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Go Obama!

Go Obama!

8 / 38

BigWhale ::

Hm. Torej, kaksno so imeli drzavljanstvo otroci, ki so se med zgoraj omenjenima letoma rodili materam, ki so bile mlajse od 21 let in so bili ocetje ne-drzavljani ZDA?

So bili kar brez?

Thomas ::

Kakor kateri. Nekateri so se naturalizirali. Nekateri so odšli iz države z očeti (in materami).

Različno pač.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

]Fusion[ ::

Možnost za to, da se ne prebije je manjša kot AAAA:FR.

Kakšno neumnost si izlegu! Verjetnost, da na videz povsem zdrav človek pod 50 ne dočaka večera, ker ga prej kapč ali fršlok, je precej večja od ena proti desetine milijonov. Večerov do preboja je pa še preko 70. Že samo to!

Eh Fuzija ...

Včasih je fajn brat tudi med vrsticami. Nisem te izjave dal zato, ker je matematično pravilna. Hotel sem ti samo prikazat, da je zelo majhna verjetnost da Obama ne bo 44. predcednik ZDA. Ker se že na take malenkosti obešaš, da nima smisla. Rajši sprejmi, da je zmagal in bodi tiho.
Kdo pa neumnosti klati pa ne bi zaj...
"I am not an animal! I am a human being! I... am... a man!" - John Merrick

Thomas ::

Ajd Fuzija, kaj se napihuješ? Jasno, da je največ glasov šlo za elektorje, ki bodo volili večinoma Obamo.

Ali pa ne.

Z mau sreče - ne.

Ker kaj nam pa bo socializem v Ameriki, dejte ga no srt!
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

koyotee ::

Tomas, a ti si pa zlahta z mccainom, pa siris tu neke zablode. Najbolje da posljes en mail na sodisce v usa in zahtevas, da razveljavijo volitve, drugace bos izvedu teroristicni napad na obamo. Kdo pa bi rad vidu mccaina(bush2) na oblasti? Men gre na k...c ze njegov glas, ker govori k en homo. Sploh pa ker si omenjal neke frsloke&stuff, ima veliko vec moznosti za zdravstvene tezave starina mcc. Spadas pa pod 10% svetovne populacije, ki je anti obama. Poglej na iftheworldcouldvote.com. Pa ugasn ze to lajno, ker ne rabis 100x eno in isto povedat. Kot da bi jaz bemtil cez kitajski pozarni zid, s katerim kratijo clovekove pravice. Presel se v usa, da bos lahko glasoval za tvojega kandidata.
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

T-h-o-r ::

Ajd Fuzija, kaj se napihuješ? Jasno, da je največ glasov šlo za elektorje, ki bodo volili večinoma Obamo.

Ali pa ne.

Z mau sreče - ne.

Ker kaj nam pa bo socializem v Ameriki, dejte ga no srt!

končno si napisal svoj primal fear :D

itak, universal health insurance=communism
Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: T-h-o-r ()

]Fusion[ ::

Z mau sreče - ne.

Bote rabli kar konkretno količino sreče.

Zakaj pa tebe briga kakšna je notranja ureditev v ZDA? Rajši bi se osredotočo na njihovo zunanjo politiko in ekonomsko ureditev.
Sicer se tak verjetno tudi v teh pogledih ne strinjaš z Obamo, samo mi je zanimivo.

Edit: podvajanje besed besed
"I am not an animal! I am a human being! I... am... a man!" - John Merrick

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: ]Fusion[ ()

frudi ::

Barack Obama is not legally a U.S. natural-born citizen according to the law on the books at the time of his birth, which falls between "December 24, 1952 to November 13, 1986." Presidential office requires a natural-born citizen if the child was not born to two U.S. citizen parents, which of course is what exempts John McCain though he was born in the Panama Canal. US Law very clearly stipulates: "If only one parent was a U.S. citizen at the time of your birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for at least ten years, at least five of which had to be after the age of 16." Barack Obama's father was not a U.S. citizen and Obama's mother was only 18 when Obama was born, which means though she had been a U.S. citizen for 10 years, (or citizen perhaps because of Hawaii being a territory) the mother fails the test for being so for at least 5 years **prior to** Barack Obama's birth, but *after* age 16. It doesn't matter *after* . In essence, she was not old enough to qualify her son for automatic U.S. citizenship. At most, there were only 2 years elapsed since his mother turned 16 at the time of Barack Obama's birth when she was 18 in Hawaii. His mother would have needed to have been 16+5= 21 years old, at the time of Barack Obama's birth for him to have been a natural-born citizen. As aforementioned, she was a young college student at the time and was not. Barack Obama was already 3 years old at that time his mother would have needed to have waited to have him as the only U.S. Citizen parent. Obama instead should have been naturalized, but even then, that would still disqualify him from holding the office.

