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Jamendo in avtorske pravice

kondratiev ::
Imam eno pravno vprašanje glede uporabe komada (pesmi iz Jamenda), ki bi ga rad uporabil za podlago flash oglasa pri neprofitni organizaciji. Ali lahko to legalno naredim. Flash banner za tako organizacijo je namreč neke vrste oglas, čeprav gre za neprofitno organizacijo. Gre tu za komercialno rabo?
Jamendo faq:
Jamendo can offer licenses for commercial uses of music (synchronization for advertising, film, television, documentaries, websites or any other multimedia application). Of course, those uses aren't free - jamendo guarantees fair remuneration for artists. Clients will receive a certificate from jamendo attesting the music's origin. For more information, contact us at
Jamendo offers free streaming and download of music published under Creative Commons licenses. On jamendo, artists grant use of their music for private uses free of cost.
Jamendo faq:
Jamendo can offer licenses for commercial uses of music (synchronization for advertising, film, television, documentaries, websites or any other multimedia application). Of course, those uses aren't free - jamendo guarantees fair remuneration for artists. Clients will receive a certificate from jamendo attesting the music's origin. For more information, contact us at
Jamendo offers free streaming and download of music published under Creative Commons licenses. On jamendo, artists grant use of their music for private uses free of cost.

loki0101 ::
Pa ti resno sploh nisi prebral navodil na strani Jamendo. Vtipkaj "jamendo non- profit" v google in te pošljejo na stran, kjer je vse lepo razloženo.
FAQ strani si preberi:
Can I use tracks from Jamendo PRO in educational or non-profit projects?
Yes, you can use music from Jamendo PRO free of charge for educational or non-profit projects, but only if:
The project is not something put up for sale, its access is free, it does not convey any advertising, was not created to promote a product or business and you were not remunerated to create it.
It conforms to Creative Commons licenses.
Odvisno od tega kaj pač delaš: ja, lahko uporabiš glasbo zastonj, oziroma, če ne izpolnjuješ pogojev, potem je ne moreš uporabljati.
FAQ strani si preberi:
Can I use tracks from Jamendo PRO in educational or non-profit projects?
Yes, you can use music from Jamendo PRO free of charge for educational or non-profit projects, but only if:
The project is not something put up for sale, its access is free, it does not convey any advertising, was not created to promote a product or business and you were not remunerated to create it.
It conforms to Creative Commons licenses.
Odvisno od tega kaj pač delaš: ja, lahko uporabiš glasbo zastonj, oziroma, če ne izpolnjuješ pogojev, potem je ne moreš uporabljati.
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