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Tv serije

Tv serije

Temo vidijo: vsi
293 / 318

Kawhi ::

Bi vas prosil da si odprete drugo temo na temo tv serij woke/ne Woke/rasizem bla bla bla...

Sicer pa, danes je Bosch Legacy nazaj - začetek druge sezone.

matobeli ::

Sem jim jo že nekaj časa nazaj kar jaz odprl, pa je trajalo ravno 8dni da jim jo je ratal zapret...
Wokizem kot element TV serij

Kar se da nardit je da se moderatorjem zmeče pod nos to nesnago. https://slo-tech.com/forum/t498146/odgo...

judoka ::

Kawhi je izjavil:

Sicer pa, danes je Bosch Legacy nazaj - začetek druge sezone.


Pithlit ::

Pssst. Invasion je kar fajn zaštartal drugo sezono (sicer s prvo je bil tud kar hud štart).
Life is as complicated as we make it...

buttcrack ::

Pithlit je izjavil:

buttcrack je izjavil:

Serija Invasion je štartala z 2. sezono...

A je za kaj? Ne spomnim se točno zakaj sem jo izpustil, ker SF načeloma ves pogledam...

Je za kaj, ja. Kolk... boš pa moral sam pogruntat.

Meni so sicer vsi klišeji začel mal najedat ker je pač zadeva generična... Ampak v vsej tej suši s sci-fi vseeno paše. Alieni so pa kr fajn spacani skup. Če bo druga sezona boljša bo to kar v redu rezultat. Če bo slabša se pa s tretjo ne bom ubadala. Tko, to je moje subjektivno mnenje.

Sem pogledal prvi del in bom nadaljeval, hvala

klempo ::

Who is Erin Carter? Season 1 Netflix

Erin Carter, a British teacher in Spain, finds herself caught up in a supermarket robbery. When one of the robbers claims to recognize her, her life threatens to unravel.

Maseukeugeol aka Mask Girl Season 1 Netflix

An office worker who is insecure about her looks becomes a masked internet personality by night until a chain of ill-fated events overtakes her life.

El elegido aka The Chosen One Season 1 Netflix

Jodie, a 12-year-old boy living in Baja California Sur, discovers he has Jesus-like powers; he must decide whether to answer his calling and fulfill his destiny.

Ashoka Season 1 Disney+

After the fall of the Galactic Empire, former Jedi Knight Ahsoka Tano investigates an emerging threat to a vulnerable galaxy.

The Woman In The Wall Season 1 BBC/SHOWTIME

Lorna Brady wakes one morning to find a corpse in her house with no idea who the dead woman is. She doubts herself, because she has long suffered from extreme bouts of sleepwalking.

The Winter King Season 1 MGM+

A former warrior, now turned monk, tells the story of how Arthur became the lord of war despite the illegitimacy of his throne.

The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart Season 1 Amazon Prime

Follows a young girl, Alice Hart, whose violent childhood casts a dark shadow over her adult life.

Harlan Cobens Shelter Season 1 Amazon Prime

The story of Mickey Bolitar and his new life with a mom in rehab, a dead father, an annoying aunt, and a new school in New Jersey.

Cangaço Novo aka New Bandits Season 1 Amazon Prime

Ubaldo receives an inheritance that will change his destiny for good. In the heart of the northeast desert, he'll become the leader of a pack of ruthless bandits, fulfilling the legacy of his biological father - a mythical "Cangaceiro".

klempo ::

Archer Season 14 (Final) FX

Covert black ops and espionage take a back seat to zany personalities and relationships between secret agents and drones.

Invasion Season 2 Apple TV+

Earth is visited by an alien species that threatens humanity's existence. Events unfold in real time through the eyes of five ordinary people across the globe as they struggle to make sense of the chaos unraveling around them.

matobeli ::

Jutri (1.9.23) pride ven tudi nova (zadnja) sezona Disenchantment
Je za pogledat.

klempo ::

The Wheel of Time Season 2 Amazon Prime

Set in a high fantasy world where magic exists, but only some can access it, a woman named Moiraine crosses paths with five young men and women. This sparks a dangerous, world-spanning journey. Based on the book series by Robert Jordan.