Evo Frudi, eni mislijo tkole.

Bova vidla, kako bo šlo skoz.

Eni mislijo tako ja, ampak zraven pride predpostavka, da Havaji niso ameriška zvezna država, ali pa enostavno narobe mislijo. Vse to namreč velja samo za primer, ko se otrok rodi IZVEN ozemlja USA. Kdor pa je rojen NA ozemlju USA, je avtomatsko državljan, celo če sta oba starša nezakonita priseljenca.
Pa še če Havaji res ne bi bili zvezna država ob času Obaminega rojstva, Nationality Act of 1940 določa, da spadajo pod United States in v vsakem primeru velja, da vsi tam rojeni otroci avtomatsko dobijo US državljanstvo.
Malo čtiva - o rojenih v US in o rojenih v tujini
1ACDoHVj3wn7N4EMpGVU4YGLR9HTfkNhTd... in case I've written something useful :)

Barakuda1 ::

Kdor pa je rojen NA ozemlju USA, je avtomatsko državljan, celo če sta oba starša nezakonita priseljenca.

Še več.
Enako velja, če se rodi na krovo ladje, ki pluje pod zastavo ZDA, ali na krovu aviona, ki leti pod zastavo ZDA (da o veleposlaništvih sploh ne govorim).

Thomas ::


No .. jaz tegale gambita ne igram. Jaz samo povsem laično komentiram situacijo.

Beseda CHANGE v Obaminem kontekstu mi pa zelo smrdi. Predvsem na notranjem, ameriškem področju. To se ne sme dogoditi, je že FDR naredil čez glavo škode.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

Sayer ::

Hm hm ...

Hiter pogovor z googlom se je koncal s tole povezavo:


Izgleda, da sta ORIGINALNI certifikat (ne kopija, ne duplikat, ne izpisek ...) videli dve visoki uradni osebi, kar postavlja teorijo Thomasa v manj verjetno.


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Sayer ()

BluPhenix ::

Pa sej je uradna oseba potrdila skrajšani izpisek.

"Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai‘i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures," Fukino said.

DOH Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino said.

Torej koliko uradnih oseb bo moglo še zadevo potrdit Thomas?
Podpisa ni več, ker so me poskušali asimilirati.

perci ::

ja, če bi ga Bush mlajši potrdil - to bi Thomasu verjetno zadostovalo

PacificBlue ::

ja, če bi ga Bush mlajši potrdil - to bi Thomasu verjetno zadostovalo


No meni še manj, ampak sem vseeno mal bolj srečen, da je kao Obama predsednik kt pa Mccain..Če si je ta tip želel za podpredsednico žensko,ki ne ve, da je Afrika kontinent...Halo?:)
I’m out.

jype ::

Poleg tega čas zgubljate z nepomembnimi podrobnostmi.

ZDA grejo naprej - in tam vse vsi pogovarjajo o tem, kakšnega psa si bodo first family omislili.

Thomas ::

At this point, Supreme Court Justice David Souter’s Clerk informed Philip J. Berg, the lawyer who brought the case against Obama, that his petition for an injunction to stay the November 4th election was denied, but the Clerk also required the defendants to respond to the Writ of Certiorari (which requires the concurrence of four Justices) by December 1. At that time, Mr. Obama must present to the Court an authentic birth certificate, after which Mr. Berg will respond.

Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

jype ::

Ja. Kakšna sreča torej, da ga ima :)

Thomas ::

Ga bo kr rabu, ja.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

Icematxyz ::

In teoretično vprašam. Kaj pa potem če Obama predloži svoj originalni rojstni list in dokaže, da ispolnjuje vse pogoje, da je lahko kandidiral za predsednika?

