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Prek... blue-sreen

crimson ::
Mam winxp, athlona300+, grafa asus eax1600pro, 1500rama...
Problem je v tem, da se mi konstantno ugaša comp med gledanjem filmov, igranjem iger... Opozorilo, ki se prikaže je:
Ram in slot sta verjetn vredu, saj se težava še vedno pojavlja, čeprav sem star ram zamenjal z novim in ga vstavil v drugo režo.
Računalnik se nič ne pregreva in T so normalne:
Računalnik ni več v garanciji. Podobne težave se pojavljajo že od nakupa novega računalnika...
Kak se to poprav????
Problem je v tem, da se mi konstantno ugaša comp med gledanjem filmov, igranjem iger... Opozorilo, ki se prikaže je:
Ram in slot sta verjetn vredu, saj se težava še vedno pojavlja, čeprav sem star ram zamenjal z novim in ga vstavil v drugo režo.
Računalnik se nič ne pregreva in T so normalne:
Računalnik ni več v garanciji. Podobne težave se pojavljajo že od nakupa novega računalnika...
Kak se to poprav????

Spike Edin ::
Citiram: Podobne težave se pojavljajo že od nakupa novega računalnika...
Ne vem zakaj nisi potem takoj odnesel na servis, ampak ok, morda si imel določene razloge, navsezadnje se pa mene to ne tiče. Uglavnem, problem zna biti v strojni opremi (matični plošči, procesorju ...) Kater razlog je ti ne vem točno povedati. Več o samem problemu si lahko prebereš tukaj !
Lahko storiš tudi naslednje ampak žal, je napisano v ENG:
If you get the error, do the following in order, until it is fixed:
1. Make sure your power supply is not overloaded. Even if it is a 550W and your system only needs 350W, make sure that the 12V rail supports at least 25Amps (especially if you are using an SLI board with 2 cards or a haus graphics card).
2. Run MEMTEST86 for at least two passes (99% of the time, if it passes twice, the memory is perfectly fine). If the memory is showing errors, first try the following before replacing it:
Increase the memory voltage in the Bios by .1V or .2V (start out with .1). Run Memtest again; if it passes this time, you are fine. My memory was not showing errors, but I increased the voltage by .1V and it fixed the problem for me.
3. If something is overclocked, set it back to norms. This error can be caused by a pissed off CPU (overheating or just generally disgruntled). If not, flash your BIOS to the latest version.
4. Remove and/or disable any wireless cards or devices in your system.
5. Uninstall all Nvidia drivers on your system (chipset and graphics). When reinstalling the drivers, DO NOT install the IDE SW driver. Make sure your system is still working at this point by rebooting. If so, install the 77.XX Nvidia graphics drivers if you have an Nvidia card, and work your way up to the 9XXX series until you find instability.
6. Disable your IDE channels in the bios. This problem has been known to occur due to DVD and CDROM IDE conflicts.
7. In XP or x64, go to Start -- Control Pannel -- System -- Advanced -- Performance -- and click "adjust for best performance".
In general, as far as I could tell, many Nforce4 systems are very picky about the CPU, Memory, and Drivers. Start out with your CPU at norms, and memory +.1V if you are having these issues. Install the minimal drivers needed. The standard windows IDE drivers are sufficient. Some people seem to think that the Nvidia SmBUS drivers can cause this, but they shouldnt. Those are going to have to be installed regardless... if you think they may be the culprit after everything else, use an older version.
Naturally, I didnt think to increase my memory by +.1V, so I didnt do that first. This error is almost always hardware, and is simply catlylized by drivers... seemingly the newer the drivers, the more hell the error will give you and the more frequently, until you actually fix it. I did tons of research on this, and the culprit is almost always memory or sometype of hardware. Remove any optical drives, PCI cards, anything you dont need to run your computer. Add them back one by one until you find the device that hoses you.
veliko sreče in upam da boš odpravil problem.
Citiram: Podobne težave se pojavljajo že od nakupa novega računalnika...
Ne vem zakaj nisi potem takoj odnesel na servis, ampak ok, morda si imel določene razloge, navsezadnje se pa mene to ne tiče. Uglavnem, problem zna biti v strojni opremi (matični plošči, procesorju ...) Kater razlog je ti ne vem točno povedati. Več o samem problemu si lahko prebereš tukaj !
Lahko storiš tudi naslednje ampak žal, je napisano v ENG:
If you get the error, do the following in order, until it is fixed:
1. Make sure your power supply is not overloaded. Even if it is a 550W and your system only needs 350W, make sure that the 12V rail supports at least 25Amps (especially if you are using an SLI board with 2 cards or a haus graphics card).
2. Run MEMTEST86 for at least two passes (99% of the time, if it passes twice, the memory is perfectly fine). If the memory is showing errors, first try the following before replacing it:
Increase the memory voltage in the Bios by .1V or .2V (start out with .1). Run Memtest again; if it passes this time, you are fine. My memory was not showing errors, but I increased the voltage by .1V and it fixed the problem for me.
3. If something is overclocked, set it back to norms. This error can be caused by a pissed off CPU (overheating or just generally disgruntled). If not, flash your BIOS to the latest version.
4. Remove and/or disable any wireless cards or devices in your system.
5. Uninstall all Nvidia drivers on your system (chipset and graphics). When reinstalling the drivers, DO NOT install the IDE SW driver. Make sure your system is still working at this point by rebooting. If so, install the 77.XX Nvidia graphics drivers if you have an Nvidia card, and work your way up to the 9XXX series until you find instability.
6. Disable your IDE channels in the bios. This problem has been known to occur due to DVD and CDROM IDE conflicts.
7. In XP or x64, go to Start -- Control Pannel -- System -- Advanced -- Performance -- and click "adjust for best performance".
In general, as far as I could tell, many Nforce4 systems are very picky about the CPU, Memory, and Drivers. Start out with your CPU at norms, and memory +.1V if you are having these issues. Install the minimal drivers needed. The standard windows IDE drivers are sufficient. Some people seem to think that the Nvidia SmBUS drivers can cause this, but they shouldnt. Those are going to have to be installed regardless... if you think they may be the culprit after everything else, use an older version.
Naturally, I didnt think to increase my memory by +.1V, so I didnt do that first. This error is almost always hardware, and is simply catlylized by drivers... seemingly the newer the drivers, the more hell the error will give you and the more frequently, until you actually fix it. I did tons of research on this, and the culprit is almost always memory or sometype of hardware. Remove any optical drives, PCI cards, anything you dont need to run your computer. Add them back one by one until you find the device that hoses you.
veliko sreče in upam da boš odpravil problem.
The PC Doctor

