Forum » Zvok in slika » Fraktal - Le kakšno sporočilo vsebuje ???
Fraktal - Le kakšno sporočilo vsebuje ???
StratOS ::
Mislim, da je skrito v tistih belih pikah, mogoče one kaj povedo ? 8-O
Zgornja slika vsebuje neko sporočilo
Mislim, da je skrito v tistih belih pikah, mogoče one kaj povedo ? 8-O
- spremenila: StratOS ()
StratOS ::
Fractal uganka temelji na png formatu.
Treba raziskati ta format, mislim da je fora v IHDR chunku.
Jaz ne vem definicije zadnjih par bytov tega chunka.
Ko jo enkrat ves, je resitev precej enostavna, ampak najprej je treba spoznati format zgleda
Iz mejla, ki sem ga poslal za dodatne informacije o tem chunku :
I got one interesting problem regarding PNG IHDR chunk.
I've been listing throught NET to find detailed info about whole IHDR chunk specification for PNG graphic format, but i didn't find one.
Guess I'll need your professional help and guidance.
I have to solve a graphic puzzle. The attached file contains hidden graphic message (TEXT or GRAPHIC) in the same file.
I have read almost everything regarding PNG IHDR format, but i saw the format is not complete on your WEB site, there are some bytes
extra in my graphic file regarding IHDR chunk.
I need to get the PNG Special-Purpose Public Chunks for IHDR to solve this puzzle.
i need to decode
Ascii: IHDR... ...X........'....
Hex: 49484452000003200000025808020000001514152700000011
That Means in Binary :
Binary 8 bit unsigned :
0,0,3,32 the Width of this picture is 3*256+32=800
0,0,2,88 the Height of this picture is 2*256+88=600
8 the Bit Depth is 8
2 color type is 2 Each pixel is an R,G,B triple
0 compresion method is 0
0 filter method is 0
0 Interlaced method is 0
21 |
20 |
21 |
39 |
0 | Don't know what these are ?
0 |
0 |
17 |
116 |
the next chunk folows is tEXt chunk (ASCII values)
tEXtTitle.Fractal Sky+.......tEXtDescription.When you know that your time is close at hand.Maybe then you'll begin to understand.Life down there is just a strange illusion.s.......tIME......1.n......pHYs.........B.4.....gAMA......a.....IDAT
that Fractal Sky+ realy gives me the creeppppssss...
Learning all about PNG now, gotta admit this format got a q nice stuffs inside :)
And i'm guessing i'll find what is bothering me ...
When you know that your time is close at hand.
Maybe then you'll begin to understand.
Life down there is just a strange illusion.
za osnovne info o PNG fajlu lahko dobite :D Tukaj :D
Treba raziskati ta format, mislim da je fora v IHDR chunku.
Jaz ne vem definicije zadnjih par bytov tega chunka.
Ko jo enkrat ves, je resitev precej enostavna, ampak najprej je treba spoznati format zgleda
Iz mejla, ki sem ga poslal za dodatne informacije o tem chunku :
I got one interesting problem regarding PNG IHDR chunk.
I've been listing throught NET to find detailed info about whole IHDR chunk specification for PNG graphic format, but i didn't find one.
Guess I'll need your professional help and guidance.
I have to solve a graphic puzzle. The attached file contains hidden graphic message (TEXT or GRAPHIC) in the same file.
I have read almost everything regarding PNG IHDR format, but i saw the format is not complete on your WEB site, there are some bytes
extra in my graphic file regarding IHDR chunk.
I need to get the PNG Special-Purpose Public Chunks for IHDR to solve this puzzle.
i need to decode
Ascii: IHDR... ...X........'....
Hex: 49484452000003200000025808020000001514152700000011
That Means in Binary :
Binary 8 bit unsigned :
0,0,3,32 the Width of this picture is 3*256+32=800
0,0,2,88 the Height of this picture is 2*256+88=600
8 the Bit Depth is 8
2 color type is 2 Each pixel is an R,G,B triple
0 compresion method is 0
0 filter method is 0
0 Interlaced method is 0
21 |
20 |
21 |
39 |
0 | Don't know what these are ?
0 |
0 |
17 |
116 |
the next chunk folows is tEXt chunk (ASCII values)
tEXtTitle.Fractal Sky+.......tEXtDescription.When you know that your time is close at hand.Maybe then you'll begin to understand.Life down there is just a strange illusion.s.......tIME......1.n......pHYs.........B.4.....gAMA......a.....IDAT
that Fractal Sky+ realy gives me the creeppppssss...
