Forum » Programska oprema » FILEZILLA -- Drug port!?
FILEZILLA -- Drug port!?

wwwampy ::
Ne morem ugotoviti, kako lahko nastavim drug port kot pa 21. Če dam katerokoli drugo številko in vse potrebno spremenim pri routerju itd., se lahko povežem s serverjem, ampak ne morem dostopat do map. Problem nastane, ko mi napiše "cannot open data connection". Našel sem nekaj na Filezillini strani, vendar mi nič ne pomaga. Piše pa tole:
If you encounter "cannot open data connection" on a random basis, i.e. the ftp client can connect to the ftp server without problem for many connections until it encounters this problem, one possible reason may be your client PC anti-virus scanner being configured to block outgoing connections on certain ranges of ports. When your ftp connections are running on pasv mode, the client side outgoing ports are selected randomly and when it hits those prohibited ports, you will encounter your problem. To identify this problem, read your anti-virus log on that client. In general, any software e.g. PC firewall, etc that can block certain range of outgoing ports can cause similar ftp grief.
Poskusil sem z zaustavitvijo firewalla in antivirusnega programa in nič. Kateri koli drugi port poskusim, ne deluje, če pa vpišem port 21, pa dela brez problema.
Vseeno bi želel, če mi lahko kdo, ki se bolje spozna na te stvari odgovori, kako rešiti zadevo.
Lp, wwwampy
If you encounter "cannot open data connection" on a random basis, i.e. the ftp client can connect to the ftp server without problem for many connections until it encounters this problem, one possible reason may be your client PC anti-virus scanner being configured to block outgoing connections on certain ranges of ports. When your ftp connections are running on pasv mode, the client side outgoing ports are selected randomly and when it hits those prohibited ports, you will encounter your problem. To identify this problem, read your anti-virus log on that client. In general, any software e.g. PC firewall, etc that can block certain range of outgoing ports can cause similar ftp grief.
Poskusil sem z zaustavitvijo firewalla in antivirusnega programa in nič. Kateri koli drugi port poskusim, ne deluje, če pa vpišem port 21, pa dela brez problema.
Vseeno bi želel, če mi lahko kdo, ki se bolje spozna na te stvari odgovori, kako rešiti zadevo.
Lp, wwwampy
- premaknil iz Pomoč in nasveti: gkovac ()

wwwampy ::
NSI že poskusil nastaviti na passive ftp?
Oprosti, sem bolj laik pri teh stvareh. Kaj je NSI?

gokky ::
Vprašalnica Si (prosti, ker sem se zatupkal). Torej
Si že poskušal nastaviti povezavo na pasivno?
Si že poskušal nastaviti povezavo na pasivno?

misek ::
Opiši konfiguracijo malce širše. FTP server torej imaš za nekim routerjem. Od kje se povezuješ (lokalno ali iz Interneta)? Malce preberi razliko med aktivnim in pasivnim FTP. Pa lahko si namestiš Wireshark in primerjaj komunikaciji pri portu 21 in enem drugem.
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