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Dokazi o bioterorizmu (prašičja gripa)

Dokazi o bioterorizmu (prašičja gripa)

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swamigi ::

Kaj je v cepivih proti gripi.

* Thimerosal - konzervans/razkužilo z živim srebrom, ki je zelo strupen in lahko povzroči poškodbe možganov in avtoimunske bolezni
* Aluminij - dodatek za pospešitev delovanja protiteles, povzroča raka pri laboratorijskih miših, pri ljudeh pa Alzheimerjevo bolezen in božjast
* Formaldehid - razkužilo, znana rakotvorna sestavina, se uporablja za balzamiranje trupel
* Fenol/karbolna kislina - razkužilo/barvilo, smrtonosen strup
* Etilen glikol - protizmrzovalno sredstvo
* Benzethonium klorid - razkužilo
* Metilparaben - protibakterijsko delovanje/konzervans
* Aceton - topilo za odstranjevanje laka na nohtih
* Alum - konzervans
* Glicerin - alkohol, pridobljen iz naravnih maščob, ki so že razpadle in gnile; med drugim povzroča poškodbe ledvic, jeter, pljuč, prebavnega trakta in tudi smrt

bluefish ::

Saj ne, da prej ne bi za vsako od naštetih stvari vsaj malo prebral wiki, ampak raje pišeš samo tisti del, ki se ti zdi senzacionalističen.

Skratka, spet se ponavlja zgodba s fluorom, ko ste nekateri očitno prešpricali več kot pol srednješolske kemije.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: bluefish ()

PaX_MaN ::

Kaj je v cepivih proti gripi.

* Thimerosal - konzervans/razkužilo z živim srebrom, ki je zelo strupen in lahko povzroči poškodbe možganov in avtoimunske bolezni
* Aluminij - dodatek za pospešitev delovanja protiteles, povzroča raka pri laboratorijskih miših, pri ljudeh pa Alzheimerjevo bolezen in božjast
* Formaldehid - razkužilo, znana rakotvorna sestavina, se uporablja za balzamiranje trupel
* Fenol/karbolna kislina - razkužilo/barvilo, smrtonosen strup
* Etilen glikol - protizmrzovalno sredstvo
* Benzethonium klorid - razkužilo
* Metilparaben - protibakterijsko delovanje/konzervans
* Aceton - topilo za odstranjevanje laka na nohtih
* Alum - konzervans
* Glicerin - alkohol, pridobljen iz naravnih maščob, ki so že razpadle in gnile; med drugim povzroča poškodbe ledvic, jeter, pljuč, prebavnega trakta in tudi smrt

Zdaj pa najdi še v kakšni količini so noter in kakšen je njihov LD50.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: PaX_MaN ()

imagodei ::

Pyr0Beast, a se hecaš?

Smallpox is believed to have emerged in human populations about 10,000 BC.[2] The disease killed an estimated 400,000 Europeans each year during the 18th century (including five monarchs), and was responsible for a third of all blindness.[3] Of all those infected, 20-60%--and over 80% of infected children--died from the disease.[6]

During the 20th century, it is estimated that smallpox was responsible for 300-500 million deaths.[7][8][9] In the early 1950s an estimated 50 million cases of smallpox occurred in the world each year.[10] As recently as 1967, the World Health Organization estimated that 15 million people contracted the disease and that two million died in that year.[10] After successful vaccination campaigns throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, the WHO certified the eradication of smallpox in December 1979.[10] To this day, smallpox is the only human infectious disease to have been completely eradicated

In roughly the last 150 years, measles has been estimated to have killed about 200 million people worldwide.
Unvaccinated populations are at risk for the disease. After vaccination rates dropped in northern Nigeria in the early 2000s due to religious and political objections, the number of cases rose significantly, and hundreds of children died.[11]
However, the MMR scare in Britain caused uptake of the vaccine to plunge, and measles cases came back: 2007 saw 971 cases in England and Wales, the biggest rise in occurrence in measles cases since records began in 1995.[15]
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), measles is a leading cause of vaccine-preventable childhood mortality. Worldwide, the fatality rate has been significantly reduced by partners in the Measles Initiative: the American Red Cross, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the United Nations Foundation, UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO). Globally, measles deaths are down 60 percent, from an estimated 873,000 deaths in 1999 to 345,000 in 2005. Africa has seen the most success, with annual measles deaths falling by 75 percent in just 5 years, from an estimated 506,000 to 126,000.[16]

Triminutno iskanje po Googlu da dovolj rezultatov, če hočeš videt in če se resno pogovarjaš. Cepljenje je znanstveno dokazano koristno. Kaj profitira družba? Hja, mogoče je več staršev veselih, ker njihove otroke ne poberejo koze, ošpice, pa tudi bakterijske bolezni ala davica, tetanus. Zmanjšujejo se stroški bolnišničnega zdravljenja, stroški zaradi boleznin, predpisanih antibakterijskih zdravil...

Mah, ne moremo se resno pogovarjat, če se zastavljajo tako smešna vprašanja, no! Mnoge bolezni, če jih ne zdravimo oz. nismo cepljeni, puščajo tudi zdravstvene posledice, zaradi katerih so prizadeti tako oboleli sami, kot ljudje okoli njih: otroška paraliza (delna paraliza), davica ter škrlatinka (tveganje za nastanek srčnih okvar), klopni meningitis (trajni glavoboli, otežena koncentracija)...

Tetanus ima v razvitih državah cca 5% smrtnost, okužbe pa se pojavijo skoraj izključno pri tistih, kjer je imunizacija zaradi cepljenja popustila. Globalno (vključujoč države tretjega sveta) pa je smrtnost pri tetanusu celo 30-50%!

Rumena mrzlica, ki je v svetu SPET prepoznana kot resen zdravstveni problem, ima do 30% smrtnost - če nismo cepljeni.

Meningokokni meningitis brez cepljenja ima smrtnost tudi preko 30%, če pride do zapletov.

Ob ugrizu stekle živali je edino zdravilo takojšnje cepljenje, v nasprotnem primeru je bolezen brez izjeme 100% smrtna!

Cepiva in moderna medicina nasploh so prinesla toliko pozitivnega, da si ne moremo predstavljati, kako je bilo živeti dobrih 100 let nazaj! Vsaka, celo najmanjša ranica, je lahko prinesla okužbo s tetanusom! Če je do nje prišlo, si celo v 50% umrl. Otroške bolezni so kosile na veliko!

A še kaj? Mislim, res smešno, da je ta dejstva sploh treba navajat.
- Hoc est qui sumus -

imagodei ::

swamigi> "Kaj je v cepivih proti gripi."

