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Epox 8K9A

dego14 ::
Ve mogoče katere procesorje podpira plata Epox 8K9A. Sicer imam AMD athlon 1200 in me zanima, če bi moj procesor delal na tej plati. Sem bral nekaj na nemški epox strani o tej plati o podprtosti procesorjev in piše podprtost samo z AMD XP 2600.
Kaj pa vem...
Ve kdo kaj o tej plati.... ???
Kaj pa vem...
Ve kdo kaj o tej plati.... ???

morphling1 ::
Seveda da dela, od prvega socket A procesorja, do tistih ki jih še ni zunaj. Nekaj kar naj bi bila moja domača stran, pa nikoli ne bo :)

kuglvinkl ::
Ravno berem (OK, gledam)review.
EPoX 8K9A2+ has a nicely designed box and also include in the package is the blue rounded cable which is popular among hardware enthusiasts. 8K9A2+ sports a usual greenish PCB with a purple AGP slot and EPoX has included a special light which they called it Magic Light into their chipset cooler to give off cool blue light. This board will certainly looks cool within a modded casing but if EPoX can make the PCB to black, red or silver PCB, i am sure the overall effect will be even more impressive. EPoX 8K9A2+ is pretty well featured with Serial ATA, RAID, onboard LAN & sound, 4 USB 2.0 ports as well as the useful debug LED.
EPoX 8K9A2+ has a great BIOS with many tweakable settings. The BIOS allows FSB adjustment from 100-255Mhz in 1Mhz intervals, VCore up to 2.0V, VMem up to 3.2V and various memory timings settings. Not to mention, this board is unlocked internally for T'Bred processors therefore multipliers can be adjusted freely. This board proves to be an excellent board for overclocking and certainly the best choice for overclockers as good stability is still achievable under high FSB overclocking. I am able to increase the FSB from 133Mhz all the way up to 226Mhz and the memory performance is just amazing at that insane speed. EPoX 8K9A2+ performs slightly poorer than the 8K3A+ at DDR333 and performance is not at all good at DDR400 if you are using the 266Mhz FSB Athlon XP. The performance improvement will come from the use of the new 333Mhz FSB Athlon XP.
EPoX 8K9A2+ has a nicely designed box and also include in the package is the blue rounded cable which is popular among hardware enthusiasts. 8K9A2+ sports a usual greenish PCB with a purple AGP slot and EPoX has included a special light which they called it Magic Light into their chipset cooler to give off cool blue light. This board will certainly looks cool within a modded casing but if EPoX can make the PCB to black, red or silver PCB, i am sure the overall effect will be even more impressive. EPoX 8K9A2+ is pretty well featured with Serial ATA, RAID, onboard LAN & sound, 4 USB 2.0 ports as well as the useful debug LED.
EPoX 8K9A2+ has a great BIOS with many tweakable settings. The BIOS allows FSB adjustment from 100-255Mhz in 1Mhz intervals, VCore up to 2.0V, VMem up to 3.2V and various memory timings settings. Not to mention, this board is unlocked internally for T'Bred processors therefore multipliers can be adjusted freely. This board proves to be an excellent board for overclocking and certainly the best choice for overclockers as good stability is still achievable under high FSB overclocking. I am able to increase the FSB from 133Mhz all the way up to 226Mhz and the memory performance is just amazing at that insane speed. EPoX 8K9A2+ performs slightly poorer than the 8K3A+ at DDR333 and performance is not at all good at DDR400 if you are using the 266Mhz FSB Athlon XP. The performance improvement will come from the use of the new 333Mhz FSB Athlon XP.
Your focus determines your reallity

njok ::
Mogoce berem povrsno...
A ta plata podpira branje temperature iz interne diode ali jo uporablja samo za zascito?
A ta plata podpira branje temperature iz interne diode ali jo uporablja samo za zascito?
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