Scorpia ::
Če v google upišeš kodo napake marsikej zanimivega najdeš in tudi rešitve. Tukaj si mal preberi. Bodi pozoren takrat ko je zamenjal grafično kartico da mu je sistem začel stabilno delovati. Na tvojem mestu bi probal še da dela z eno ploščico rama, pa če se napaka pojavlja pa zamenjaš z drugo.

crimson ::
Hvala za pomoč. Po testiranju nekaj komponet compa sm ugotovi, da vrjetn dela težave grafa(pri 1600pro se težave vedno pojavijo, pri uporabi integrirane grafe pa ni težav). Bom namestu nove gonilnike in upam, da bo pomagal. Če bodo pa še vedno težave, se pa spet oglasim.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: crimson ()

Firebat ::
Tudi sam sem imel pred časom več takih težav.
Pri MSI (nforce 570) sem odpravil tako da sem nastavil DDR2 iz "uradnih" 667mhz na 533Mhz (ker je bilo verjetno nekompatibilna kombinacija RAM:MATIČNA)
Pri ASUS (intel i975x) pa sem moral nadgraditi bios ter najti uradne gonilnike od zvočne kartice in se izogibati ASUSovih s CD-ja)
Upam da ti kaj pomaga, seveda sem pa testiral v Prime95 ter SuperPi, da sem našel stabilnost. ---> potem se pa začne navijanje (OC) :D
Pri MSI (nforce 570) sem odpravil tako da sem nastavil DDR2 iz "uradnih" 667mhz na 533Mhz (ker je bilo verjetno nekompatibilna kombinacija RAM:MATIČNA)
Pri ASUS (intel i975x) pa sem moral nadgraditi bios ter najti uradne gonilnike od zvočne kartice in se izogibati ASUSovih s CD-ja)
Upam da ti kaj pomaga, seveda sem pa testiral v Prime95 ter SuperPi, da sem našel stabilnost. ---> potem se pa začne navijanje (OC) :D
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