1.) urlpls.
2.) kot pravi PaX MaN, najdi podatke o LD50 za posamezno kemično spojino, ki jo navajaš.

Ali veš, da je etilni alkohol, ki se običajno nahaja v trgovinah in ga zdravniki celo v majhnih količinah priporočajo piti, ravno tako nevaren strup? Že pri 5 promilih (5 gramov na kilogram krvi!) nastopita koma in zelo verjetno smrt!

Atropin je sicer hud strup, vendar se vseeno uporablja v medicini ob zastojih in nepravilnem bitju srca. Uporablja se celo kot protistrup za zastrupitev z organofosfati.

3.) Te sestavine, če so zares v cepivih za gripo, so tam že desetletja. Kaj je sedaj nenadoma tako nenavadno/nevarno, da je treba na to opozarjati?
- Hoc est qui sumus -

PacificBlue ::

Te sestavine, če so zares v cepivih za gripo, so tam že desetletja. Kaj je sedaj nenadoma tako nenavadno/nevarno, da je treba na to opozarjati?

In her article, "The Adverse Effects of Adjuvants in Vaccines" (Nexus Magazine Dec. 2000), Australian vaccine researcher Viera Scheibner, Ph.D., lists the autoimmune diseases that have been linked to squalene injections in humans--arthritis, fibromyalgia, lymphadenopathy, rashes, photosensitive rashes, malar rashes, chronic fatigue, chronic headaches, abnormal body hair loss, non-healing skin lesions, aphthous ulcers, dizziness, weakness, memory loss, seizures, mood changes, neuropsychiatric problems, anti-thyroid effects, anaemia, elevated ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, Raynaud's phenomenon, Sjorgren's syndrome, chronic diarrhoea, night sweats and low-grade fevers.
"Squalene is a kind of trigger for the real biological weapon: The immune system. When the immune system's full repertoire of cells and antibodies start attacking the tissues they are supposed to protect, the results can be catastrophic," wrote Matsumoto. Dr. Pam Asa concurs with Matsumoto when she stated," Oil adjuvants are the most insidious chemical weapon ever devised."

West continues, "The main proponents for the use of squalene in vaccines have been the U.S Department of Defense and the NIH. The anti-squalene antibodies found in sick American and British military personnel are evidence that military experimentation has caused an unprecedented health catastrophe in tens of thousands of people onto whom the vaccine was forced and who were denied the right to make an informed decision based on existing scientific knowledge of the dangers of injecting squalene."

Based upon decades of research in animals and humans, once oil-based adjuvants become the most common adjuvant contained in vaccines, there will be no way the pharmaceutical industry will be able to claim mass vaccination is necessary to prevent the spread of infectious diseases--it will be an open declaration of war on mankind. "By adding squalene to their new anthrax vaccine, they did not make a better vaccine, they made a biological weapon," Matsumoto observed.

I’m out.

PacificBlue ::

After years of repeated obfuscation, the federal government finally admitted that a banned chemical additive linked to the Gulf War syndrome has been found in some of
the vaccines developed to protect military personnel from biological attack.

This October, a spokesman for the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) contradicted previous statements made by the government when he said that "trace amounts" of squalene were found in several lots of a vaccine used to protect troops from anthrax, a deadly infectious agent, during a recent series of tests by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, he denied that squalene had been deliberately used in the making of the vaccine, saying instead that "it's not something that's been added to the vaccine that we give our troops."

Since the 1980s, squalene has also been studied by the DoD and the National Institutes of Health as an adjuvant to boost the efficacy of certain vaccines. However, because animal studies have shown that squalene adjuvants may generate unwanted side effects, including autoimmune versions of arthritis, multiple sclerosis and other conditions, the FDA has never approved the general use of any vaccine containing squalene in the United States.


Upam, da je vam kaj bolj jasno..
I’m out.

PaX_MaN ::

Upam, da je vam kaj bolj jasno..

Ja. Prej ga niso zaznali, zdaj ga.

bluefish ::

@PacificBlue: še vedno nisem pozabil: http://slo-tech.com/forum/t371868/p2500...

PaX_MaN ::

unprecedented health catastrophe in tens of thousands of people onto whom the vaccine was forced

Mhm, ja, šurči:
[...] 487,098 members of the military have received at least one dose of the anthrax vaccine. Of those receiving at least one dose, 1,152 people - approximately one in every 423 persons inoculated - have reported an adverse reaction.

A review by the Department of Health and Human Services earlier this year found that 592 cases were either "certainly" or "probably" caused by the vaccine, with 123 cases classified as "serious" and 10 requiring hospitalization due to an allergic or inflammatory response. Approximately 400 other personnel have either resigned from the military or faced disciplinary action rather than take the vaccine.6

Kje tu vidijo "na deset tisoče" tistih, ki jih je zjebalo cepivo, mi je misterij.

PacificBlue ::

Omg, tukaj se pa z nekaterimi ne da več pogovarjati.

Totalno brepredmetne argumentacije, v stilu blodenj in iskanju nekih rešitev izven konteksta, katastrofa.

Govorim o sestavini squalene, ki je dodana cepivo. In sodeč po preizkusih na živalih, kot tudi na vojakih(Dokazana je povezava med Gulf War sindromom in squalenom) ta lahko izredno škodi posamezniku:

autoimmune diseases that have been linked to squalene injections in humans--arthritis, fibromyalgia, lymphadenopathy, rashes, photosensitive rashes, malar rashes, chronic fatigue, chronic headaches, abnormal body hair loss, non-healing skin lesions, aphthous ulcers, dizziness, weakness, memory loss, seizures, mood changes, neuropsychiatric problems, anti-thyroid effects, anaemia, elevated ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, Raynaud's phenomenon, Sjorgren's syndrome, chronic diarrhoea, night sweats and low-grade fevers.

Ali so to za vas stranski učinki?
I’m out.

PaX_MaN ::

Govorim o sestavini squalene, ki je dodana cepivo.

