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Spletna trgovina buy-tv.net

Spletna trgovina buy-tv.net

Glorfindel ::


Odločam se za nakup LCD televizorja, zaenkrat še nisem čisto prepričan katerega. Med iskanjem televizorjev sem zasledil spletno trgovino http://www.buy-tv.net . Cene so v njej zelo poceni, in tudi s poštnino vred bi izdelki prišli do 2x ceneje kot tu v sloveniji, kar se mi zdi kar malce sumlivo. Je že kdo slišal za njo, ali kaj kupoval preko te trgovine? Kaj pomenijo "buy points"?
  • spremenil: bluefish ()

blackbfm ::

Sploh ni nobenih podatkov o firmi, pa verjetno imajo najrajš denar nakazan prek western union ane:) Ne se v take stvari spuščat.

DarwiN ::

Lol ja..Philips 52" Full HD tv za 565EUR, pa sploh modela ne piše.... Isti, le da 42" pa stane 285EUR....:)):))8-)
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

DarwiN ::

Komedije ja, prevedeno kar z google translatorjem. :))
Step 1: Please register on my website first .

Please make the real and detail information with your information .We will send the goods according this information .
Country/Province: please choice( Global )
address: your nation and detailed address 《city, street 》

Step 2 :Make the order on website .
After make the order ,you will be given one order number . And our service will fill the shipping cost for you .

Step 3: When you see the postage of your history order , you can make the payment .

Step 4 :After payment please inform us on time so that we can delivery the goods at first time .

Tell your order number to :
MSN/EMAIL : buytv.net@gmail.com

MSN/EMAIL: info@buy-tv.net (please only choose one to avoid no body reply you .)

Step 5: We ship the goods to you after we received your payment.

After shipment , we will give you the message to your order .
Please view the message of your member account center.

Glorfindel ::

škoda... sj je pa res prelepo da bi blo res :S

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