Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » POMOC-lexmark tiskalnik mi ne dela 0502
POMOC-lexmark tiskalnik mi ne dela 0502

fredy1 ::
Dober vecer,zelim vsem formasem tega foruma,
upam,da se bo gdo najdel z odgovorom na moje vprasanje,
tiskalnik LEXMARK X5150 mi ne dela,odgovor ERROR 0502,ce mi lahko gdo svetuje,da ga usposobim za funkcijo jast sam z vasim nasvetom,
se zahvaljujem Fredy1.
upam,da se bo gdo najdel z odgovorom na moje vprasanje,
tiskalnik LEXMARK X5150 mi ne dela,odgovor ERROR 0502,ce mi lahko gdo svetuje,da ga usposobim za funkcijo jast sam z vasim nasvetom,
se zahvaljujem Fredy1.

harvey ::
The real answer is given by a person called 'clem':
Hardware Error: 0502.On the multi function machine seems to be a coating on the metal rod that the cartridges travel on. Just wipe this rod with a kleenex and the problem seems to go away. Somehow it presents a drag on the cartridges and causes an error.
This works! Clean the sucker with a paper towel (another page talks about re-lubricating the thing, but that was not necessary in my case). The towel will be black (ink residu, presumably), but there you go printing to your heart's desire again.
Hardware Error: 0502.On the multi function machine seems to be a coating on the metal rod that the cartridges travel on. Just wipe this rod with a kleenex and the problem seems to go away. Somehow it presents a drag on the cartridges and causes an error.
This works! Clean the sucker with a paper towel (another page talks about re-lubricating the thing, but that was not necessary in my case). The towel will be black (ink residu, presumably), but there you go printing to your heart's desire again.
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