Badwolff ::

One Piece je prijetno presenečenje

Okapi ::

Res je.

klempo ::

Liebes Kind aka Dear Child Season 1 Netflix

A mysterious woman's escape from her harrowing captivity points investigators toward the dark truth behind an unsolved disappearance 13 years earlier.

Virgin River Season 5 Part 1 Netflix

Seeking a fresh start, nurse practitioner Melinda Monroe moves from Los Angeles to a remote Northern California town and is surprised by what and who she finds.

Top Boy Season 3 Netflix

Two London drug dealers ply their lucrative trade at a public housing estate in East London.

I am Groot Season 2 Disney+

A series of shorts featuring the seedling Groot along with several new and unusual characters.

a_borlak ::

Star Trek Lower decks je nazaj.

klempo ::

The Killing Kind Season 1 Paramout+

The story centers on a barrister, named Ingrid Lewis, who defends John Webster against stalking charges, only for Webster to turn on her.

El cuerpo en llamas aka Burning Body Season 1 Netflix

When a police officer is murdered and set on fire, all eyes focus on two other agents: his girlfriend and her lover. Inspired by true events.

The Changeling Season 1 Apple TV+

Set in an alternate New York City, a father and husband searches through a magical world for his abducted son and missing wife.

klempo ::

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 AMC

Daryl's journey across a broken but resilient France as he hopes to find a way back home.

klempo ::

Tapie aka Class Act Season 1 Netflix

A relentlessly ambitious working-class man becomes one of France's most controversial public figures in this fictionalized biopic about Bernard Tapie.

The Other Black Girl Season 1 HULU

Follows Nella, an African-American editorial assistant who works at a white NYC publishing firm. She gets excited to have a black co-worker when the new girl, Hazel arrives, but, is she a friend or foe?

The Morning Show Season 3 Apple TV+

An inside look at the lives of the people who help America wake up in the morning, exploring the unique challenges faced by the team.

GrimReaper3 ::

Se samo meni zdi da ni več nobene komedije?
Nazadnje je bila Ted Lasso. Ampak jaz bi kaj klasičnega v stilu Modern Family.
Za nazaj sem pa od 2007 do 2020 pogledal že praktično vse kar obstaja. Z izjemo zadnjih sezon Trailer Park Boys, je bilo vmes toliko premora, da sem se enkrat probal lotit, pa sem potem po ene 5 delih spet nehal.
V 80-ih, 90-ih jih je bilo polno. Pa v začetku 2000-ih potem '70s Show. Kaj imajo potem današnji najstniki za gledat kot smo mi na Kanal A That '70s Show?

Zdaj sem se spomnil da še vedno teče It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, ampak samo 8 epizod na leto je premalo, bi morale biti še vsaj 3 tako dolge serije.

One Piece je bila pa za 10/10. Moram reči da prej nisem slišal za anime.

Za The Wheel of Time mi ni jasna ocena na IMDb, ker z okoli 7.0 so ponavadi bolj slabe serije (čeprav filmi so pa to že kar malo nad povprečjem, ki je verjetno tam okoli 6.6-6.8), ta je meni bolj na nivoju 8.0. Kar čakam da pogledam danes zvečer ter jutri do konca.

Zgodovina sprememb…

GrimReaper3 ::

Sem si pa za original One Piece na hitro snel en del iz One Pace strani in kakor sem predvideval, se 50% časa tipično po japonsko derejo. Ampak če bi šlo zdaj od začetka, bi še gledal.

a_borlak ::

One Piece je dober, zgodba teče, efekti odlični ...

Ganon ::

GrimReaper3 je izjavil:

Se samo meni zdi da ni več nobene komedije?

Kje so časi Leslieja Nielsena in komedij tipa The Naked Gun ...

tikitoki ::

Wokizem in dobra komedija ne gresta skupaj.

CoreySteel ::

Zadnje čase je najbolj woke biti anti-woke.
Twitter: @CoreySteel_

Okapi ::

A Heels kdo gleda? Zame ena od boljši trenutnih serij. Ravno se je zaključila 2. sezona, upam na tretjo.

