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dvd ali cd

dvd ali cd

mosnik ::

Mene pa zanima razlika med DVD-R ali DVD+R in isto pri CD ali je vseeno kaj kupiš ?

ST-777 ::

O DVD+R in DVD-R piše v Wikipediji med drugim tole:

The DVD+R format is divergent from the DVD-R format. Hybrid drives that can handle both, often labeled "DVD±RW", are very popular since there is not a single standard for recordable DVDs.

DVD+R has a more robust error management system than DVD-R, allowing for more accurate burning to media independent of the quality of the media. Additional session linking methods are more accurate with DVD+R versus DVD-R, resulting in fewer damaged or unusable discs due to buffer under-run and multi-session disks with fewer PI/PO errors.

Since the DVD+R format is a competing format to the DVD-R format, which is developed by the DVD Forum, it had not been approved by the DVD Forum, which claimed that the DVD+R format was not an official DVD format until January 25, 2008.

blackbfm ::

V glavnem DVD+R je boljši, ni pa tako podprt kot DVD-R. Čeprav pomoje je danes bolj malo naprav, ki tega ne bi znale brati.

mosnik ::

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