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težave z domačim omrežjem
tv6865 ::
Imam povezane tri računalnike v domače omrežje prek ruterja. Začele so se mi pojavljat napake z omrežjem. Ko se hočem povezat na drug računalnik mi javi sledečo napako:
\\Mitja\Razno(f) ni na voljo. Morda nimate dovoljenja za uporabo tega omrežnega vira. Obrnite se na skrbnika tega strežnika, če želite izvedeti, ali imate dovoljenje za dostop.
V strežniku ni dovolj prostora za obdelavo ukaza.
Poskušaal sem že odstranit brezžične mrežne na dveh računalnikih ter jih ponovno naložit pa nič.
Če pa dodam kakšno mapo v skupno rabo pa mi jo takoj zazna samo odpret je ne morem , ker mi javi napako.
\\Mitja\Razno(f) ni na voljo. Morda nimate dovoljenja za uporabo tega omrežnega vira. Obrnite se na skrbnika tega strežnika, če želite izvedeti, ali imate dovoljenje za dostop.
V strežniku ni dovolj prostora za obdelavo ukaza.
Poskušaal sem že odstranit brezžične mrežne na dveh računalnikih ter jih ponovno naložit pa nič.
Če pa dodam kakšno mapo v skupno rabo pa mi jo takoj zazna samo odpret je ne morem , ker mi javi napako.
tv6865 ::
Ja datumi pa ure mi vsi štimajo.
Kaj res nihče ne ve kaj bi bil vzrok za težave?
Kaj res nihče ne ve kaj bi bil vzrok za težave?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: tv6865 ()
gokky ::
Lahko je samo problem, da win rabijo nekaj časa, da izmenjajo netbios imena. Poskusi z \\mitjev_ip\razno . Če dela, je OK.
Če ne dela, preveri nastavitve FW na mitja.
Če ne dela, preveri nastavitve FW na mitja.
tv6865 ::
Vse sem ža preveril pa ja vse OK. Zanimivo pa je to da se mi pri obeh računalnikih dogaja isto.
Pred enim mesecem ko sem ustvaro to omrežje mi je delalo čist OK, pol pa kr na enkraz zmrznilo.
Jaz sem svoj FW daj na Obnovi prevzeto.
Pred enim mesecem ko sem ustvaro to omrežje mi je delalo čist OK, pol pa kr na enkraz zmrznilo.
Jaz sem svoj FW daj na Obnovi prevzeto.
tv6865 ::
Sedaj sem pogruntal da imam težave z dvema rečunalnikoma, katera se posodabljata. Tretji, ko pa se ne posodabljajo Windowsi pa dela domače omrežje brez težav. Tako da so težave povezane s posodobotvijo Windowsov.
tv6865 ::
Sedaj imam moj in še sestrin računalnik na mizi. Sestrin ima na novo naložene Windovse SP3. Nastavil sem ji domače omrežje. Z njenim računalnikom sem se hotel povezaz z diskom ki ga imam v skupni rabi na mojim računalnikom pa mi vrže napako \\Damjan\H ni na voljo. Morda nimate dovoljenja za uporabo tega omrežnega vira.Obrnite se na skrbnika tega strežnika, če želite izvedeti, ali imate dovoljenje za dostop. Omrežne poti ni mogoče najti.
Na mojmu imam SP3.
Lahko pa prenašam tiskalnike iz mojga na njenga. Z mojim pa se takoj povežem z njenim in ji lagko brskam po njenih datotekah, ki sem jih daj v skupno rabo.
Kje imam težavo oziroma kaj imam norobe nastavljeno.
Na mojmu imam SP3.
Lahko pa prenašam tiskalnike iz mojga na njenga. Z mojim pa se takoj povežem z njenim in ji lagko brskam po njenih datotekah, ki sem jih daj v skupno rabo.
Kje imam težavo oziroma kaj imam norobe nastavljeno.
tv6865 ::
Požarni zid imam omogočeno skupno rabo datotek in tiskalnikov. Antivirusnega pa uporabljam Avast Profesional 4.8.
Karen ::
Mogoče kaj od tega:
Preberi in probaj pobrisat naslednje registry ključe spodaj:
Inability to Access Network Resources
When trying to access a WinXP computer over the network, users may receive an error message that claims they do not have permission to access the resource. This may be caused by several things. XP Home users (as well as XP Pro users utilizing Simple File Sharing) need to ensure their network Guest account is enabled and has a blank password. This is not the same as the Guest account that exists in the accounts settings of the Control Panel.
1. To enable the network Guest account on XP Home and Pro, click Start, click Run, type: net user guest /active:yes, and hit Enter.
2. Ensure there is no password for the Guest account: click Start, click Run, type: control userpasswords2, and hit Enter. Click once on Guest, click Reset Password, and then click OK without entering a new password.
3. Be aware that Windows XP, when installed on an NTFS disk partition and using simple file sharing, blocks network access to the Program Files and Windows directories as well as users folders within the Documents and Settings directory. This behavior is by design.
4. There are two registry keys to check on XP that have the potential to cause network headaches. The first is: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Lsa
5. Ensure that restrictanonymous is set to 0. Ignore the restrictanonymoussam entry that looks similar and may also appear.
6. Older versions of Norton Anti-Virus set a value for IRPStacksize in the registry that is too low for XP. In fact, XP doesn't even need this registry key. If you have it in your registry, thank Symantec and then delete it. If you determine that the XP registry has this unneeded entry, check this registry location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/Lanmanserver/Parameters. You can read more about this issue from Symantec and Microsoft.
If you're still having issues, a great place to start is Hans-Georg Michna's Windows XP Network Problem Solver site. You describe the scenario; the site provides numerous possible solutions.
Also, feel free to share any networking issues you have with us in the TechBuilder forums. We'll do what we can do to offer up a solution for you.
Preberi in probaj pobrisat naslednje registry ključe spodaj:
Inability to Access Network Resources
When trying to access a WinXP computer over the network, users may receive an error message that claims they do not have permission to access the resource. This may be caused by several things. XP Home users (as well as XP Pro users utilizing Simple File Sharing) need to ensure their network Guest account is enabled and has a blank password. This is not the same as the Guest account that exists in the accounts settings of the Control Panel.
1. To enable the network Guest account on XP Home and Pro, click Start, click Run, type: net user guest /active:yes, and hit Enter.
2. Ensure there is no password for the Guest account: click Start, click Run, type: control userpasswords2, and hit Enter. Click once on Guest, click Reset Password, and then click OK without entering a new password.
3. Be aware that Windows XP, when installed on an NTFS disk partition and using simple file sharing, blocks network access to the Program Files and Windows directories as well as users folders within the Documents and Settings directory. This behavior is by design.
4. There are two registry keys to check on XP that have the potential to cause network headaches. The first is: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Lsa
5. Ensure that restrictanonymous is set to 0. Ignore the restrictanonymoussam entry that looks similar and may also appear.
6. Older versions of Norton Anti-Virus set a value for IRPStacksize in the registry that is too low for XP. In fact, XP doesn't even need this registry key. If you have it in your registry, thank Symantec and then delete it. If you determine that the XP registry has this unneeded entry, check this registry location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/Lanmanserver/Parameters. You can read more about this issue from Symantec and Microsoft.
If you're still having issues, a great place to start is Hans-Georg Michna's Windows XP Network Problem Solver site. You describe the scenario; the site provides numerous possible solutions.
Also, feel free to share any networking issues you have with us in the TechBuilder forums. We'll do what we can do to offer up a solution for you.
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