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Šifrirana mapa
bperc ::
Torej problem je v tem, da sem pred formatiranjem računalnika določene podatke prekopiral na drug disk in zdej ko jih hočem prekopirati nazaj jih ne morm ker so podatki šifrirani. Jaz osebno teh podatkov nism nikoli šifriral tako da ne vem zakaj so zdej šifrirani. Dešifrirat jih pa ne morm in se jih ne da. Prav tako se jih ne da zapečt. Večina podatkov ki so postali šifrirani pa so slike. Ikone so obarvane zeleno in prav tako mi teh slik v predogledu sploh ne pokaže.
Postopek ki ga jaz poznam za šifriranje in dešifrijanje ne deluje. Torej to je da greš pod lastnosti-dodatno in tam obkljukaš. To mi ne deluje. Zato bi bil vesel če mi nekdo pove če je možno na kakšen drugačen način rešit te podatke.
Mogoče tudi pomemben podatek ali pa tudi ne. Niso vsi podatki postali šifrirani ampak samo nekaj map. Večina sem lahko kopiral normalno nazaj.
To mi pa napiše če hočm kopirat:
Postopek ki ga jaz poznam za šifriranje in dešifrijanje ne deluje. Torej to je da greš pod lastnosti-dodatno in tam obkljukaš. To mi ne deluje. Zato bi bil vesel če mi nekdo pove če je možno na kakšen drugačen način rešit te podatke.
Mogoče tudi pomemben podatek ali pa tudi ne. Niso vsi podatki postali šifrirani ampak samo nekaj map. Večina sem lahko kopiral normalno nazaj.
To mi pa napiše če hočm kopirat:
bperc ::
nažalost ta program ne pomaga v tem primeru nič saj mi naredi samo mapo datotek pa mi ne kopira
jan01 ::
Vsak, ki samo pomisli na šifriranje v windowsu, naj naredi backup certifikat. Kaj in kako->pogooglajte. Drugače pa priporočam truecrype.
Drugače mislim, da je pri tebi drug problem. Z desnim klikni na properies(posloveni si)-> zavihek securety-> advance-> zavihek owner in izberi spodaj v listi sebe kot lastnika.
Drugače mislim, da je pri tebi drug problem. Z desnim klikni na properies(posloveni si)-> zavihek securety-> advance-> zavihek owner in izberi spodaj v listi sebe kot lastnika.
bperc ::
za truecrype sicer še nism slišu in tud ko vpišem v google mi ne pokaže kej velik razn en kup strani v kitajščini. za tist kar si napisu spodi sm pa že probu vendar stvar ne deluje in napiše isto kot je napisano zgoraj. in tudi če sm lastnik nič ne pomaga. res ne vem v čem je fora vsega skupi, ker sploh nism jst teh map nikol šifriru in zdej so po formatiranju kr same od sebe šifrirane
StratOS ::
Problem v tem je, da je uporabnik, ki je naredil to vključil enkripcijo mape in po možnosti podmap.
V uporabniškem načinu lahko le kreator direktorija oz. uporabnik, ki ima pravice dostopa do teh datotek in direktorijev, vse skupaj je vezano na uporabniško ime in geslo.
Če si naredil backup in jih imaš na NTFS datotečnem sistemu winsov boš moral prirediti pravice in dekriptirati s pomočjo novega enakega accounta in passworda.
Na direktoriju, ki je zelen ( topmost direktorij ) izberi lastnosti "Properties",
na General Tabu klikni "Advanced" gumb
odkljukaj "Encrypt contents to secure data".
Seveda če bo z security tokeni vse v redu boš to lahko naredil, drugače boš pa preko novega enakega accounta (username) in passworda (password) uporabnika, ki je to enkripcijo sprožil lahko brezkrbno po zgornjih navodilih ustrezno deinkriptiral podatke.
To create a recovery agent you first need to create a data recovery certificate. Usually, the recovery agent is assigned to the Administrator account, although you can select a different user account or create a new one if you so wish.
To generate a recovery certificate, log on as the Administrator (for example) and at a command prompt, type:
cipher /r:filename
Note that “filename” should be replaced with a name of your choice. Then, when prompted, type a password to create two files with the extensions .cer and .pfx.
Be aware that the presence of these files allows anyone to become a recovery agent. So after creating the files, they should be moved to floppy, for example, and then safely stored elsewhere. We’ll show you how to do that later in the series.
To create a recovery agent, remain logged on to the Administrator account.
v Click Start, Run, and type certmgr.msc to open the Certificates console.
v Go to Certificates – Current User\Personal, and choose Action, All Tasks, and Import to launch the Certificate Import Wizard.
v Click Next, and the File To Import page appears.
v Click Browse, and then select Personal Information Exchange in the Files Of Type box to see .pfx files.
v Select the .pfx file you created earlier, click Open, and then click Next.
v Enter the password you have already assigned to the certificate, and then select Mark This Key As Exportable.
v Click Next.
v Choose Automatically Select The Certificate Store Based On The Type Of Certificate.
v Click Next, and then click Finish.
