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SE k850i

SE k850i

veliki_bos ::

Najprej se opravičujem ker sem temo odprl tukaj, vendar nisem našel primernega dela foruma.
Ta telefon prodajam in sem ga dal na bolho(http://www.bolha.com/oglas382930057/son...
Dobil sem nekaj ponudb. Med drugimi 3 iz Anglije.
Sedaj pa me zanima ali je varno zaupati svoje podatke tem ljudem. Kako prejmem plačilo? Kako pošljem GSM, kdo plača poštnino?????????.......itd.
Prosim, da bi mi nekdo, ki je to že delal(torej pošiljal v duge države) malo povedal kako to gre...oz. bi prevedel te odgovore.

To so odgovori:

Am john from London and i will love to buy your item for business
Client in Africa and i will be paying you via BANK TRANSFER/PayPal so,
all i need from you now are you details for the payment of the item

Your full name:
Your bank name:
Your Email address
Your account number:
Your item name:
Your Country:


Your PayPal Email address:
Your Full Name:
Your Item Name:

So, you have to get the item ship as soon as you get the
confirmation/notification mail of the payment from my bank /PayPal so,
if you agree get back to me with the above payment details for the
payment of the item.And i will offer you 180 Eur for the item and plus
the shipment to my business client in Africa.Mail me back asap. For us
to talk more better you can add me at MSN Messenger
(johnmarks002@hotmail.com)....send me the details to my personal mail
box (johnmarks002@gmail.com)


Am Bush Welson from London and i will love to buy your item for
business Client in Africa and i will be paying you via BANK
TRANSFER/PayPal so, all i need from you now are you details for the
payment of the item below:

Your full name:
Your bank name:
Your account number:
Your item name:
Your Country:


Your PayPal Email address:
Your Full Name:
Your Item Name:

So, can you have to get the item ship as soon as you get the
confirmation/notification mail of the payment from my bank /PayPal so,
if you agree get back to me with the above payment details for the
payment of the item.And i will offer you 200 Eur for the item and plus
the shipment to my business client in Africa.Mail me back asap. For us
to talk more better you can add me at MSN Messenger

I want you to know that I am okay with your e-mail, and
I have a lot. So, back to me with this information

Name of Bank:
Account Number:
Name of account holder:
Swift code:
The total cost is the cost plus shipping by mail login.
Product Name:
Price: 350Eur

So here is my address is:

Name: Peter Samuel Oluwaseun
Address: No. 24, Oba Adesida Road,
City: Akure
State: ONDO,
Zip Code: 30001
Country: Nigeria.
Tel: +2347032816695

I want all the details of the bank to pay as soon as possible
... Well, the day before, and I hope that some will say that you
soon as possible.
Thank you,

LP in hvala za odgovore,

ModriN96 ::

telim ponudbam se izogibi koker se le da... bol kot hudiča!!!!!! NATEGI DA NI VEČJIH!!

počaki enga normalnega kupca...

veliki_bos ::

telim ponudbam se izogibi koker se le da... bol kot hudiča!!!!!! NATEGI DA NI VEČJIH!!

počaki enga normalnega kupca...

Ja saj se mi je zdelo. Prodajam ga za 130€ punujajo pa mi 350€....hvala ti!!!

veliki_bos ::

Bi pa vseeno vprašal kako je če jaz pošljem to nekomu v LJ. Mi mora on nakazati denar preden mu jaz pišljem telefon???? Kdo pa plača poštnino???

bluefish ::

pošlješ s plačilom po povzetju. Torej poštar dostavi zadevo, osebek pa plača ceno telefona + poštnino, če je tako dogovorjeno. Nato pa ti dobiš denar.

veliki_bos ::

pošlješ s plačilom po povzetju. Torej poštar dostavi zadevo, osebek pa plača ceno telefona + poštnino, če je tako dogovorjeno. Nato pa ti dobiš denar.

Hvala za pomoč.

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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