Pri cepivu za antraks ne.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: PaX_MaN ()

PacificBlue ::

Squalene is a cholesterol precursor, which stimulates the immune system nonspecifically. We demonstrate that one intradermal injection of this adjuvant lipid can induce joint-specific inflammation in arthritis-prone DA rats. Histopathological and immunohistochemical analyses revealed erosion of bone and cartilage, and that development of polyarthritis coincided with infiltration of ß+ T cells. Depletion of these cells with anti-ß TcR monoclonal antibody (R73) resulted in complete recovery, whereas anti-CD8 and anti- TcR injections were ineffective. The apparent dependence on CD4+ T cells suggested a role for genes within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), and this was concluded from comparative studies of MHC congenic rat strains, in which DA.1H rats were less susceptible than DA rats. Furthermore, LEW.1AV1 and PVG.1AV1 rats with MHC identical to DA rats were arthritis-resistant, demonstrating that non-MHC genes also determine susceptibility. Some of these genetic influences could be linked to previously described arthritis susceptibility loci in an F2 intercross between DA and LEW.1AV1 rats (ie, Cia3, Oia2 and Cia5). Interestingly, some F2 hybrid rats developed chronic arthritis, a phenotype not apparent in the parental inbred strains. Our demonstration that an autoadjuvant can trigger chronic, immune-mediated joint-specific inflammation may give clues to the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis, and it raises new questions concerning the role of endogenous molecules with adjuvant properties in chronic inflammatory diseases.

I’m out.

Zgodovina sprememb…

PaX_MaN ::

in arthritis-prone DA rats.

Če maš gene v kurcu, ti lahko sproži to tudi, ohnevem, starost.

XsenO ::

Zabavna sestavina ta Squalene predvsem ko prebereš, da je naravna sestavina človeškega telesa, ki pomaga pri syntezi kolesterola, hormonov in vitaminu D.
Squalene @ Wikipedia

Taista sestavina je bila uspešno, brez komplikaciji uporabljena v več kot 22 milijonih "shootov" cepiva.

In že ko je govora o antrax cepivo (čeprav nimam pojma kaj ta tukaj počne) zgleda, da te grdo grde sestavine praktično ni bilo.
(posnetek strani, ker normalen link trenutno ni delal)
1 + 1 = 1

PacificBlue ::

Zabavna sestavina ta Squalene predvsem ko prebereš, da je naravna sestavina človeškega telesa, ki pomaga pri syntezi kolesterola, hormonov in vitaminu D.

Vem, tal link sem že nalepil par strani nazaj.

Taista sestavina je bila uspešno, brez komplikaciji uporabljena v več kot 22 milijonih "shootov" cepiva.

Aja kljub temu:

Since the 1980s, squalene has also been studied by the DoD and the National Institutes of Health as an adjuvant to boost the efficacy of certain vaccines. However, because animal studies have shown that squalene adjuvants may generate unwanted side effects, including autoimmune versions of arthritis, multiple sclerosis and other conditions, the FDA has never approved the general use of any vaccine containing squalene in the United States.

In koliko ljudi je trpelo zaradi tega? Ne vemo, a ne.

In že ko je govora o antrax cepivo (čeprav nimam pojma kaj ta tukaj počne) zgleda, da te grdo grde sestavine praktično ni bilo.
(posnetek strani, ker normalen link trenutno ni delal)

Mi ne odpre.Sicer pa spet ena takšna laž in zavajanje.Kot že ne vem kolikokrat.
I’m out.

XsenO ::

Sicer pa spet ena takšna laž in zavajanje.Kot že ne vem kolikokrat.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA....se opravičujem, toda kakšen dokaz, kriterij, morda vedeževalne moči, ki so te privedle do tega zaključka o članku, ki ga nisi niti ( kot sam poveš) prebral?
Kako lahko po tem sploh tvojim člankom verjamemo?
1 + 1 = 1

PacificBlue ::

"Kako lahko po tem sploh tvojim člankom verjamemo?"

Bodi resen. Mojih člankov sploh bral nisi, drugače me ne bi spraševal neumnosti.
I’m out.

PaX_MaN ::

Kakšna resnost je pa:

Sicer pa spet ena takšna laž in zavajanje.Kot že ne vem kolikokrat.


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: PaX_MaN ()

XsenO ::

Mojih člankov sploh bral nisi,

Kaj me nadzoruješ preko skrite kamere, da veš kaj sem in kaj nisem počel? Če nebi tvojih člankov prebral kako bi potem našel kontra članke? Lep primer je tvoj drugi članek o squalenu, kateri sploh ne omenja, da je količina odkritega squalena ( ki so ga našli šele, ko so bile razvite boljše tehnike) v vzorcih 4 do 25 manj, kot bi ga našli normalno v krvi. Tudi menda ne omenja, da je zdravilo proti influenci, ki se ga je takrat uporabljalo v europi (več kot 10 milijonov uspešnih vakcinacij) vsebovalo 1000000 večjo koncentracijo squalena, kot količina najdena v tistih vzorcih cepiva proti antraksu.
1 + 1 = 1

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: XsenO ()

PacificBlue ::

Citat, prosim.

Ne. Pa ne zato, ker ga ga ne bi bilo, ga imaš v zadnjem delu Xsenotovega posta,ampak zato, ker se pač ne grem teh bednih besednih igric, ki sučejo temo vstran od naslova.

Če nebi tvojih člankov prebral kako bi potem našel kontra članke?

Pa zakaj se izdajaš. ti mi sam skozi besede izdajaš svoj osebni profil. Še vedno mislim, da jih nisi bral ampak si samo iskal kontra članke,katere sem btw že prečekiral prej, razen zadnjega,ki ga ni bilo mogoče odpreti.
I’m out.

Zgodovina sprememb…

PaX_MaN ::

ki sučejo temo vstran od naslova.

Kaj potem težiš s cepivom proti antraksu?

PacificBlue ::

Jaz težim s squalenom.
I’m out.

XsenO ::


Daj to v google in ti bi moralo, dati posnetek strani.
1 + 1 = 1

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: XsenO ()

PaX_MaN ::

Jaz težim s squalenom.

Ni videt.

imagodei ::

Umirite strasti. Imate precej dolgo ketno tukaj; ne tega izkoriščat za osebne napade!


tole postaja čisto neprimerno. Začeli smo s prašičjo gripo; potem smo preko mnogih vaših napol izdelanih idej pokazali, da je cepivo zanjo praktično enako vsem dosedanjim cepivom, zdaj smo se pa nenadoma prišli iz specifičnega cepiva, ki naj bi pobil milijarde, na vsa cepiva?

Torej je zdaj vaša najnovejša trditev ta, da so vsa cepiva strupi? In kakšen je predlog? Opustimo cepljenje proti otroški paralizi, mumpsu, ošpicam, rdečkam, hepatitisu? A predlagaš, da se vrnemo kakih 100 let nazaj v preteklost in davico in tetanus zdravimo s čajčki in obkladki?
- Hoc est qui sumus -

Slo-One ::

< sarcasm on >

< sarcasm off >

Skrbi me, da bomo mogoče celo prišli na to temo kjer imamo spet WHO in UN.

dokaz1 ::

V Nemčiji so nezadovoljni s tem, da imajo izbranci na voljo alternativno cepivo za novo gripo ki je brez škodljivih učinkov.


