Forum » Igre » Carmageddon 2 in težave na xp
Carmageddon 2 in težave na xp
dolenska ::
sem se z mojo drago pogovarjal o starih dobrih igrah in mi pride na misel carmageddon 2. Ga naložim in mi ne dela. No dela mi samo če mi procesor procesira celotno igro, kar pa ne pride v poštev ker je sama kocka. Hardverska podpora mi pa ne deluje. Kaj naj naredim da mi bo igra normalno delala.
Kot napako mi pa napiše:
brender error detected
failure:could not reference image glide 2x.
Računalnik je pa a3200+, 1gb ram. Gefforce 6600gt
prosim za odgovore in rešitve, saj bi rad ponovno preizkusil to igro.
sem se z mojo drago pogovarjal o starih dobrih igrah in mi pride na misel carmageddon 2. Ga naložim in mi ne dela. No dela mi samo če mi procesor procesira celotno igro, kar pa ne pride v poštev ker je sama kocka. Hardverska podpora mi pa ne deluje. Kaj naj naredim da mi bo igra normalno delala.
Kot napako mi pa napiše:
brender error detected
failure:could not reference image glide 2x.
Računalnik je pa a3200+, 1gb ram. Gefforce 6600gt
prosim za odgovore in rešitve, saj bi rad ponovno preizkusil to igro.
- polepsal: Alpheus ()
bluefish ::
je to xp?
potem z desno klikni na exe fajl > Properties > Compatibility in tam izberi naj ti ga zažene kot recimo Win 98 oz. 95,...
potem z desno klikni na exe fajl > Properties > Compatibility in tam izberi naj ti ga zažene kot recimo Win 98 oz. 95,...
R33D3M33R ::
Za delovanje igre je potreben crack, brez tega v XPjih igre ne boš mogel zagnati! Poglej na gamecopyworld za WinXP fixed EXE.
Moja domača stran:
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: R33D3M33R ()
dolenska ::
nop ne deluje tale crack. mislim da ni tle težava ampak je težava v grafiki.
sem preizkušal neke glide emulatorje, pa nič ne deluje. se bom moral res zadovoljiti s to res kockasto sliko, ko pa vem da sem na starejšem računalniku igral to igro z lepo grafiko. aja v igri imam grafiko na high.
sem preizkušal neke glide emulatorje, pa nič ne deluje. se bom moral res zadovoljiti s to res kockasto sliko, ko pa vem da sem na starejšem računalniku igral to igro z lepo grafiko. aja v igri imam grafiko na high.
opeter ::
Saj Carmageddon 2 deluje tudi z DirectX, vsaj jaz sem ga tako poganjal...
poskusi tole:
ExtremeOverclocking Forums
poskusi tole:
ExtremeOverclocking Forums
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: opeter ()
R33D3M33R ::
Čudno. Mogoče bi moral namestiti še Blood Patch. Namreč na moji strani sem imel nekoč link do strani, kjer je lepo pisalo kako se to naredi, vendar je tista stran sedaj izginila in s tem tudi navodila. opeterjev link izgleda obetaven.
Moja domača stran:
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: R33D3M33R ()
A. Smith ::
Believe it or not, you can get C2 to run with hardware 3D (640x480) and with a joystick/gamepad.
Once the game will run with hardware 3D, (with the shortcut changed to the CARMA2_HW.EXE file, and with compatibility set to Win95 and 640x480 resolution for good measure, Win2K users just need to switch to 640x480 res before playing) you only need one more peice of the puzzle that DosFreak was kind enough to suggest: OpenGLide. This basically translates (if I understand it correctly) the Glide functions from the application into OpenGL functions to the GPU. To use OpenGLide, all that's needed is to put the Glide2x.dll file that comes in the download into the C2 directory. Running the CARMA2_HW file alone apparently defaults to Glide rendering. Now there's some weirndess in the menu, but the game looks great. You can even make it look better than it ever looked by cranking up the anisotropic filtering and anti-aliasing settings under OpenGL! (might as well, since you can't increase the resolution). So why fake Glide? Well it appears that the bug that crashes the game when a joystick is attached is related to D3D rendering somehow, because using OpenGLide somehow gets by this bug.
Več najdeš tukaj.
Tudi sam večkrat poganjam kakšno staro igro na XPjih in ugotovil sem, da za praktično vsako igro obstaja nekdo, ki je ugotovil, kako jo zagnati. Pa magari, če je moral napisat kakšen gonilnik ali dva
Once the game will run with hardware 3D, (with the shortcut changed to the CARMA2_HW.EXE file, and with compatibility set to Win95 and 640x480 resolution for good measure, Win2K users just need to switch to 640x480 res before playing) you only need one more peice of the puzzle that DosFreak was kind enough to suggest: OpenGLide. This basically translates (if I understand it correctly) the Glide functions from the application into OpenGL functions to the GPU. To use OpenGLide, all that's needed is to put the Glide2x.dll file that comes in the download into the C2 directory. Running the CARMA2_HW file alone apparently defaults to Glide rendering. Now there's some weirndess in the menu, but the game looks great. You can even make it look better than it ever looked by cranking up the anisotropic filtering and anti-aliasing settings under OpenGL! (might as well, since you can't increase the resolution). So why fake Glide? Well it appears that the bug that crashes the game when a joystick is attached is related to D3D rendering somehow, because using OpenGLide somehow gets by this bug.
Več najdeš tukaj.
Tudi sam večkrat poganjam kakšno staro igro na XPjih in ugotovil sem, da za praktično vsako igro obstaja nekdo, ki je ugotovil, kako jo zagnati. Pa magari, če je moral napisat kakšen gonilnik ali dva
"Be professional, be polite,
but have a plan to kill everyone you meet".
- General James Mattis
but have a plan to kill everyone you meet".
- General James Mattis
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