Zgodovina sprememb…

root987 ::

Postal bo predsednik?
"Myths which are believed in tend to become true."
--- George Orwell

Thomas ::

Eden od republikanskih kandidatov - kongresnik Ron Paul - je kot prvi "iz establišmenta" dal tozadevno izjavo, ki ni prizanesljiva do Obame. Pravi, da že en čas spremlja afero. Obami seveda ni "naklonjen". Upa, da se pravniki ne bodo ustrašili, ali delali kar nekaj po svoje. Čeprav se tudi zaveda, da nemiri najbrž bodo, če Obama ne izpoljnjuje pogojev.

Tisti, ki so tule na tem forumu prepričani, kako je z Obaminim državljanstvom vse AOK ... se nimajo kej vznemirjati. Certifikat na jpg na factcheck.org jim je dovolj. Po njihovo bo moral biti AOK tudi 4 sodnikom Vrhovnega sodišča.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

Thomas ::

Kaj pa potem če Obama predloži svoj originalni rojstni list in dokaže, da ispolnjuje vse pogoje, da je lahko kandidiral za predsednika?

Potem bi pa postal Predsednik. Ni kej.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

Azrael ::

Če certifikata ne bo, kaj sledi? Ponovne volitve, se pogleda stran kot v Peruju, kaj tretjega?
Nekoč je bil Slo-tech.

Double_J ::

Če ne izvolijo novega predsednika, potem je stari vršilec dolžnosti?


Thomas ::

Gerald Ford, je že bil tak neizvoljeni predsednik.

Najprej je odstopil Agnew, Nixonov podpredsednik. Potem je Nixon dobil Geralda Forda za podpredsednika. Potem je odstopil še Nixon in Gerald Ford je bil do rednih volitev 1976 predsednik. Seveda si je omislil tudi podpredsednika - Nelsona Rockefellerja.

Zdej bi utegnilo biti kaj analognega. Biden postane predsednik, Hilary podpredsednica, Biden kmalu odstopi in Hilary je predsednica do volitev 2012.


Samo certifikata NE BO. Eni naivno razmišljajo, da bo Obama nesel tistega iz factcheck.org.jpg sodnikom, pa bo.

NI RES. Njim mora dobaviti VAULT. Dolgo verzijo. Kjer se poznajo njegova preimenovanja in vandranja, zraven pa še ime zdravnika v porodnišnici in še polno take krame.

Kot so rekli v Srbiji za Miloševića tik pred koncem - Gotov je!
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

frudi ::

At this point, Supreme Court Justice David Souter’s Clerk informed Philip J. Berg, the lawyer who brought the case against Obama, that his petition for an injunction to stay the November 4th election was denied, but the Clerk also required the defendants to respond to the Writ of Certiorari (which requires the concurrence of four Justices) by December 1. At that time, Mr. Obama must present to the Court an authentic birth certificate, after which Mr. Berg will respond.

To samo pomeni, da je tip, potem ko ga je odjebalo nižje sodišče, sedaj prosil Vrhovno sodišče, naj pregleda primer in odločitev nižjega sodišča. Obama & co. imajo časa do 1. decembra, da odgovorijo na to prošnjo, nato pa se bo Vrhovno sodišče odločilo, ali bo sploh šlo preverjat odločitev nižjega sodišča. To pa morajo podpreti vsaj štirje vrhovni sodniki in v 99% primerih so te prošnje zavrnjene. Če pa celo odobrijo prošnjo, bo šele takrat Vrhovno sodišče še enkrat obravnavalo Bergovo zahtevo, da Obama objavi svoj BC.
Še daleč je torej do tega, da bi Obama MORAL karkoli dokazovati ali kazati Bergu.
1ACDoHVj3wn7N4EMpGVU4YGLR9HTfkNhTd... in case I've written something useful :)

Double_J ::

Če ga zavrnejo, bo za nadaljno strategijo povprašal bratranca Odingo.:D

Thomas ::

Še daleč je torej do tega, da bi Obama MORAL karkoli dokazovati ali kazati Bergu.

