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Windows 7 SP1

Windows 7 SP1

bluefish ::

No, pojavile so se prve, precej pričakovane, novice o SP1 za Microsoftov zadnji sistem.

Nekaj več branja: http://www.neowin.net/news/main/10/01/1...

It's no secret that Microsoft has been hard at work to further improve Windows 7. According to many sources, the first service pack for Redmond's new OS is just around the corner. Today, all across the blogosphere, sites are reporting new details about the upcoming update to Microsoft's most user friendly OS to date. ITChuiko says that "according to sources at Microsoft, a preliminary version of SP1 will be in June 2010 and will be accessible only to testers, whereas the final version is expected by September 2010."

ZDNet is reporting that, as standard with all service packs, SP1 will include all the patches and bug fixes that have been released since Windows 7's October debut. In addition, users can expect tweaks and fixes made under the hood, based on user feedback. The only "big" changes that will come with SP1 are USB 3.0 support, and according to InfoWorld, "enhancements to the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi stacks." This is said to continue making Windows 7 "the most easily configured version [of an OS] ever." ITChuiko also suggests that there may be "some entirely new features that should raise the popularity of this operating system in the business sector."

ZDNet questions Microsoft's reasons for pushing SP1 so quickly. According to many analysts, it seems like the trend of businesses is to wait and see what happens after a new OS is introduced, before deploying it. Because of this, it's possible that Microsoft is aiming to get SP1 out the door as soon as possible. They want to send a message to businesses that, "hey, we're continuously supporting Windows 7, it's stable, and it's ready for the corporate world."

bluefish ::

Za vse neučakane, Release Candidate je na voljo za prenos: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/d...

Še novica:

Microsoft has made available the Release Candidate build of Windows 7 SP1.

An un-official build leaked earlier this week and it was believed that Microsoft were planning to announce SP1 at the Professional Developers Conference later this week. Microsoft seems to have released a little early, perhaps due to the leak. Either way you can now download the official Windows 7 SP1 RC straight from the software giant.

SP1 will include RemoteFX which provides rich 3-D graphical experience for remote users. The service pack also will include a series of incremental updates, previously released on Windows Update for both Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.

RemoteFX is a new enhancement to RDP’s graphical remoting capabilities. The idea behind RemoteFX is to allow for a full remote experiences including multiple displays, Aero and multimedia streaming to all types of client devices including low cost thin clients. RemoteFX achieves this by using a technique known as host-based rendering. This technique allows for the final screen image to be rendered locally on the remote PC after being compressed and sent down to that remote host. The enhancements are expected to greatly improve video streaming across remote sessions which is currently one of the major drawbacks of virtualized computing.

Windows 7 recently celebrated its first birthday after selling over 240 million licenses in the first year of sales. A final version of Windows 7 SP1 is expected early 2011.

opeter ::

Eh, jaz bom lepo počakal.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

trnvpeti ::

pocakal na SP2?

System ::

Jaz bom tudi lepo počakal, ko bo bo. :)
Lepo, da pride že z Januarjem... Bomo videli, koliko SP bomo doživeli z sedmico.

bluefish ::

Ja, najbolje je počakati, ker z vidika končnega uporabnika RC lahko prinese le težave.
Tako ali tako bo SP1 sestavljen predvsem iz do sedaj izdanih popravkov in torej nekdo, ki redno posodablja sistem, niti ne bo opazil razlike.

Klemenn ::

a tole na rožicah je že final verzija?

bluefish ::

Zaenkrat ni potrjeno. Bo potrebno počakati na uradno verzijo in potem primerjati.

Mavrik ::

Tako ali tako bo SP1 sestavljen predvsem iz do sedaj izdanih popravkov in torej nekdo, ki redno posodablja sistem, niti ne bo opazil razlike.

Tole pa ni čist res - večji del popravkov v SP1 bodo hotfixi ko niso bili del Windows Updata, ampak si jih moral nameščati ročno.
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.

bluefish ::

Jp, je res. Takoj ob najavi pa se je govorilo le o napisanem.

kixs ::

The only "big" changes that will come with SP1 are USB 3.0 support,...

Probal. USB3 kontrolerja ne najde.

bluefish ::

Eto, zadeva je na voljo preko Windows Update, možen je tudi prenos ISO fajla: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/d...

Če želite po uspešni namestitvi odstraniti backup datoteke in ostanke namestitve, poženite cmd kot admin in uporabite ukaz: dism /online /cleanup-image /spsuperseded

Po tem odstranitev paketa ni več možna.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: bluefish ()

LuGi ::

Zakaj zahteva minimalno 9Gb prostega prostora, buu :|

Se da to zaobiti?

D3m ::

Meni že dol vleče update.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

mtosev ::

Jaz bom malo počakal z nameščanjem, da potem ne bo kakšnega sranja:))
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

D3m ::

Posodobil se je, so far so good :D
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Bias ::

Imam problem pri updaitu Servisni paket SP1 za Windows 7 za sisteme s procesorji x64 (KB976932)in sicer ne potegne mi updaita in izpiše napako:error 80073701 WindowsUpdate_80073701" "WindowsUpdate_dt000

Sem parkrat probal, a nekako mi ne uspe. Kakšna pomoč?

VidKo ::

Meni sveža namestitev Windows 7 SP1 boota občutno počasneje (30+ sekund) kot zapacana namestitev brez SP1. Kakšne ideje?
spletna računalniška trgovina za overclockerje, gamerje in modderje

gorenjc ::

@bias, je nameščen mui language pack na mašini?Tukaj nekaj predlogov na to temo.

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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