Forum » Informacijska varnost » Hackers gone wild
Hackers gone wild
denial ::
Članek iz revije Rolling Stone: KLIK
Bilder je bil znan pod nadimkom _uT. Njegov phrack profil: KLIK
Sex and drugs and hacking like in the movies :D
Bilder je bil znan pod nadimkom _uT. Njegov phrack profil: KLIK
Sex and drugs and hacking like in the movies :D
SELECT finger FROM hand WHERE id=3;
terryww ::
se bere ko kaka dobra kniga :) tnk u 4 sharing
It is the night. My body's weak.
I'm on the run. No time to sleep.
I'm on the run. No time to sleep.
fiction ::
Before long, he discovered Internet Relay Chat, a web forum popular with hackers who discussed the how-tos of breaching Internet security at its highest levels.Zelo kredibilen clanek ni kaj...
Isotropic ::
steroidi ftw
btw, v katerih filmih so hekerji seksali in jemali droge?
btw, v katerih filmih so hekerji seksali in jemali droge?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Isotropic ()
Tr0n ::
Fiction, saj je vredu napisano. Forum ne pomeni vedno samo foruma, kot si ga ti predstavljas. :)
Iatromantis ::
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