Sodnikom. S tem seveda Bergu in vsem Američanom.

Kolk ste eni čudni. Bi kar, da njemu ne bi bilo treba VSEM Američanom pokazati, da izpolnjuje pogoje.

Obama != Ustava.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

Thomas ::

Če ga zavrnejo, bo za nadaljno strategijo povprašal bratranca Odingo.

Točn tko. Amerika najbrž ne bo mogla it skozi to, čisto brez reprize Kenije izpred kakšnega leta.

Samo pomnoži sovražnost nekaterih forumašev do mene, ki sem celo zadevo mrhovinarsko privlekel še sem ... z milijardo ... pa boš za silo dobil količino emocij v U.S.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

Ziga Dolhar ::

Bush > Ustava

frudi ::

Obama != Ustava.

Kolk ste eni čudni. Bi kar, da njemu ne bi bilo treba VSEM Američanom pokazati, da izpolnjuje pogoje.

Berg != vsi Američani. On pač toži Obamo čisto po svoje, ne kot predstavnik večje skupine ali celo celega naroda. Firbčen je in bi pač rad po svoje preverjal ustreznost kandidatov, čeprav za to (verjetno) ni pristojen.

Še enkrat pa bom ponovil - ne verjamem, da bi Obama (ali katerikoli pretekli predsednik) lahko prišel do inavguracije, ne da bi se predtem vsaj enkrat na neki točki preverilo njegove 'kvalifikacije'. Če to slučajno ne drži... se postavlja pod vprašaj ustavnost prav vseh dosedanjih predsednikov.
1ACDoHVj3wn7N4EMpGVU4YGLR9HTfkNhTd... in case I've written something useful :)

Thomas ::

Kdo hudiča je pa pristojen, če ne državljani US?

Kdo hudiča???

Doslej so vsi predsedniki dobavili vse dokumente na vpogled. Za Goldwaterja - samo kandidat je bil - so sprožili celo spodni spor. Pa ne samo za njega.

Še noben kandidat doslej, se ni obnašal kot Obama. Noben.

Očitno čuti podporo kakšne milijarde ljudi, da ne uboga ameriške ustave. Ugibam.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

frudi ::

Kdo hudiča je pa pristojen, če ne državljani US?

Ta isti državljani, ki recimo na volitvah izvolijo enega kandidata, pa potem elektorji izvolijo drugega? Jah, vsega pač državljani ne morejo početi neposredno sami. Ali lahko sami zahtevajo presojo ustreznosti kandidata za predsednika? Ne vem; Pennsylvania Eastern District Court pravi da ne, po 1.12. bomo videli, če se Vrhovnemu sodišču da presojati to odločitev.

Doslej so vsi predsedniki dobavili vse dokumente na vpogled.


Očitno čuti podporo kakšne milijarde ljudi, da ne uboga ameriške ustave.

Nimaš pojma, če ne uboga ameriške ustave.
1ACDoHVj3wn7N4EMpGVU4YGLR9HTfkNhTd... in case I've written something useful :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: frudi ()

Thomas ::

Uuuu ste najezan. Poglejte se, kakšna živčnost in jeza iz vas bruha in govori.

Obami je Vrhovno sodišče naložilo, da do 1. decembra izdobavi vault certifikat.

Če ga bo. Super. Bo predsednik.

Sej baje verjamete, da ga bo, čemu se potem tako razburjate???

Al čutite, da ga vseeno ne bo, ker ga ne more - ampak naj bo vseeno predsednik?
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

frudi ::

Uuuu ste najezan. Poglejte se, kakšna živčnost in jeza iz vas bruha in govori.

Nisem ne jezen, ne živčen. Samo razlagam ti, kje tvoja logika šepa.

Ampak zgleda tega ne dojameš, zato vedno znova ignoriraš tuje argumente in kot lajna ponavljaš svoje, po tem, ko ti jih že ovržemo.

Sploh je pa smešno, da ti druge obtožuješ živčnosti, glede na tvoje reakcije na Obamo...

Obami je Vrhovno sodišče naložilo, da do 1. decembra izdobavi vault certifikat.

