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Registry Mechanic

Registry Mechanic

zk_eu ::

Imam sledeč problem, vsakič ko hočem pognati Registry Mechanic, se mi pojavi tole:

Pojma nimam kako bi tole rešil, ker mi ni jasno, saj uporabljam Win XP Sp2, registry mechanic je pa verzija 7.0, ki jo dobiš na njihovi strani, zakaj nebi podpiralo?

Za odgovore se že vnaprej zahvaljujem.
Non omne, quod licet, honestum est - Ni vse, kar je dovoljeno, tudi pošteno.
  • spremenil: zk_eu ()

zk_eu ::

Sem poslal na njihov support center in dobu odgovor...

Koto, thank you for contacting PC Tools.

Please be assured that we are here to assist you with your query.

In regards to your query, Registry Mechanic does not support languages (unicode) on a PC at the moment. Registry Mechanic will work in English and some languages. But if you are getting a message, Registry Mechanic does not support that language. So as a workaround, probably best to change to English before running Registry Mechanic (see below). This is something the developers are currently working on for future builds. At the moment, I cannot provide a timeframe in regards to this, but when I do hear of any updates, I'll let you know.

Regarding to the error message that you are experiencing, can I please ask you to check the following details of your system.

Click Start > Settings > Control Panel and open 'Regional Language Options'

Please provide details of what appears here.

Please try the workaround below:

Windows XP

(1) Click on Regional Options tab and note the Language used under "Standards and Formats"

(2) Click on Advance tab and note the language used under "Language used for Non-Unicode Programs"
If under the Advance tab, you have selected a language other that English, please try and change this to "US English" as this would resolve the problem.

Windows Vista

(1) Click on Formats Options tab and note the Language used under "Current Format"

(2) Click on Administrative tab > "Change System Locale" and note the language used under "Language used for Non-Unicode Programs"
If you have selected a language other that English in here, please try and change this to "US English" as this would resolve the problem.

If you require further assistance on this specific request, please reply to this email.

Kind Regards,

Robert Mac Donald
Customer Support Representative
PC Tools Customer Support Services
PC Tools - www.pctools.com

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