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: dokaz1 ()

PaX_MaN ::

v nemčiji so nezadovoljni s tem, da imajo izbranci na voljo alternativno cepivo za novo gripo ki je brez škodljivih učinkov.

wtf? Najprej naj bi ravno baxterjevo cepivo fentalo nevemkolikože milijard ljudi, zdaj je pa čisto ko suza? :))

Zgodovina sprememb…

Gandalfar ::

ne razumes, to je "tadrugo" baxterjevo cepivo

PacificBlue ::


tole postaja čisto neprimerno. Začeli smo s prašičjo gripo; potem smo preko mnogih vaših napol izdelanih idej pokazali, da je cepivo zanjo praktično enako vsem dosedanjim cepivom, zdaj smo se pa nenadoma prišli iz specifičnega cepiva, ki naj bi pobil milijarde, na vsa cepiva?

Poglej, jaz nisem nič začel in nič končal. Ne meči mene(in moja mnenja) v koš z ostalimi, ki izražajo stališča,ki so lahko, možno podobna(ali pa tudi sploh ne) vendar izbirajo drugačne metode, druge vire..Jasno? Pa prosil bi te v prihodnje, da če želiš povedati, kaj sem jaz dejal, kako je moje mnenje, oz kaj sem sploh kdaj začel govorit ipd..da me CITIRAŠ. Jasno? Ne moreš tko splošno govorit, kaj sem govoril(npr. da trdim da bo zarad cepiva pomrlo pol svetovnega prebivalstva..itd..). In spet trdiš bedarije k praviš da smo iz navadnega cepiva prišla na vsa cepiva..Na katera vsa zdravila? Poimenuj jih(jaz vem katera so-kateri je dodan vse ta adjuvant-squalen))..ne pa pisat sestavke kot kak 14 leten otrok.

Torej je zdaj vaša najnovejša trditev ta, da so vsa cepiva strupi? In kakšen je predlog? Opustimo cepljenje proti otroški paralizi, mumpsu, ošpicam, rdečkam, hepatitisu? A predlagaš, da se vrnemo kakih 100 let nazaj v preteklost in davico in tetanus zdravimo s čajčki in obkladki?

Ne trdim tega, daleč od tega, če bi bral moje vire in članke, bi ti mogoče celo kapnilo kaj.

Mislim totalno brezveze je sploh debatirati tle, ker dejstvo je da nimam primernega sogovorca. Ali naletim na osebe,ki z gverilsko taktiko iščejo kontra članke in si dejstev sploh ne pogledajo. Jim je pač hec in zabava takole jebat soforumaša, ki drugače misli v glavo.

Ali pa naletim na moderatorja, ki briše moje poste zarad zgoraj omenjenega kontra učinka, poleg tega mi še pa trdi da sem govoril in trdil stvari, ki sploh niso resnične.

Mislim zakaj se sploh trudim..eh..bv.
I&#8217;m out.

bluefish ::

Mislim totalno brezveze je sploh debatirati tle, ker dejstvo je da nimam primernega sogovorca. Ali naletim na osebe,ki z gverilsko taktiko iščejo kontra članke in si dejstev sploh ne pogledajo. Jim je pač hec in zabava takole jebat soforumaša, ki drugače misli v glavo.
Če pa iščeš sogovorca, ki bi ti le kimal, pa imaš en kup strani, ki jih tudi citiraš in so na njih zbrani ljudje podobnih mnenj. Torej, kaj sploh še delaš tukaj?

imagodei ::

PacificBlue> "Poglej, jaz nisem nič začel in nič končal. Ne meči mene(in moja mnenja) v koš z ostalimi, ki izražajo stališča,ki so lahko, možno podobna(ali pa tudi sploh ne) vendar izbirajo drugačne metode, druge vire..Jasno? Pa prosil bi te v prihodnje, da če želiš povedati, kaj sem jaz dejal, kako je moje mnenje, oz kaj sem sploh kdaj začel govorit ipd..da me CITIRAŠ. Jasno? Ne moreš tko splošno govorit, kaj sem govoril(npr. da trdim da bo zarad cepiva pomrlo pol svetovnega prebivalstva..itd..). In spet trdiš bedarije k praviš da smo iz navadnega cepiva prišla na vsa cepiva..Na katera vsa zdravila? Poimenuj jih(jaz vem katera so-kateri je dodan vse ta adjuvant-squalen))..ne pa pisat sestavke kot kak 14 leten otrok."

No, lej. Chill out. Ne mešat megle, pa jasno povej, kakšna so tvoja stališča. Jaz sem kar precej dosleden glede citiranja in pripisovanja izjav; če pa ti ne znaš jasno izrazit svojih stališč in mnenj, pa pač zblediš v ozadju skupaj z drugimi teoretiki zarote. Če se še sam ne moreš odločit, kaj točno bi rad verjel, ti mi ne moremo pomagat.

Poleg tega pa - what blueFish said: tle se izmenjujejo mnenja in velika večina to vidi za zelo pozitivno reč. Če bi rad, da ti kimamo in pritrjujemo, si na napačnem mestu. IOW, če za svoja verovanja ne moreš najti dovolj trdnih dokazov, si lahko jezen kvečjemu nase, ne pa na ostale udeležence.

In ne mislim več razpredat o tem, kako smo grdi (eni ali drugi), ker je to popolnoma irelevantno. Kar je važno je to, da ti (vsak, FWIW) v debato pripelješ trdne argumente in navedbe iz zanesljivih virov, ne pa senzacionalistične rumene novice in rekla-kazala.

Poleg tega bi bilo fino in lepo, če v dialogu tudi zares participiraš, ne da vodiš nek svoj monolog. Kot vem, si dolžan še odgovor blueFishu. Zgoraj si meni nekaj odgovarjal, link pa vodi na nek Science a GoGo forum, o katerem ne vem, kaj naj si mislim.
- Hoc est qui sumus -

PacificBlue ::

Kar je važno je to, da ti (vsak, FWIW) v debato pripelješ trdne argumente in navedbe iz zanesljivih virov, ne pa senzacionalistične rumene novice in rekla-kazala.

A da jih nisem?



Pa še en:
Zakaj ga potem sploh uporabljajo?