Jah, ni čisto tako... preberi še enkrat zgoraj. Nato pa pogooglaj za Writ of Certiorari in kak link z dosedanjim potekom primera Berg vs. Obama.
1ACDoHVj3wn7N4EMpGVU4YGLR9HTfkNhTd... in case I've written something useful :)

MadMicka ::

Thomas pravi: "Odinga je bil vodja upora v Keniji pred enim letom, kjer so v cerkve zapirali ljudi in zažigali žive. Vse vpletene strani.
Zato ni tako neumno, da Ustava ZDA prepoveduje, da so predsedniki tujci, makar zunaj samo rojeni. Vsekakor to ima nek smisel, še vedno."

In potem tak človek sprašuje o jezi in živčnosti frudija.

Pri takih stvarh ne more biti pardona.

lufthammer ::

Meni je kar malo smešno:

- da bi hotel profesor ustavnega prava (kar Obama je) zavestno kršiti dokument, ki ga mora imeti v mezincu
- da bi mu podporniki na lepe oči zmetali stotisoče dolarjev v kampanjo - jaz še evra ne dam iz žepa brez razloga
- da bi ga, kot neverodostojnega varovalo 100 varnostnikov, pa še prisegel ni. Edino, če je to navada za vse "lepo zagorele" afroameričane, pa tega do sedaj nisem opazil.

Če ima toliko jajc, da vse to počne brez papirja, postavlja na kocko vse, kar ima....Malo verjetno ali skoraj neverjetno.

Pri tem, da meni deluje tisti papir čisto ok. Na prednji strani podatki, na zadnji štempelj, datum in podpis. Lahko pa je ponarejen, kot oni drugi od Patricije, ne vem, kot Thomas, ti tudi ne.

WarpedGone ::

Zakaj je treba pokazat tudi dolgo verzijo of CERTIFICAT OF LIFE BIRTH? Ker:
.. the COLB is not a birth certificate, and does not prove US citizenship. The law at the time in 61 allowed for the issuance of a COLB even if the child was born outside of the state. All that was required to get the COLB was a written request from the parent/guardian.

Torej, objavljene slike CERTIFICATE OF LIFE BIRTH ne dokazujejo, da je Obama Native Born Citizen in kot take niso zadosten dokaz, da ustreza zahtevam USTAVE.
Ali je ali ni, je razvidno iz VAULT verzije rojstnega lista, ki obstaja na Havajih.
Ampak ga zaenkrat skrivajo kot kača noge.
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe

frudi ::

In Virginia, which was just ruled on yesterday, the judge went further and said that the certificate of live birth was good proof that Obama was born in Hawaii, and there was NO proof presented that he was born anywhere else.

Here is a report from a web posting that is not official, of course, but it seems accurate mainly because the fellow who posted it was AGAINST Obama. He is disappointed, but accepts the ruling. You can find this post at : (

(Note that sometimes the author correctly puts COLB correctly and sometimes he types it as CLOB, but he means certificate of live birth throughout.)


The Court made the following findings:

1. The Certification of Live Birth presented to the court is unquestionably authentic.

The court noted that the certification had a raised seal from the state of Hawaii, had a stamp bearing the signature of the registrar of vital statistics. The court found “wholly unpersuasive” any of the internet claims that the birth certificate was altered in any way. Furthermore, the document itself was accompanied by an affidavit from the State Health Director (of Hawaii) verifying that the document is an authentic certification of live birth. The court held that there could be no doubt that the document was authentic unless one believed that the state of Hawaii’s health department were in on an elaborate and complex conspiracy – and that there is not a shred of evidence that this is the case.

2. The Certification of Live Birth establishes that Mr. Obama is a natural born citizen.

The affidavit of the State Health Director states that the information on the CLOB is identical to the information on the “vault” copy of the birth certificate, and that both documents establish that Mr. Obama was born in Honolulu. The Court noted that the CLOB is valid for all citizenship purposes. The court noted our argument that the COLB is not valid for determining citizenship, but referred us to Hawaiian law that states otherwise. “There is no difference between a certificate and a certification of live birth in the eyes of the state. For instance, either can be used to confirm U.S. citizenship to obtain a passport or state ID.” The court found that Hawaiian law makes the COLB valid for all purposes with the exception of determining native Hawaiian heritage for certain state and federal benefits. The court held that if Mr. Obama were born elsewhere and the birth registered in Hawaii, the “place of birth” line on the COLB would reflect that fact. The court stated that there could be no doubt that Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii and that any argument to the contrary was fanciful and relied on completely unsubstantiated internet rumors.