Heels (TV series) @ Wikipedia

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Okapi ()

Outcast ::

Okapi je izjavil:

A Heels kdo gleda? Zame ena od boljši trenutnih serij. Ravno se je zaključila 2. sezona, upam na tretjo.

Heels (TV series) @ Wikipedia

Ne, se mi pa zdi zanimiva, pogledam!

lolipop2 ::


Alice in borderland, sicer je že iz 2020, ampak sem šele sedaj šel gledati. Super zadeva. Odlašal sem, ker sem najprej mislil, da je bolj kot ne otročad, ki igra igrice... pa sem se motil. Dobro narejeno, konec (druga sezina) pa vrhunski.

Hatchback678 ::

Meni je bila pa druga poden.

Tiste scene s streljanjem so mi bile jao bože.

lolipop2 ::

Hatchback678 je izjavil:

Meni je bila pa druga poden.

Tiste scene s streljanjem so mi bile jao bože.

Vmes je bilo malo failov, ampak mi je bilo na splošno lepo gledljivo. Je mogoče bolj kot predlog, za zimske dni, če ne bo kaj boljšega na sporedu.

2dark ::

klempo je izjavil:

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 AMC

Daryl's journey across a broken but resilient France as he hopes to find a way back home.

Tale zgleda kar ok. Verjetno zaradi Normana. Čeprav imajo ene smešne fore, da imajo strelno orožje na smodnik ( trololo) ..
(> _ <)
(>&#127851; )

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: 2dark ()

jb_j ::

From executive producer of Breaking Bad:

An English department chairman at an underfunded college, Professor Hank Devereaux toes the line between midlife crisis and full-blown meltdown, navigating the offbeat chaos in his personal and professional life.


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: jb_j ()

Outcast ::

Billions sem prenehal gledat sredi 6.sezone, brez Axe-a je bla res dolgočasna, zdj je pa tip nazaj za zadnjo, 7.sezono (mislim da je že ene 6 delov zunaj)

tikitoki ::

Outcast je izjavil:

Billions sem prenehal gledat sredi 6.sezone, brez Axe-a je bla res dolgočasna, zdj je pa tip nazaj za zadnjo, 7.sezono (mislim da je že ene 6 delov zunaj)

Ze z njim je bil dolgcas. Je pa ta novga tezko gledati.

Outcast ::

tikitoki je izjavil:

Outcast je izjavil:

Billions sem prenehal gledat sredi 6.sezone, brez Axe-a je bla res dolgočasna, zdj je pa tip nazaj za zadnjo, 7.sezono (mislim da je že ene 6 delov zunaj)

Ze z njim je bil dolgcas. Je pa ta novga tezko gledati.

Pol ni za pogledat do konca?

tikitoki ::

Outcast je izjavil:

tikitoki je izjavil:

Outcast je izjavil:

Billions sem prenehal gledat sredi 6.sezone, brez Axe-a je bla res dolgočasna, zdj je pa tip nazaj za zadnjo, 7.sezono (mislim da je že ene 6 delov zunaj)

Ze z njim je bil dolgcas. Je pa ta novga tezko gledati.

Pol ni za pogledat do konca?

TO se mora vsak zase odlociti. CE si prisel do seste sezone, je verjetno skroaj vseeno, ce vrzes se dodaten dan za zadnjo:)

Okapi ::

Welcome to Wrexham druga sezona se je začela. Zanimiva športno-dokumentarna serija o nižjeligaškem nogometnem klubu iz Walesa, ki sta ga pred par leti kupila dva znana ameriška filmska igralca, ampak ima eno pomankljivost. Rdeča nit cele sezone je, ali bo Wrexhamu letos končno uspelo napredovati iz 5. v 4. angleško ligo. Ampak kaj, ko to vsi, ki spremljajo ta klub, že vedo.;)

Welcome to Wrexham @ Wikipedia

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Okapi ()

klempo ::

The Continental: From the World of John Wick Season 1 Peacock

Set in 1970s New York City, The Continental explores the origin of the iconic hotel-for-assassins centerpiece of the John Wick universe seen through the eyes and action of a young Winston Scott.