According to a meta-analysis of these studies, there is no firm evidence that the MF59C.1 adjuvant vaccine is any better than other vaccines


No, lej. Chill out. Ne mešat megle, pa jasno povej, kakšna so tvoja stališča. Jaz sem kar precej dosleden glede citiranja in pripisovanja izjav; če pa ti ne znaš jasno izrazit svojih stališč in mnenj, pa pač zblediš v ozadju skupaj z drugimi teoretiki zarote. Če se še sam ne moreš odločit, kaj točno bi rad verjel, ti mi ne moremo pomagat.

Saj sem ga povedal, to je bil moj odgovor Gandalfarju, ki je spraševal dokaz1 kdaj bodo ljudje začeli množično umirati.

Poleg tega pa - what blueFish said: tle se izmenjujejo mnenja in velika večina to vidi za zelo pozitivno reč. Če bi rad, da ti kimamo in pritrjujemo, si na napačnem mestu. IOW, če za svoja verovanja ne moreš najti dovolj trdnih dokazov, si lahko jezen kvečjemu nase, ne pa na ostale udeležence.

Lej meni že samo to pove, kako pozizivno je to izmenjavanje mnenj, ko moram lepit članke in citate iz par strani nazaj napisanih mojih postov. Ker se ne berejo..Ker pač imo nekateri tle ne sodelujejo na podlagi pozitivnega izmenjavanja mnenj ampak samo obračunavanja zaradi drugačnega mišljenja.

In ne mislim več razpredat o tem, kako smo grdi (eni ali drugi), ker je to popolnoma irelevantno. Kar je važno je to, da ti (vsak, FWIW) v debato pripelješ trdne argumente in navedbe iz zanesljivih virov, ne pa senzacionalistične rumene novice in rekla-kazala.

Sem jih. Poleg tega,većina ostalih razen Xseno se še kar potrudi(ga moram pohvalit), ostali argumentirajo samo na podlagi besednih igric in obtoževanj o norih teoretikih zarote, ne predložijo pa nobenega linka, vira ali kaj podobnega, ki bi naredil razpravo bolj zanimivo in bolj pravično. Pa ni to problem samo v tej temi, ampak v vseh ki se tičejo podobnih razprav. Poglej mene recimo, kok se trudim z citati in linki, kaj pa ostali, nasprotno misleči?

Poleg tega bi bilo fino in lepo, če v dialogu tudi zares participiraš, ne da vodiš nek svoj monolog. Kot vem, si dolžan še odgovor blueFishu. Zgoraj si meni nekaj odgovarjal, link pa vodi na nek Science a GoGo forum, o katerem ne vem, kaj naj si mislim.

Ne razumem, kako da ne participiram. Pač koliko mi dopušča čas. Bi pa verjetno še bolj, če bi dobil kvalitetne argumente, z linki ne pa ironične komentarje. Tisti forum ima linke in vire. Nisem dal linka, da bi razmišljal o izgledu, namenu tistega foruma, ampak da bi sam kaj poizvedel. Res me zanima, če v prostem času raziskujete kaj te pojave, indice. Čepeti na veji, kot ptič da ti kaj prileti v usta, pač ni baš obetajoče.
I&#8217;m out.

PaX_MaN ::

According to a meta-analysis of these studies, there is no firm evidence that the MF59C.1 adjuvant vaccine is any better than other vaccines

Pri 65+ letih (v tej raziskavi).

Zakaj ga potem sploh uporabljajo?

Nekateri ga, nekateri ga ne. Nekje laufa, nekje ne. Pa ker so klinično testirani. Tako kot tisti ObsijeTeSSvetloboInPozdraviDoObisti™ onegaj.

PacificBlue ::

Nekateri ga, nekateri ga ne. Nekje laufa, nekje ne. Pa ker so klinično testirani.

Tile se ne strinjajo:

Our demonstration that an autoadjuvant can trigger chronic, immune-mediated joint-specific inflammation may give clues to the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis, and it raises new questions concerning the role of endogenous molecules with adjuvant properties in chronic inflammatory diseases


Drugače pa na splošno(članek je drugače povezan z GW sindromom):

Supposedly squalene "stimulates the body's immune response when mixed with vaccines to make medications more effective." [15]

Logical arguments for the Squalene argument include:

1. Squalene is a Non-FDA approved substance with unknown side effects on humans
2. Squalene would be a logical experiment in trying to activate the autoimmune system against mycoplasma-type bacteria, if the government knew of the possibility of this type of biowarfare.
3. Article sites two prestigious laboratories (through they prefer not to be identified yet) as the testing sources. [16]

Arguments against Squalene being a cause of GWI include:

1. Squalene antibodies have been found in blood samples of soldiers who have and soldiers who have not become sick. Even if it were administered in an experiment to the soldiers, why would we blame it for symptoms if it were present in soldiers experiencing the illness when it is also found in soldiers who are not?
2. The Pentagon and US Government medical authorities say only trace amounts of squalene can be found in the Anthrax vaccine. [17] (Prior to the year 2000, they claimed squalene was not at all present in the vaccine.)
3. Double-blind testing has not been completed.

I&#8217;m out.

PaX_MaN ::

Tile se ne strinjajo:

Our demonstration that an autoadjuvant can trigger chronic, immune-mediated joint-specific inflammation may give clues to the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis, and it raises new questions concerning the role of endogenous molecules with adjuvant properties in chronic inflammatory diseases


Jaz sem dal raziskave na ljudeh, ti pa raziskavo na miših. Katere so, misliš, bolj natančne?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: PaX_MaN ()

PacificBlue ::

Jaz sem dal raziskave na ljudeh, ti pa raziskavo na miših. Katere so, misliš, bolj natančne?

Ne,na podganah. Na podganah so že bile natančne, zakaj ne bi bile?

Poleg tega si mi dal samo link za squalen MF59, kaj pa AS03?

Še vedno mislim, da squalen povzroči slabitev imunskega sistema.

Pa btw zakaj ni squalen dovoljen v Zda?
I&#8217;m out.

Zgodovina sprememb…

PaX_MaN ::

ASO3 1, 2

PacificBlue ::

AS03-adjuvanted H5N1 vaccines

We are grateful to the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (Potters Bar, UK) for providing the vaccine virus strain and reference standards and also to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, Atlanta, USA) for supplying the A/Indonesia/5/2005 strain.

Pa tuki bi še tud lahk kaj rekel, pa raj ne bom..

Pa še vedno me to zanima:

Pa btw zakaj ni squalen dovoljen v Zda?
I&#8217;m out.

imagodei ::


še vedno ne štekaš, kaj te pravzaprav sprašujem in glede česa se ne znaš izjasnit. Mislim, menda je vsem jasno, da imajo zdravila svoje stranske učinke in da je vsa poanta zdravil v tem, da jih uporabljamo, če odtehtajo nevarnost stranskih učinkov.