3. For that reason, 8 U.S.C. §1401(g), which at the relevant time provided as follows:

“The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth: ***(g) a person born outside the geographical limits of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a citizen of the United States who, prior to the birth of such person, was physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than ten years, at least five of which were after attaining the age of fourteen years:…..
is irrelevant to this matter, as Mr. Obama was conclusively born in Hawaii.

4. Mr. Obama did hold dual citizenship in the U.S. and Kenya until he became an adult. When Barack Obama Jr. was born Kenya was a British colony. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.’s children: “British Nationality Act of 1948 (Part II, Section 5): Subject to the provisions of this section, a person born after the commencement of this Act shall be a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by descent if his father is a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies at the time of the birth.” In other words, at the time of his birth, Barack Obama Jr. was both a U.S. citizen (by virtue of being born in Hawaii) and a citizen of the United Kingdom by virtue of being born to a father who was a citizen of the UK. Obama’s UK citizenship became an Kenyan citizenship on Dec. 12, 1963, when Kenya formally gained its independence from the United Kingdom. The court noted that Chapter VI, Section 87 of the Kenyan Constitution specifies that:

1. Every person who, having been born in Kenya, is on 11th December, 1963 a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies or a British protected person shall become a citizen of Kenya on 12th December, 1963…

2. Every person who, having been born outside Kenya, is on 11th December, 1963 a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies or a British protected person shall, if his father becomes, or would but for his death have become, a citizen of Kenya by virtue of subsection (1), become a citizen of Kenya on 12th December, 1963.
Thus the court held that as a citizen of the UK who was born in Kenya, Obama’s father automatically received Kenyan citizenship via subsection (1). So given that Obama qualified for citizen of the UK status at birth and given that Obama’s father became a Kenyan citizen via subsection (1), thus Obama did in fact have Kenyan citizenship in 1963.

However, the court further held that the Kenyan Constitution prohibits dual citizenship for adults. Kenya recognizes dual citizenship for children, but Kenya’s Constitution specifies that at age 21, Kenyan citizens who possesses citizenship in more than one country automatically lose their Kenyan citizenship unless they formally renounce any non-Kenyan citizenship and swear an oath of allegiance to Kenya. The court held that there was no evidence that Mr. Obama has ever renounced his U.S. citizenship or sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4, 1982.

The court held that there was no legal requirement that Mr. Obama renounce his Kenyan citizenship or affirm his U.S. citizenship in order to maintain his status as a natural born citizen.

5. Mr. Obama did not lose his U.S. Citizenship based on the acts of his parents, including adoption by an Indonesian citizen. The Court held that no action taken by the parents of an American child can strip that child of his citizenship. The court cited to the 1952 Immigration & Nationality Act, Title III, Chapter 3, Sections 349 and 355, which was in effect in the late 1960s when Obama went to Indonesia, and which stated that a minor does not lose his US citizenship upon the naturalization of his parents or any other actions of his parents, so long as the minor returns to the US and establishes permanent US residency before the age of 21. Thus the adoption of Obama did not serve to strip him of his U.S. citizenship. The fact that Indonesian law does not allow dual citizenship is irrelevant, as U.S. law controls. Furthermore, the Court held that traveling on a foreign passport does not strip an American of his citizenship. The Court noted first that there was no evidence that Mr. Obama traveled on an Indonesian passport (Mr. Berg and others we reached out to for evidence never provided any evidence of this claim or any other of the claims we could have used some proof of.) Nonetheless, the court held that such travel does not divest an American of his citizenship.

