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Petro-dolar vs petro-euro

Petro-dolar vs petro-euro

Isotropic ::

kaj bi se zgodilo, ce bi drzave bliznjega vzhoda zacele ceniti svojo nafto v evrih, ker je dolar pac ratal sibek in izgublja vrednost?
bi s tem evropa postala mocnejsa, podobno kot so sedaj zda zaradi tega petrodolarja, tem bi pa upadla moč (bral sem, da bi se jim sesula ekonomija, samo si ne predstavljam ravno, kako)?

Isotropic ::

aha malo mi je ze jasno. tak shift nebi bil dober za nikogar, se sploh glede na velikost ameriske ekonomije oz. stevilo prebivalcev

Most oil sales throughout the world are denominated in United States dollars (USD).[1] According to proponents of the petrodollar warfare hypothesis, because most countries rely on oil imports, they are forced to maintain large stockpiles of dollars in order to continue imports. This creates a consistent demand for USDs and upwards pressure on the USD's value, regardless of economic conditions in the United States. This in turn allegedly allows the US government to gain revenues through seignorage and by issuing bonds at lower interest rates than they otherwise would be able to. As a result the U.S. government can run higher budget deficits at a more sustainable level than can most other countries. A stronger USD also means that goods imported into the United States are relatively cheap.

Another component of the hypothesis is that the price of oil is more stable in the U.S. than anywhere else, since importers do not need to worry about exchange rate fluctuations. Since the U.S. imports a great deal of oil, its markets are heavily reliant on oil and its derivative products (jet fuel, diesel fuel, gasoline, etc.) for their energy needs. The price of oil can be an important political factor; American administrations are quite sensitive to the price of oil.

Political enemies of the United States therefore have some interest in seeing oil denominated in euros or other currencies. The EU could also theoretically accrue the same benefits if the euro replaced the dollar. However, the European economy could also be seriously damaged if the euro were to appreciate significantly against the dollar or other world currencies, particularly its exports which would become relatively more expensive for the rest of the world. The same dynamic can apply to the dollar and the US economy, as well.

AtaStrudl ::

Prodajanje nafte za evre je bil menda glavni Sadamov greh, ki ga je stal glave.

Tudi Iran je nekaj ustanavljal naftno borzo na evre, pa se je premislil - izgleda, da so jim zaradi tega precej bolj konkretno zagrozili, kot pa zaradi tistega igrackanje z atomcki...!?

Hm, ce bi evro zaradi tega narastel, bi jih pa se malo naprintali, da bi ga vrnili na star nivo - kake katastrofe najbrz ne bi bilo.

Thomas ::

No, predlagajte naftarjem, da jo obračunavajo v EUR potem, ko se bo razrešila grška kriza in ostale EU dubioze. Zdej pa dvomim, da bodo zato.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

Isotropic ::

kolikor sem bral, bi bilo to mogoce napacna poteza, ker je amerika prakticno najvecji evropski trg, zato hocemo, da je njihov dolar vsaj priblizno tako mocan kot evro oz. mocnejsi, da jim lahko prodajamo... oz. predvsem kaksni nemci in britanci, i suppose.
ce bi bil pa evro orenk mocan, dolar pa sibek, bi bila pa eu nekonkurencna ter bi imela tudi manj moznosti za prodajo v ostalem svetu.

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