Tukaj gre pa za dve vprašanji: A želiš povedat, da so dodatki, ki jih najdemo v cepivih, del svetovne zarote za zmanjšanje števila populacije? In, ali želiš povedat, da naj zaradi stranskih učinkov cepiv opustimo cepljenja?
- Hoc est qui sumus -

PaX_MaN ::

AS03-adjuvanted H5N1 vaccines

We are grateful to the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (Potters Bar, UK) for providing the vaccine virus strain and reference standards and also to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, Atlanta, USA) for supplying the A/Indonesia/5/2005 strain.

Pa tuki bi še tud lahk kaj rekel, pa raj ne bom..

Vprašal si me za ASO3 s squalenom in ne s čim je grupiran...

Pa še vedno me to zanima:

Pa btw zakaj ni squalen dovoljen v Zda?

Ne squalene kot tak, ampak v cepivu.

mojsterleo ::

3.) Te sestavine, če so zares v cepivih za gripo, so tam že desetletja. Kaj je sedaj nenadoma tako nenavadno/nevarno, da je treba na to opozarjati?
to vprasaj nemsko vojsko, ki je zavrnila GLK-jevo cepivo. ravno zato so potem kupili za nemsko vlado in vojsko baxterjevo cepivo, ki menda teh substanc ne vsebuje, raja pa bo dobila GLK. razlika med cepivi torej je. poleg tega zaradi narave manufakture GLKjevo cepivo tudi ni primerno za osebe, ki so alergicne na jajca...

PaX_MaN ::

to vprasaj nemsko vojsko, ki je zavrnila GLK-jevo cepivo.


ravno zato so potem kupili za nemsko vlado in vojsko baxterjevo cepivo, ki menda teh substanc ne vsebuje, raja pa bo dobila GLK.

Celvapan should not be given to people who have had an anaphylactic reaction (severe allergic reaction) to any of the components of the vaccine, or to any of the substances found at trace (very low) levels in the vaccine, such as formaldehyde, benzonase or sucrose.

Pandemrix should not be given to people who have had an anaphylactic reaction (severe allergic reaction) to any of the components of the vaccine, or to any of the substances found at very low levels in the vaccine, such as egg or chicken protein, ovalbumin (a protein in egg white), formaldehyde, gentamicin sulphate (an antibiotic) and sodium deoxycholate.

Focetria should not be given to patients who have had an anaphylactic reaction (severe allergic reaction) to any of the components of the vaccine, or to any substances found at trace levels in the vaccine, such as egg or chicken protein, ovalbumin (a protein in egg white), kanamycin or neomycin sulphate (antibiotics), formaldehyde, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and polysorbate 80.

Vsi trije imajo zajebane stvari not. Sicer je pa to enako kot pri kateremkoli drugem zdravilu - če si alergičen na karkoli, se posvetuj z zdravnikom.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: PaX_MaN ()

imagodei ::

imagodei>> "3.) Te sestavine, če so zares v cepivih za gripo, so tam že desetletja. Kaj je sedaj nenadoma tako nenavadno/nevarno, da je treba na to opozarjati?"

MojsterLeo> "to vprasaj nemsko vojsko, ki je zavrnila GLK-jevo cepivo. ravno zato so potem kupili za nemsko vlado in vojsko baxterjevo cepivo, ki menda teh substanc ne vsebuje, raja pa bo dobila GLK. razlika med cepivi torej je. poleg tega zaradi narave manufakture GLKjevo cepivo tudi ni primerno za osebe, ki so alergicne na jajca..."

No, sej glede tega pa ni nobenega spora. Pazi, jaz nikakor ne pravim, da so cepiva brez stranskih učinkov. Ne pravim, da določene spojine v cepivih morda niso škodljive. Kamot so. Je pa velika razlika med "stranskimi učinki" in "načrtnim iztrebljanjem prebivalstva".

Zakaj nekateri proizvajalci uporabljajo neke spojine, drugi pa ne, je tudi zanimiva debata. Imajo že neke svoje razloge: ali to poceni proizvodnjo cepiva (in ne vpliva dosti na tveganje za zdravje), ali se morda podaljša rok uporabe, ali pa je učinkovita že manjša količina cepiva (kar spet vpliva na ceno). Samo tukaj zaenkrat nismo konstruktivno razpravljali o tem, ampak smo poslušali preroške misli o zdravstveni kataklizmi, povzročeni s strani zlobnih Iluminatijev, ki želijo z bioterorizmom pokončati 5 milijard svetovnega prebivalstva.

Ugotavljat, ali je squalene nevaren ali ne in ali naj ga proizvajalci cepiv še naprej uporabljajo ali ne, je čisto ena druga debata, kot pa viti z rokami in si pulit lase, da nas hočejo s cepivi zastrupiti.
- Hoc est qui sumus -

PacificBlue ::

Pa btw zakaj ni squalen dovoljen v Zda?

Ne squalene kot tak, ampak v cepivu.

Seveda, tako sem mislil.

The FDA today approved the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Cervarix for use in girls and young women ages 10-25 to help prevent cervical cancer.

Samo a ni zanimivo se vprašati, zakaj je bil tako dolgo prepovedan,menda zaradi tistih poskusov, ki so pokazali hude stranske učinke. Spomni se samo tistega linka o +65 letnikih, kjer squalen ne učinkuje kaj preveč. Mogoče pa veliko bolj učinkuje pri mlajših populacijah, kjer cepijo z njim dekleta 18-25 let zaradi Human papilloma virusa.

Zakaj nekateri proizvajalci uporabljajo neke spojine, drugi pa ne, je tudi zanimiva debata.

Absolutno, če vemo, da squalen in tudi SVINEC, ki je dodan cepivo nista nujna sploh za izdelavo cepiva.

Dr Jürgen Seefeldt, a specialist in internal medicine from Paderborn, sent an open letter to the Dr Susanne Stöcker, an official from the German drug regulator, the Paul Ehrlich Institute, pointing out the reason why her statement in the media that the "swine flu" jab was not risky was an "infamous lie".

Seefeldt systematically lists the dangers of squalene and mercury citing relevant scientific literature. He also notes that these toxic ingredients are not necessary for making a vaccine.

Tole je z google prevajalnikom prevedeno pismo nemškega zdravnika(fajn bi bilo, če bi si vzeli čas in ga prebrali):

Dear Dr. Stocker,

They have been cited in the Westfalen-Blatt No. 230 of 03.10.09, with the words, "the new vaccination against influenza is safe ..."