The Court makes other holdings and findings that I won’t bother you with here. Needless to say, the decision is wholly against us. The court finds the claims against Mr. Obama’s citizenship “wholly unpersuasive and bordering on the frivolous, especially in light of the complete absence of any first-hand evidence on any critical issue” and further classifies it as “conspiracy theory of the lowest sort, fueled by nothing than internet rumor and those who truly want to believe egging each other on.”
1ACDoHVj3wn7N4EMpGVU4YGLR9HTfkNhTd... in case I've written something useful :)

frudi ::

Zakaj je treba pokazat tudi dolgo verzijo of CERTIFICAT OF LIFE BIRTH? Ker:
.. the COLB is not a birth certificate, and does not prove US citizenship. The law at the time in 61 allowed for the issuance of a COLB even if the child was born outside of the state. All that was required to get the COLB was a written request from the parent/guardian.

Torej, objavljene slike CERTIFICATE OF LIFE BIRTH ne dokazujejo, da je Obama Native Born Citizen in kot take niso zadosten dokaz, da ustreza zahtevam USTAVE.
Ali je ali ni, je razvidno iz VAULT verzije rojstnega lista, ki obstaja na Havajih.
Ampak ga zaenkrat skrivajo kot kača noge.

Po mojem nima veze, kaj je veljalo leta 1961. Obamin Certificat of Life Birth je bil izdan leta 2007.
1ACDoHVj3wn7N4EMpGVU4YGLR9HTfkNhTd... in case I've written something useful :)

]Fusion[ ::

Tisti, ki so tule na tem forumu prepričani, kako je z Obaminim državljanstvom vse AOK ... se nimajo kej vznemirjati. Certifikat na jpg na factcheck.org jim je dovolj. Po njihovo bo moral biti AOK tudi 4 sodnikom Vrhovnega sodišča.

Zakaj pa ne bi bil? Ima štempl, podpis in vse potrebne podatke. Kaj še te hočeš več?
"I am not an animal! I am a human being! I... am... a man!" - John Merrick

T-h-o-r ::

Tisti, ki so tule na tem forumu prepričani, kako je z Obaminim državljanstvom vse AOK ... se nimajo kej vznemirjati. Certifikat na jpg na factcheck.org jim je dovolj. Po njihovo bo moral biti AOK tudi 4 sodnikom Vrhovnega sodišča.

Zakaj pa ne bi bil? Ima štempl, podpis in vse potrebne podatke. Kaj še te hočeš več?

ma to ne velja, če si demokrat in črn :)
Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?

WarpedGone ::

Zakaj pa ne bi bil? Ima štempl, podpis in vse potrebne podatke. Kaj še te hočeš več?

Hja, nima jih, v tem je problem.

Dejansko ma Obama dva "problema". Prvi je "native born citizenship", drugi pa, ali so mu ga starši morebiti kdaj poradirali.

Znano je namreč, da je Obama hodil v šolo v Indoneziji.
Znano je tudi, da so (takrat) tam v šole lahko hodili le otroci z državljanstvom (zato ga je njegov očim posvojil.)
Znano je tudi, da takrat Indonezija ni dovoljevala dvojnega državljanstva.

So morali starši Indonezijskim oblastem prinest kakšno dokazilo da otrok nima nobenega drugega državljanstva? Recimo kak uraden ameriški dokument, ki preklicuje ameriško državljanstvo?

Povsem mogoče je, da bo Obama izvoljen predsednik, čeprav se izkaže da ni NBC, ker je sodišče reklo da njegov status nobenega državljana nima kaj brigat. O tem se naj bi izrekli volilci. Ki pa so se že izrekli in ob tem implicitno verjeli da je NBC. Ja, ustavna kriza par exelence.
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe

Ziga Dolhar ::

Ako bi W1 blagovolili prebrati kaj, kar je bilo morda že napisanega, ne bi storili greha ...

WarpedGone ::

Preberem naj to kar je bilo MORDA napisano? Pa še tisto kar MORDA ni bilo napisano?
Dej, žiga, poradiraj tale moj in svoj post, pa MORDA napiš kak konkreten odgovor.
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe

WarpedGone ::

The Hawaii birth can be issued even if the baby was not born in Hawaii, even if they were not born in the USA. There is a section of the forum to list the place of birth if other than Hawaii.. it asks for even the country of birth. Thus a Hawaiian birth certificate can simply be a registration of live birth anywhere in the world. But it is the long form that has this info, not the Certificate of Live Birth.

