, 32gb 3600mhz, 1080ti, 700w gold, 512gb+2x250gb m.2 nvme + 2tb hdd
8500+b360, 32gb 2666mhz, rx 6600, 600w bronze, 512gb+250gb ssd m.2 + 2tb hdd
8500+b360, 32gb 2666mhz, rx 6600, 600w bronze, 512gb+250gb ssd m.2 + 2tb hdd

Vanich ::
Boudica Queen of War Season 1 Saban
The eponymous Celtic warrior who rules the Iceni people alongside her husband, Prasutagus. The King dies at the hands of Roman soldiers, leaving Boudica's kingdom without a male heir, and the Romans seize her land and property.
30 Monedas aka 30 Coins HBO
An exiled priest tries to escape his demons while living in a remote village in Spain.
Kaj ni bila Boudica črna lezbika? Zakaj tako potvarjanje zgodovine?

klempo ::
The Gilded Age Season 2 HBO
A wide-eyed young scion of a conservative family embarks on a mission to infiltrate the wealthy neighboring clan dominated by ruthless railroad tycoon George Russell, his rakish son, Larry, and his ambitious wife, Bertha.
Time Season 2 HBO
Eric is a prison officer who tries to protect those in his charge. When one of the most dangerous inmates identifies his weakness, Eric faces an impossible choice between his principles and his love for his family.

buttcrack ::
Bodies Season 1 Netflix
Four detectives in four different time periods of London find themselves investigating the same murder.
Kar zanimiva zadeva (če odvzameš ali spregledaš kanček obvezno vtaknjenega današnjega modernizma).

klempo ::
Black Cake Season 1 HULU
Bride Covey disappears in the shore, under unknown circumstances or reasons. A flash drive will change the life of Eleanor Bennett, years later.
All the Light We Cannot See Season 1 Netflix
The story of Marie-Laure, a blind French teenager, and Werner, a German soldier, whose paths collide in occupied France as both try to survive the devastation of World War II.
Ferry The Series Season 1 Netflix
Before "Undercover's" Ferry Bouman became a notorious drug lord, he had to rise from obscurity by ascending the ranks of Brabant's criminal underbelly.
Blue Eye Samurai Season 1 Netflix
A mixed-race master of the sword lives a life in disguise while seeking revenge in Edo-period Japan.
The Tailor Season 3 Netflix
A famous tailor begins to sew a wedding dress for his best friend's fiance- but all three have dark secrets that will soon upend their lives.
Orphan Black Echoes Season 1 AMC
It will deeply explore the scientific manipulation of human existence.

klemenSLO ::
Pogledal še zadnjo - 7 sezono Billions. Lep zaključek. Krasna serjia.
Life is not measured in minutes, but in MOMENTS...