I want to urge you to cease this outrageous lie! They are content in this statement of mine mentioned below by Medline-listed literature essay converted to a false statement.

All German swine flu vaccines, including Pandemrix include:

1) squalene, a very dangerous adjuvant, to say the vice president of the Federal Medical Dr. Montgomery, he would not make anyone scared, but the adjuvant was not sufficiently tested. Squalene can induce autoimmunity. Autoimmune diseases of organs such as heart, lungs, kidneys, ultimately ending today always fatal, they are incurable. Squalene is scientifically urgent suspected causal factor, or even cause of the "gulf-syndromes was to be".

Squalene-induced anti-squalene antibodies and as a consequence of a vaccination with a vaccine containing squalene, may lead to the formation of anti-squalene antibodies, which are closely associated with the pathology of the Gulf War syndrome.

(Carlson, BC et al.: The endogenous adjuvant squalene can induce a chronic T-cell mediated arthritis in rats, American Journal of Pathology 2000; 156: 2057 to 2065;

Asa P.B. syndrome et al.: Antibodies to Squalene in Gulf War, Exp Mol

Pathol. 2000 Feb; 68 (1): 55-64; Asa P.B. et al.: Antibodies to squalene in recipients of anthrax vaccine, Exp.Mol. Pathol.2002 Aug; 73 (1): 19-27)

Moreover, in this context is more than disturbing that when military personnel who participated in the Gulf War and the previously received for this participation multiple vaccinations with squalene, the incidence of occurrence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis was significantly higher in comparison to U.S. military personnel not in the Gulf War was.

(Horner, RD et al.: Occurrence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis among

Gulf war veterans, Neurology 2003 Sep 23; 61 (6): 742-749)

In all German swine flu vaccine is squalene, but not in the U.S., there is by the FDA squalene, a critical attitude.

2.) = thimerosal thiomersal, an extremely toxic and carcinogenic preservatives, which consists of 49.6% of mercury in all German swine flu vaccines. Mercury as the most toxic non-radioactive element in the world and poisonous in very small quantities.

(Mutter, J. et al: Comments on the article the toxicology of mercury

and its chemical compounds by Clarkson and Magos, Crit. Rev. Toxicol.

2007 Jul; 37 (6): 537-549)

The most toxic nonradioactive element in the world (there is not a toxic non-radioactive element!) Is the central atom in the thiomersal molecule.

Thimerosal in vaccines from 2004 was supposed to be used any more, but unfortunately in all in Germany planned to inject pig flu vaccines and is contained to 5 micrograms in Pandemrix the swine flu vaccine, the government advised the population to be given shortly. Vaccination at 2, it is already 2 x 5 = 10 micrograms of thiomersal.

Mercury is in the MAK Commission List Group 3 carcinogen b!

Approx. 50 million swine flu individual ampoules in the U.S., meant for children but also adults are thiomersal-free or have only traces of thiomersal.

Mercury is carcinogenic. For carcinogens, there is no individual threshold and thus no safety dose. A threshold in carcinogenesis can not be transferred from strongly S-shaped bends extending the dose-cancer incidence ratio of experimental bioassays to humans. The "threshold" in the induction of malignant tumors exist, if any, individually different, and by genetic and lifestyle-related Suszeptabilitãtsunterschiede determined. Everyone is entitled in the induction of cancer an individual "threshold" and this may, in consideration of stochastic elements in the process of cancer development as a precise threshold to be defined only after the tumor incidence and are not predicted.

(Lutz, WK: A true threshold dose in chemical carcinogenesis can not be defined for a population, irrespective of the mode of action, Hum. Exp Toxicol. 2000, 19 (10) :566-8, discussion 571-2)

Mercury is highly neurotoxic, hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic and harmful to all human tissue. Mercury from Thimerosal is metabolized to ethyl mercury and although the HWZ of ethyl mercury is relatively short, with 7-10 days, once Mercury released into the brain virtually not removable, neither with DMSA.

It is irresponsible to use squalene and flu vaccines containing mercury, especially since it is technically possible without squalene and without mercury. That there is no squalene to prove the squalene-free vaccines against H1N1 in the U.S. and 2 different in individual ampoules available in the U.S. swine flu vaccines are also mercury-free.

Also is your "argument" through fish consumption is a much higher concentration of mercury would be included, an insult, for it was through the industrial production of mercury enters the food chain and thus also in fish. Mercury in any form, inorganically and organically bound, is carcinogenic.

There is no threshold for carcinogenic pollutants, no safety value. (Lutz, WK: A true threshold dose in chemical carcinogenesis can not be defined for a population, irrespective of the mode of action, Hum. Exp Toxicol. 2000, 19 (10): 566-8, discussion 571-2)

In the logical reverse it, is because people mercury through the food chain, including eat fish by recording in the sense of minimizing bid for carcinogenic substances even more important that is fed by vaccines is not toxic and carcinogenic additional mercury, because even a single atom can result in Hg series of unfortunate circumstances for the induction of Tumorgens by a tumor-suppressor gene mutated. I am a textbook-author of a book on carcinogenesis (in process) and can assure you that I know what I write. Your printed in the Westfalen-Blatt "fish" argument is thus in fact even an additional argument against mercury in vaccines!

So you should refrain from such false statements in the interest of the population in the future and would prefer to use your strength and energy to produce squalene and Mercury swine flu vaccines. It is technically possible to prove the U.S., where, in individual 0.5 ml vials and Afluria Fluzone 0.5 ml thiomersal and thus no mercury is contained squalene, and is not included in the entire U.S. swine flu vaccine!

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Jürgen Seefeldt

Specialist in internal medicine


33098 Paderborn

I&#8217;m out.

Zgodovina sprememb…

kogledom ::

Od kdaj pa cepijo za HPV dekleta 18-25 let stara? Najboljša zaščita je dokončano cepljenje pred prvim spolnim stikom, torej dosti prej, proti koncu osnovne šole najbolje. Seveda se lahko cepiš tudi kasneje in tudi po prvem spolnem stiku, je pa v tem primeru potrebno izključiti, če nisi že okužen s HPV, drugače itak nima smisla cepit, stroški cepljenja pa so zaenkrat še visoki...

PacificBlue ::

Od kdaj pa cepijo za HPV dekleta 18-25 let stara?

Sori moja napaka, takole je:

The FDA today approved the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Cervarix for use in girls and young women ages 10-25 to help prevent cervical cancer.
I&#8217;m out.

PaX_MaN ::

All German swine flu vaccines, including Pandemrix include:

Celvapan ga ne.

