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Napaka pri inštalaciji SP3

Napaka pri inštalaciji SP3

AnzL! ::


ravnokar mi je dol potegnalo Service Pack 3 za Windows XP pa mi ga noče inštalirat. Ko kliknem piše Extracting Files... potem ko to dokonča pa mi napiše naslednje:
"The core system file (kernel) used to start this computer is not a Microsoft Windows file. The Service Pack will not be installed. For more information, see Knowledgre Base article Q327101 at http://support.microsoft.com."

Kaj je za storiti?

bluefish ::

Greš na link in tam poiščeš omenjen article Q327101.

AnzL! ::

sem pa nisem našel niti centimeter kaj podbnega temu kar sprašujem jaz. mislim CEL DAN se že obadam z tem problemom saj sami veste da sem vam o tem poročal že dopoldne...

Ali se to sploh da rešit in kako??

bluefish ::

A, točno, to si ti z GTA.

Po vsej verjetnosti imaš zaradi pirat verzije spremenjen boot sektor in posledično problemi. Naloži XP z integriranim SP3 in bo morda pomagalo.

AnzL! ::

aha, no pa smo spet tam, kjer sem si najman želel da bi bli:|

AnzL! ::

ali je bilo že kdaj kaj podobnega na vašem forumu glede na to temo?? lahko da je probljem rešlijv samo mi ga ne vidimo predobro

amigo_no1 ::

copy&paste z MS KB:
Click OK to close the error message.
Click Start, click Run, type appwiz.cpl, and then click OK.
Click the program that customizes the startup graphics, and then click Remove.
Restart the computer, and then try to install the service pack again. If the problem persists, go to step 5.
On the desktop, right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.
Click the Advanced tab, and then click Settings under Startup and Recovery.
Under System Startup, click Edit.

The Boot.ini file opens in Notepad.
Locate and then delete the /KERNEL=filename switch.

Note The /KERNEL=filename switch is an optional parameter. Typically, it is only used by third-party programs that modify the kernel. It is safe to delete the entire switch parameter, which may resemble /kernel=kernel.exe.

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