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IIS problemi

IIS problemi

Isotropic ::

torej, stimam si dokumentacijo za nek program, ki deluje prek web serverja. imam win7 ultimate in iis 7.5.
procedura za instalacijo je taka (za iis6)

Configuration instructions for Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)

Install the file TexisRedir.dll as an ISAPI Filter under the global website. The file TexisRedir.dll is located in the install_dir/Documentation/scripts/ directory. The name of the ISAPI filter should be TexisRedir. For an example of the procedure, see Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 150312: HOWTO: Install an ISAPI Filter Dynamic-Link Library or view the attached movie file for an example.

Create a v6.x Virtual Directory Alias for the install_dir/Documentation/docs/v6.x directory at the Default Web Site level. For an example of the procedure, see Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 308135: HOW TO: Create a Virtual Directory in Windows 2000. 

Note: The Virtual Directory Alias must be named v6.x exactly.
Add index.html as a Default Document to the v6.x Virtual Directory. For an example of the procedure, see Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 320051: HOW TO: Configure the Default Document in Internet Information Services 5.0

<strong>Copy the install_dir\Documentation\scripts\texis.exe executable file to the IIS Scripts directory c:\inetpub\scripts\.</strong>

Restart your web server to reread the web server's configuration file.

Access the Abaqus documentation using the following URL (assuming the default port of 80 is used): 

zalomi se pri zadnji tocki - copy the texis.exe executable file. problem je, da c:\inetpub\scripts\ sploh ne obstaja. ce ga samo kreiram in kopiram zadevo notri, pa dobim tole napako

Server Error in Application "DEFAULT WEB SITE"
HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found
The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
Module	IIS Web Core
Notification	MapRequestHandler
Handler	StaticFile
Error Code	0x80070002
Requested URL	http://localhost:80/texis/search/?query=coh&group=bk&CDB=v6.9&submit.x=0&submit.y=0
Physical Path	C:\inetpub\wwwroot\texis\search\

zdaj web site - sami htm fili so nekje na d, v priporocenem direktoriju, DWS pa pac linka tja. v inetpub/wwwroot pa ni nobenega texis direktorija.
instalirane imam se isapi filters, extensions in cgi. pa server sem seveda restartal.

tole sem se nasel
sem dal pod allowed extensions, samo se mi zdi, da je problem v neobstoju /scripts/ direktorija.

in še tole
If your Apache Web server does not allow the following of Symbolic Links, you will receive at least one of the following errors when opening a new book or performing a search of the documentation.
You don't have permission to access /texis/search/ on this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an
ErrorDocument to handle the request.
To correct this, edit the Apache httpd.conf file to allow FollowSymLinks in the Options directive

samo tega v iis help nisem nasel. (symbolic links)

Maximus ::

Poizkusi namestiti s temi navodili:


Isotropic ::

saj sem tocno to naredil. pri meni je bolj problem tisto z /scripts/ direktorijem (glede na to, da sem ga sam naredil v explorerju, verjetno nima kaksnih execute permissionov v iis) in symbolic links.

Isotropic ::

kdo kaj ve, kaj je s tem scripts direktorijem?

natashy ::

Jaz imam pa problem branja asp kode pri iis 7 v Visti. Ima kdo kakšen nasvet?

Maximus ::

kakšno napako ti javi?

extr3m3 ::


Problem imam pri spletnem strežniku IIS (windows 7). Namestil sem skoraj vse.

 Slika #1

Slika #1

Ustvaril test projekt v Visual Studiu, prenesel mapo v potreben direktorij, vendar zadeva ne deluje. Ko poženem projekt v programu zadeva deluje brez problema, ko pa projekt poženem v URL naslovu (http://localhost/ime/) dobim sledečo napako:

 Slika #2

Slika #2

Ne vem, kje je zadevo potrebno konfigurirati, še manj pa se mi sanja, kako in kaj.


Maximus ::

Pa si konvertal direktorij v app znotraj IIS-a?

extr3m3 ::

A misliš to opcijo, convert to Application v IIS manager?

Maximus ::

Točno to :)

extr3m3 ::

Sedaj pa tole:

 slika #3

slika #3


MaCoFaCo ::

application pool moraš nastavit na .NET Framework 4......

extr3m3 ::

Kasneje sem tudi to gledal, vendar te opcije (na žalost) ni.

 Slika #4

Slika #4


MaCoFaCo ::

Seveda je...

 Application Pool

Application Pool

extr3m3 ::

Dobro, tist naj bi bilo spremenjeno, sedaj pa spet nov problem:

 Slika #5

Slika #5

Še enkrat hvala pomoč in trud!

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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