Squalene can induce autoimmunity. Autoimmune diseases of organs such as heart, lungs, kidneys, ultimately ending today always fatal, they are incurable. Squalene is scientifically urgent suspected causal factor, or even cause of the "gulf-syndromes was to be".

MF59 has been tested extensively - in more than 60 clinical trials
involving more than 33,000 people. With more than 12 years of clinical
and more than 45 million doses of adjuvanted vaccines
, MF59 has an established safety profile and has been shown
to be well tolerated in children, adults and the elderly.

Bi rekel, da bi v teh 12 letih že precejšnje število umret od vsega in svašta. Pa ni dlih tko.

Squalene-induced anti-squalene antibodies and as a consequence of a vaccination with a vaccine containing squalene, may lead to the formation of anti-squalene antibodies, which are closely associated with the pathology of the Gulf War syndrome.

S(m)o že rekli, da GWSja ne - ker so anti-squalene antitelesa našli tudi pri zdravih vojakih.

Moreover, in this context is more than disturbing that when military personnel who participated in the Gulf War and the previously received for this participation multiple vaccinations with squalene, the incidence of occurrence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis was significantly higher in comparison to U.S. military personnel not in the Gulf War was.

(Horner, RD et al.: Occurrence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis among

Gulf war veterans, Neurology 2003 Sep 23; 61 (6): 742-749)

V tej raziskavi samo piše, da so imeli deployani vojaki večje šanse dobiti ALS, ampak nič ne pišejo, zakaj (vsaj v povzetku ni napisanih nobenih možnih vzrokov).

In all German swine flu vaccine is squalene, but not in the U.S., there is by the FDA squalene, a critical attitude.

Kot že rečeno, ni res, da imajo vsi squalene (jaki dohtar, da tega ne ve...)

2.) = thimerosal thiomersal, an extremely toxic and carcinogenic preservatives, which consists of 49.6% of mercury in all German swine flu vaccines. Mercury as the most toxic non-radioactive element in the world and poisonous in very small quantities.

(Mutter, J. et al: Comments on the article the toxicology of mercury

and its chemical compounds by Clarkson and Magos, Crit. Rev. Toxicol.

2007 Jul; 37 (6): 537-549)

The most toxic nonradioactive element in the world (there is not a toxic non-radioactive element!) Is the central atom in the thiomersal molecule.

Thimerosal in vaccines from 2004 was supposed to be used any more, but unfortunately in all in Germany planned to inject pig flu vaccines and is contained to 5 micrograms in Pandemrix the swine flu vaccine, the government advised the population to be given shortly. Vaccination at 2, it is already 2 x 5 = 10 micrograms of thiomersal.

Mercury is in the MAK Commission List Group 3 carcinogen b!

Approx. 50 million swine flu individual ampoules in the U.S., meant for children but also adults are thiomersal-free or have only traces of thiomersal.

Mercury is carcinogenic. For carcinogens, there is no individual threshold and thus no safety dose. A threshold in carcinogenesis can not be transferred from strongly S-shaped bends extending the dose-cancer incidence ratio of experimental bioassays to humans. The "threshold" in the induction of malignant tumors exist, if any, individually different, and by genetic and lifestyle-related Suszeptabilit?tsunterschiede determined. Everyone is entitled in the induction of cancer an individual "threshold" and this may, in consideration of stochastic elements in the process of cancer development as a precise threshold to be defined only after the tumor incidence and are not predicted.

(Lutz, WK: A true threshold dose in chemical carcinogenesis can not be defined for a population, irrespective of the mode of action, Hum. Exp Toxicol. 2000, 19 (10) :566-8, discussion 571-2)

Mercury is highly neurotoxic, hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic and harmful to all human tissue. Mercury from Thimerosal is metabolized to ethyl mercury and although the HWZ of ethyl mercury is relatively short, with 7-10 days, once Mercury released into the brain virtually not removable, neither with DMSA.

It is irresponsible to use squalene and flu vaccines containing mercury, especially since it is technically possible without squalene and without mercury. That there is no squalene to prove the squalene-free vaccines against H1N1 in the U.S. and 2 different in individual ampoules available in the U.S. swine flu vaccines are also mercury-free.

Also is your "argument" through fish consumption is a much higher concentration of mercury would be included, an insult, for it was through the industrial production of mercury enters the food chain and thus also in fish. Mercury in any form, inorganically and organically bound, is carcinogenic.

There is no threshold for carcinogenic pollutants, no safety value. (Lutz, WK: A true threshold dose in chemical carcinogenesis can not be defined for a population, irrespective of the mode of action, Hum. Exp Toxicol. 2000, 19 (10): 566-8, discussion 571-2)

In the logical reverse it, is because people mercury through the food chain, including eat fish by recording in the sense of minimizing bid for carcinogenic substances even more important that is fed by vaccines is not toxic and carcinogenic additional mercury, because even a single atom can result in Hg series of unfortunate circumstances for the induction of Tumorgens by a tumor-suppressor gene mutated. I am a textbook-author of a book on carcinogenesis (in process) and can assure you that I know what I write. Your printed in the Westfalen-Blatt "fish" argument is thus in fact even an additional argument against mercury in vaccines!

Thiomersal ne razpade kar direkt v Hg, zato ne moreš primerjat. So pa indici, da gre Hg iz thiomersala hitreje ven iz telesa, kot si mislijo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: PaX_MaN ()

PacificBlue ::


Hm link od Novartisa pa ni ravno najbolj primeren imo.

Bi rekel, da bi v teh 12 letih že precejšnje število umret od vsega in svašta. Pa ni dlih tko.

Saj ne pravim da morajo zdj kar vsi pomreti. samo koliko ljudi je pa imelo zarad tega lažje ali pa hujše zdravstvene probleme pa tud ne vemo.

S(m)o že rekli, da GWSja ne - ker so anti-squalene antitelesa našli tudi pri zdravih vojakih.

Ja in to samo pri ameriških in kanadskih vojakih, pri franconskih pa ne.

In all German swine flu vaccine is squalene, but not in the U.S., there is by the FDA squalene, a critical attitude.

Kot že rečeno, ni res, da imajo vsi squalene (jaki dohtar, da tega ne ve...)

Glede katerih cepiv to misliš?

V zda cepivo za H1N1 gripo ne vsebuje squalena, tu v evropi pa. Tudi v tistih Faq je zanimivo brat, kako mirijo američane v zvezi s squalenom..češ saj v našemu H1N1 cepivu ga ni. Verjetno je še precej vprašanj ostalo iz zalivske vojne in z njo povezanim GWS.
I&#8217;m out.
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