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[JAVA] Uvoz knjižnice v Eclipse

[JAVA] Uvoz knjižnice v Eclipse

N-E-O ::

JFreeChart library moram nekako uvoziti v projekt in to storim po naslednjih korakih (google):

1. Start Eclipse 3.0. (If you do not have Eclipse installed, visit www.eclipse.org.)
2. Go to File -> New -> Project....
3. Select Java Project and click on Next. Enter in a project name and click Finish.
4. Select the project in the Package Explorer view. Go to Project -> Properties.
5. Click on Java Build Path? on the left-hand side of the dialog box and on the right-hand side
click on the Libraries? tab.
6. Click on Add External JARs...? and locate jfreechart-1.0.0-pre1.jar and jcommon-1.0.0-common.jar.
Click on OK.
7. Select the project in the Package Explorer view. Go to File -> New -> Package. Give the package
a name and click on Finish.
8. Select the newly-created package in the Package Explorer view. Go to File -> New -> Class. Give the
class a name and click on Finish.
9. You are now ready to start using the JFreeChart library!

Ko importam določene pakete, mi jih ne najde. Preprosto podčrta mi jih rdeče npr:
import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities;

org.jfree mi podčrta da ne najde.
Kaj bi lahko bil vzrok temu?
Follow the white rabbit.

N-E-O ::

Sem zrihtal. Namesto .jar sem uvažal kar celotno .zip.
Premalo izkušenj na tem področju pač.
Follow the white rabbit.

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