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Code 80070424

Code 80070424

yyyeb ::

to pišem,ker sem pred časom spraševal za pomoč in nihče mi ni vedel odgovoriti.

če imate error z automatic updateom na security centru na visti in vam izpiše:
Code 80070424 windows update encountered an unknown error

naredite sledeče:
Go to Start / All Programs / Accessories. Right Click the 'Command Prompt' item and click the 'Run As Administrator' option.
In the Command Prompt window, Paste the following command.
Press ENTER.
You should see a popup that says the command succeeded.
Exit the command prompt and try Windows Update again.

upam,da bo komu pomagalo,meni je!
Najmanj si želimo zvedeti resnico, ki bi nam najbolj koristile.

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