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aerial ::


Nekaj pišem za šolo, pa nisem ziher če imam prav...

Kako bi se v angleščini glasil naslednji stavek: Če bi imel to možnost, bi najprej odprl prednja vrata nato pa še prtljažnik.

Idejnik.SI ::

If I had that option, i'd first open the front door and then the trunk.

Idejnik.SI - Spletni zaposlitveni portal

Zgodovina sprememb…

Alencica ::

If i (have) had /a chance/an option/possibility/ i would have (firstly) opened the front door and then the trunk.

angleži bi rekl "have had" i've, američani pa samo "had"

Na maturi bi ti vse priznal.

McHusch ::

If I had that option, I would open the front door first and then the boot.

aerial ::

stavek se nanaša na prihodnost, in ne preteklost.bi prosil da še enkrat prevedete...

bluefish ::


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: bluefish ()

McHusch ::

Torej na prihodnost se stavek v slovenščini gotovo ne nanaša. Mogoče bo treba ponoviti tudi slovensko.

jype ::

If I could, I'd open the front door before the trunk.

Had I had the opportunity, I would have opened the front door before opening the trunk.

JayKay ::

If I could I would first open the front door and then the boot.

Brane2 ::


Nekaj pišem za šolo, pa nisem ziher če imam prav...

Kako bi se v angleščini glasil naslednji stavek: Če bi imel to možnost, bi najprej odprl prednja vrata nato pa še prtljažnik.

Had I had that option, I would open front door first and then trunk after that.

Tu je po moje prevod "možnosti" in ostalih drobanrijo odvisen od konteksta. Če gre za prikaz izdelka, navodila ali kaj podobnega, je mogoče "option" najbolj ustrezna...
On the journey of life, I chose the psycho path.

imagodei ::

Če gre za prihodnost, pogojnost kot taka sploh ne obstaja. V angleščini zato tisti if lahko zamenja when:

When I'll have that option, I'll open the front door first, then the boot.

If oblika je identična, when pač zamenjaš z if.

Pa si ziher, da si prav razumel?
- Hoc est qui sumus -

McHusch ::

Se strinjam z imagodeijem, z malim popravkom, da v if oz. wenn stavkih stoji present simple in ne future simple.

Sisko101 ::


Mogoče bi bilo tudi 'If I had a choice' -- direkten prevod ni, sliši se pa dobro :)

Sicer pa se poved 'Če bi imel to možnost, bi najprej odprl prednja vrata nato pa še prtljažnik.' v slovenščini razume kot pogojnik, ki se nanaša na prihodnost ali na preteklost.

V prvem primeru gre za klasični tip 2 pogojnika:
If I had a choice, I would open the front door first and then the trunk.

V drugem primeru pa za pogojnik tipa 3:
If I had had a choice, I would have opened the ftront door first and then the trunk.

Ker gre za šolo, je fora najbrž v tem, ne? V pogojnikih preteklik izraža neobstoj/malo verjetnost možnosti, ne pa preteklost.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Sisko101 ()

imagodei ::


Tvoja oblika je potem If stavek prvega tipa. "If the weather IS fine, I'll go for a walk." Še vedno gre za pogojnost. Če malo premislim, je verjetno še bolj pravilno, ker gre razmišljanje v tej smeri: Če bi bil v takšni situaciji, če bi jaz to moral narediti (pa mi ni treba)...

Jaz sem imel v mislih bolj zero conditional. Z zero conditional izražamo splošne resnice, dejanja, ki so posledica navade in dejanja, ki v resnici niso pogojena. Npr, "The water boils if you heat it to 100 degrees". V obeh delih se uporablja isti čas.

Tole je iz enega Ask the Teacher foruma (sem si dovolil majhen edit):
I found this exercise from cambridge advanced english. To be sure i have the correct answers, can u please give me the correct answers. Thanks in advance.

Work in pairs. Discuss the differences in the meaning between these sentences.

1. When it rains our roof leaks. always
If it rains our roof leaks. always
When it rained our roof would leak. in the past
If it rains our roof will leak. if it rains in the future
If it rained our roof would leak. rain is unlikely but the roof isn't safe

2. I'd go first class if I could afford to. I haven't got the money
I'll go first class if I can afford to. I might have the money
I'd have gone first class if I could have afforded it. I didn't have the money
I go first class when I can afford it. Sometimes I can afford it.

3. She could get a rise if she asked her boss. She hasn't asked- it is ambiguos whether she will get it or not.
She might get a rise if she asked her boss. Maybe
She would get a rise if she asked her boss. definitely, but unlikely
She should get a rise if she asks her boss. She deserves it
She might get a rise if she asks her boss. Maybe
She will get a rise if she asks her boss. definitely

EDIT: Oblika
EDIT2: Linkifizacija
- Hoc est qui sumus -

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: imagodei ()

McHusch ::

Uhm, tvoj link dejansko pritrjuje moji tezi. :)

imagodei ::

Ja, saj to že v prvem odstavku prejšnjega sporočila povem ;)
- Hoc est qui sumus -

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