Close the Certificates console, and click Start, Run and type secpol.msc. This opens the Local Security Settings console.
v Go to Security Settings\Public Key Policies\Encrypting File System, and choose Action, Add Data Recovery Agent. Click Next.
v Click Browse Folders and navigate to the .cer file you created earlier.
v Select the file and click Open. Click Next.
v The recovery agent is shown as USER_UNKNOWN. This is normal since the name isn’t stored in the file. Click Finish.
That’s it. The current user account is assigned as the recovery agent for all encrypted files on the system. So if something should happen to your own user account, you will still have the ability to log on to this account and recover the encrypted files.
V uporabniškem načinu lahko le kreator direktorija oz. uporabnik, ki ima pravice dostopa do teh datotek in direktorijev, vse skupaj je vezano na uporabniško ime in geslo.
Če si naredil backup in jih imaš na NTFS datotečnem sistemu winsov boš moral prirediti pravice in dekriptirati s pomočjo novega enakega accounta in passworda.
Na direktoriju, ki je zelen ( topmost direktorij ) izberi lastnosti "Properties",
na General Tabu klikni "Advanced" gumb
odkljukaj "Encrypt contents to secure data".
Seveda če bo z security tokeni vse v redu boš to lahko naredil, drugače boš pa preko novega enakega accounta (username) in passworda (password) uporabnika, ki je to enkripcijo sprožil lahko brezkrbno po zgornjih navodilih ustrezno deinkriptiral podatke.
To create a recovery agent you first need to create a data recovery certificate. Usually, the recovery agent is assigned to the Administrator account, although you can select a different user account or create a new one if you so wish.
To generate a recovery certificate, log on as the Administrator (for example) and at a command prompt, type:
cipher /r:filename
Note that “filename” should be replaced with a name of your choice. Then, when prompted, type a password to create two files with the extensions .cer and .pfx.
Be aware that the presence of these files allows anyone to become a recovery agent. So after creating the files, they should be moved to floppy, for example, and then safely stored elsewhere. We’ll show you how to do that later in the series.
To create a recovery agent, remain logged on to the Administrator account.
v Click Start, Run, and type certmgr.msc to open the Certificates console.
v Go to Certificates – Current User\Personal, and choose Action, All Tasks, and Import to launch the Certificate Import Wizard.
v Click Next, and the File To Import page appears.
v Click Browse, and then select Personal Information Exchange in the Files Of Type box to see .pfx files.
v Select the .pfx file you created earlier, click Open, and then click Next.
v Enter the password you have already assigned to the certificate, and then select Mark This Key As Exportable.
v Click Next.
v Choose Automatically Select The Certificate Store Based On The Type Of Certificate.
v Click Next, and then click Finish.
Close the Certificates console, and click Start, Run and type secpol.msc. This opens the Local Security Settings console.
v Go to Security Settings\Public Key Policies\Encrypting File System, and choose Action, Add Data Recovery Agent. Click Next.
v Click Browse Folders and navigate to the .cer file you created earlier.
v Select the file and click Open. Click Next.
v The recovery agent is shown as USER_UNKNOWN. This is normal since the name isn’t stored in the file. Click Finish.
That’s it. The current user account is assigned as the recovery agent for all encrypted files on the system. So if something should happen to your own user account, you will still have the ability to log on to this account and recover the encrypted files.
"Multitasking - ability to f##k up several things at once."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenila: StratOS ()
AnitaM8 ::
ok js mam en problem
ne vem ka se je točno zgodilo a sm js kej zbrisala al sm kake nastavitve česa spremenila ne da bi vedla.
ampak men računalnik ne odpre nobene šifrirane datoteke, napiše da nima dostopa al da je zavrnjen dostop.
problem je tut v tem da js nobene od teh datotek ne morem kopirat in tudi ne morem jih dešifrirat.
enostavno nič.
nujno rabit datoteke gre za skoraj celi D disk. !!! :(
ok js mam en problem
ne vem ka se je točno zgodilo a sm js kej zbrisala al sm kake nastavitve česa spremenila ne da bi vedla.
ampak men računalnik ne odpre nobene šifrirane datoteke, napiše da nima dostopa al da je zavrnjen dostop.
problem je tut v tem da js nobene od teh datotek ne morem kopirat in tudi ne morem jih dešifrirat.
enostavno nič.
nujno rabit datoteke gre za skoraj celi D disk. !!! :(
StratOS ::
Nimaš dostopa do direktorija oz. diska
"Multitasking - ability to f##k up several things at once."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
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