Learning all about PNG now, gotta admit this format got a q nice stuffs inside :)
And i'm guessing i'll find what is bothering me ...
When you know that your time is close at hand.
Maybe then you'll begin to understand.
Life down there is just a strange illusion.
za osnovne info o PNG fajlu lahko dobite :D Tukaj :D
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenila: StratOS ()
ender ::
V tistem PNGju je sporočilo "skrito" v enemu od headerjev (mimogrede: to lahko narediš tudi pri GIF in JPG [pa še kakšnih datotekah]).
Kaj pa se skriva v tej sliki (pa ni v headerjih):
Kaj pa se skriva v tej sliki (pa ni v headerjih):
||_^_|| ::
a se da komu razložit tole da bi blo tut kakšnemu bol lamerju na tem področju kej jasno?
Kokr sm jst tole dojeu sliko sam v npr. wordpadu odpreš in prebereš vn text:)
Kokr sm jst tole dojeu sliko sam v npr. wordpadu odpreš in prebereš vn text:)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ||_^_|| ()
StratOS ::
V tistem PNGju je sporočilo "skrito" v enemu od headerjev (mimogrede: to lahko narediš tudi pri GIF in JPG [pa še kakšnih datotekah]).
Hm mene zanima struktura IHDR chunka tega PNG formata, iz te bom kasneje spoznal kaj je v bistvu treba narediti.
Hm za lamerje, ta čuden fraktal je namreč lepa slika grafična, ki pa zgleda vsebuje grafičen message, le ta je biten.
Kaj je pa razlog zaradi česa je taka pa se nahaja v chunkih (delih fajla), ki jih je treba raztolmačit ...
Primer :
skriva sledeče :
Hm, da prideš do konca, kaj slika skriva moreš razumeti skrukture HEADERJEV in chunkov, imeti kakšen hex proggy in mal binarnih programskih zmožnosti in operacij.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenila: StratOS ()
ender ::
stratos: v tvojem GIF-u je treba samo paleto spremenit (če program to podpira, ni nobenega problema, vendar precej programov "vidi" eno samo barvo, čeprav jih je več). da se pa tudi tako, da vzameš hex editor in malce udarjaš po tipkovnici (v tistem delu, kjer je paleta)
StratOS ::
ja offset 13#h 14#h in #15, razloži pa tiste neznane byte v zgornjem chunku v PNG ???
That's what i'm worried about ...
IHDR chunk
Binary 8 bit unsigned :
0,0,3,32 the Width of this picture is 3*256+32=800
0,0,2,88 the Height of this picture is 2*256+88=600
8 the Bit Depth is 8
2 color type is 2 Each pixel is an R,G,B triple
0 compresion method is 0
0 filter method is 0
0 Interlaced method is 0
21 |
20 |
21 |
39 |
0 | Don't know what these are ?
0 |
0 |
17 |
116 |
That's what i'm worried about ...
IHDR chunk
Binary 8 bit unsigned :
0,0,3,32 the Width of this picture is 3*256+32=800
0,0,2,88 the Height of this picture is 2*256+88=600
8 the Bit Depth is 8
2 color type is 2 Each pixel is an R,G,B triple
0 compresion method is 0
0 filter method is 0
0 Interlaced method is 0
21 |
20 |
21 |
39 |
0 | Don't know what these are ?
0 |
0 |
17 |
116 |
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenila: StratOS ()
StratOS ::
File vseguje chunk aZIP, extrahiraj podatke ven iz data chunka, shrani kot zip fajl in v njem je txt datoteka m, ki vsebuje sporočilo !!
No kdo bo to rešil, potem pa lahko gremo letet :)
File vseguje chunk aZIP, extrahiraj podatke ven iz data chunka, shrani kot zip fajl in v njem je txt datoteka m, ki vsebuje sporočilo !!
No kdo bo to rešil, potem pa lahko gremo letet :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenila: StratOS ()
ender ::
stratos: če hočeš lažje priti do ZIP fajla, samo uporabi
PKZIPFIX purple.png
in boš dobil ZIP (res pa je, da na kaj takega ne bi nikoli pomislil)
PKZIPFIX purple.png
in boš dobil ZIP (res pa je, da na kaj takega ne bi nikoli pomislil)
Satanized ::
Well done, keep up the good work. The password for the level is albatross.
-- is it love or is it faith --
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