Sex Education Season 4 Netflix

A teenage boy with a sex therapist mother teams up with a high school classmate to set up an underground sex therapy clinic at school.

klempo ::

Gen V Season 1 Amazon Prime

From the world of "The Boys" comes "Gen V," which explores the first generation of superheroes to know that their super powers are from Compound V. These heroes put their physical and moral boundaries to the test competing for the school's top ranking.

tikitoki ::

ZAdnje case res pocas dajejo ven nadaljevanja. Serije, na 2-3 leta. Dune 3 leta. Komu se da cakati na naslednji del 3 leta.

a_borlak ::

Gen V obeta.

delavec44 ::

Ne vem, na imdb so bolj slabe recenzije.

Pithlit ::

Ker imbd ocene se tolk hudo relevantne.
Life is as complicated as we make it...

a_borlak ::

Ocena je trenutno 8.2, za recenzije pa ne vem, nisem bral.

c3p0 ::

Pri superhero je tam 90% šans, da je zadeva zanič. The Boys 1. sezona je bila npr. super.

delavec44 ::

Pithlit je izjavil:

Ker imbd ocene se tolk hudo relevantne.

Meni recimo precej bolj kot mnenje enega slo-tech trola.

Pithlit ::

delavec44 je izjavil:

Pithlit je izjavil:

Ker imbd ocene se tolk hudo relevantne.

Meni recimo precej bolj kot mnenje enega slo-tech trola.

a_borlak je trol? A zato ker je izrazil svoje mnenje o neki seriji?

Ne vem no, jaz se pa mal bolj zanesem na mnenja s-t uporabnikov za katere načeloma vsaj približno vem kak okus imajo (ker takim temam sledim), kot pa raznim internetnim ocenam ki so hudo podvržene tako review bombing kot plačevanju za glasove.

Jebiga. Smo si pač različni.
Life is as complicated as we make it...

delavec44 ::

Pithlit je izjavil:

delavec44 je izjavil:

Pithlit je izjavil:

Ker imbd ocene se tolk hudo relevantne.

Meni recimo precej bolj kot mnenje enega slo-tech trola.

a_borlak je trol? A zato ker je izrazil svoje mnenje o neki seriji?

Ne vem no, jaz se pa mal bolj zanesem na mnenja s-t uporabnikov za katere načeloma vsaj približno vem kak okus imajo (ker takim temam sledim), kot pa raznim internetnim ocenam ki so hudo podvržene tako review bombing kot plačevanju za glasove.

Jebiga. Smo si pač različni.

Ne, ti si.

Pithlit ::

Aha. Kje sem pa jaz podala kakršnokoli oceno serije? Ali pa mnenje?
Life is as complicated as we make it...

delavec44 ::

Pithlit je izjavil:

Aha. Kje sem pa jaz podala kakršnokoli oceno serije? Ali pa mnenje?


Pithlit je danes ob 13:01:59 izjavil:

Ker imbd ocene se tolk hudo relevantne.

Pithlit ::

Ja sej to vi jokcate vedno ko ni po vaše ko kaka (woke) serija dobiva dobre ocene. Pa ne da uporabljate različne vatle...
Life is as complicated as we make it...

delavec44 ::

Potem pa ne razumeš že od začetka. Imdb ocena je 8.2 kar je odlično.

Imdb recenzije, kar sem jaz izpostavil, so pa večinoma precej slabe. In to me skrbi. Kar je točno ta vatel, ki ga ti opisuješ.



I just finished watching episode 3 and with all the hype this show got it just did not do it for me. The start of the first episode was ok, Marie's story, how she killed her parents and now her sister wants nothing to do with her.

After that it feels like another feminist movie. First we have Marie getting her powers during her first period, then Li is not proud of being a man and what's the deal with Emma's eating disorder? What's the point of all that in the story?????

The only story I'm kinda interested in is Luke and Sam's story. The other characters don't have a captivating plot really.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pithlit ::

Sej pravim. Woke je problem.
Life is as complicated as we make it...
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