Slika, ki visi na netu pa dokazuje le, da Havaji imajo njegov originalni certifikat. Ne pove pa vseh detajlov.

Je pa tut neki res. Baje je sodna praksa v ameriki takšna, da se otroku ne da poradirat ameriškega državljanstva. To lahko stori le sam po tem ko postane polnoleten. Zato bi sodišče morebitno "odpoved" ameriškemu državljanstvu, ko je sprejel indonezijskega, da je lahko tam hodil v šolo, lahko smatralo kot nično.
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe

frudi ::

Par postov više imaš:
The Court noted that the COLB is valid for all citizenship purposes. The court noted our argument that the COLB is not valid for determining citizenship, but referred us to Hawaiian law that states otherwise. “There is no difference between a certificate and a certification of live birth in the eyes of the state. For instance, either can be used to confirm U.S. citizenship to obtain a passport or state ID.” The court found that Hawaiian law makes the COLB valid for all purposes with the exception of determining native Hawaiian heritage for certain state and federal benefits. The court held that if Mr. Obama were born elsewhere and the birth registered in Hawaii, the “place of birth” line on the COLB would reflect that fact. The court stated that there could be no doubt that Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii and that any argument to the contrary was fanciful and relied on completely unsubstantiated internet rumors.
1ACDoHVj3wn7N4EMpGVU4YGLR9HTfkNhTd... in case I've written something useful :)

]Fusion[ ::

Preberem naj to kar je bilo MORDA napisano? Pa še tisto kar MORDA ni bilo napisano?
Dej, žiga, poradiraj tale moj in svoj post, pa MORDA napiš kak konkreten odgovor.

Ne se zdaj izogibat dejstvu, da ignoriraš ene linke in poste v tej temi. Upam, da je vsem jasno, da je oni certifikat uradni dokument, ki ni ponarejen. Kar bo sodišče tudi videlo, če ga bo potrebovalo.
Ono z indonezijskim državljanstvom pa so obupani poskusi nasprotnikov Obame, da najdejo še tako "čudno" stvar v njegovi preteklosti, ki bi lahko ogrozila njegovo izvolitev.
"I am not an animal! I am a human being! I... am... a man!" - John Merrick

WarpedGone ::

Merodajni detajl:
The court held that if Mr. Obama were born elsewhere and the birth registered in Hawaii, the "place of birth" line on the COLB would reflect that fact.

Ampak, drugi pa hkrati trdijo, da:
To obtain the COLB in 1961 required nothing but the parent(s)/guardian to fill out a standardized form filling in the blanks.

Zato pa imajo/imamo več stopenj sodišč, da se včasih vsaj kašen spregled tudi popravi.
Obami do 1. decembra NI TREBA ničesar pokazat, le čas ima, če hoče. Če bo al pa ne bo, se bo potem sodnik odločil kaj narest z zgornjo citirano razsodbo. Jo potrdit al pa razveljavit.

Ono z indonezijskim državljanstvom pa so obupani poskusi nasprotnikov Obame, da najdejo še tako "čudno" stvar v njegovi preteklosti, ki bi lahko ogrozila njegovo izvolitev.

Morda bi tablete, ki jih predpisuješ drugim, najprej vzel sam?
Pozanimaj se o pogojih za inodnezijsko državljanstvo. Dvojno državljanstvo namreč dovolijo šele od leta 2006.
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe

Zgodovina sprememb…

frudi ::

W1, 'sporni' Obamin COLB je iz leta 2007, ne 1961. Izdan, predvidevam, na podlagi originalnega rojstnega lista in pošteplan od uradne osebe. Na njem je tudi jasno napisan kraj rojstva - Honolulu.

O poteku Berg vs Obama po 1. decembru pa ne bo odločal en sodnik; štirje se bodo morali strinjati, da je zadeva sploh vredna ponovnega pregleda. In kot je tudi že bilo zapisano - 99% takih predlogov pred Vrhovnim sodiščem se zavrne.

To z Indonezijo in Kenijo smo pa že razčistili na prejšnjih straneh. Move on...
1ACDoHVj3wn7N4EMpGVU4YGLR9HTfkNhTd... in case I've written something useful :)
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