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Obnovitev BIOSA (flashing bios)

Obnovitev BIOSA (flashing bios)

Bojan_ ::

Zadnje dni moram pri zagonu računalnika pritiskati F1, kljub temu, da sem preveril baterijo. Možno je, da se je v BIOS naselil virus. V rač. je osnovna plošča ASUS P4PE-GE Hotel sem DL novejšo verzijo BIOSa, pa na uradni Asusovi strani NE najdem TOČNO take plate (/GE). Ali lahko naložim BIOS od P4PE brez oznake GE ? Edino kar sem našel od take osnovne plošče je TUKAJ
Ker imam tudi druge probleme s to ploščo, bi kupil drugo, samo tako, da bi uporabil procesor, RAM, ..... Ima kdo kaj takega ? Ne vem niti pod kaj bi gledal, iskal :\
Hvala za vsak napotek !

cCleo ::

How to flash your BIOS using a DOS boot diskette?

Follow these steps:
1. Create a bootable diskette. Please go to www.bootdisk.com and download drdflash.exe file. You can save this file to My Document folder. When download is completed, insert a blank diskette into the floppy drive, go back to My Document folder, and double-click on DRDFLASH.EXE to create a bootable diskette. Leave the diskette in the drive.

2. Go to www.foxconnchannel.com and navigate to your motherboard via Services/Downloads. Use the navigation bar on the left side to navigate to your motherboard. Click the blue link for the BIOS in the Search Results field. On the resulting screen click the Download button. Save it to your A drive. When done, back up to the downloads menu for your motherboard and select the Flash Utility.
On the resulting screen click the Download button. Save it to your A drive. Leave the diskette in the drive.

3. Shutdown and reboot your machine. Press DEL key at the Foxconn's logo or at the "Press TAB to show POST screen, DEL to enter SETUP" message. At the main BIOS menu, select Advanced BIOS Feature, press ENTER key. Set "First Boot Device" to "Floppy". Then press F10 key and Y, ENTER key to save the BIOS settings. Leave the floppy in the drive and let it boots to the A:\>

4. From A:\> type DIR to list all the files and then type in AWDFLASH XXXXXXX.BIN or AFU836 XXXXXXX.BIN and then press the ENTER key. The XXXXXXX.BIN is the file name of the BIOS file you downloaded. Enter from the directory listing.

5. The AwardBIOS Flash Utility screen will appear and prompt you to save your current BIOS. Press Y to save the current BIOS. Name it OLD and press ENTER key. Your system will back up your current BIOS to your're A drive under the OLD.BIN file name.

6. When done saving the current BIOS, press Y to update the BIOS.

7. When prompted to do so, remove the floppy diskette and then press F1 to reset your system. Note the new BIOS number on the initial boot up screen.

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