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"nba store"

"nba store"

gansta ::

Najprej se opravičuje, če je napačna tema....

Torej zanima me če je že kdo kupoval iz nba.store? Kupil bi rad eno majico..., pa me zanima če je že kdo imel kake izkušnje...

Vidim, da je možnost plačila z PayPal, vendar naj bi pošiljali samo v naslednje države:
We currently ship product to these countries:
Australia Austria Belgium
Chile China Costa Rica
Denmark Finland France
Germany Hong Kong Ireland
Israel Italy Japan
Luxembourg Malta Mexico
Netherlands New Zealand Norway
Portugal Singapore South Korea
Spain Sweden Taiwan
United Kingdom Venezuela

Ima kdo kako drugo stran ali kake druge rešitve(poleg ebay)...?

St235 ::

Pošlji jim email in jim povejda, da si iz slovenije, da lahko plačaš z paypalom in da smo del EU, ponavadi ne komplicirajo.

gansta ::

Ahhh sem jim poslal, pa mi odgovorijo 8-O :

Thank you for contacting Customer Service at www.NBAStore.com.

Thank you for your interest in our website. Unfortunately, due to
restrictions set by the manufacturers of the products we sell, we are
not permitted to ship merchandise to certain addresses outside of the
United States. Due to this, we are unable to ship or bill to Slovenia.
In addition, we cannot accept from credit cards with billing addresses
not listed on our website.
We do not have information on retailers outside of the United States.
Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can do for you, and
thank you again for contacting Customer Service at www.NBAStore.com.


Sara M.
Customer Service Representative
Customer Service at www.NBAStore.com

If you have additional questions, please visit our online Help Desk.

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

Ebay prevara?

Oddelek: Informacijska varnost
294914 (2308) SmeskoSnezak

Amazon.com Account on Hold: Response Required

Oddelek: Loža
132356 (981) T_F_7

Pošiljanje paketa v Nigerijo (strani: 1 2 )

Oddelek: Problemi človeštva
8924272 (14157) St235

Mednarodna prodaja!

Oddelek: Loža
425183 (4536) razzor

Poštnina pri Amazon.co.uk?! Pa smo v EU al ne?!

Oddelek: Loža
1510773 (10344) GregiB

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