Forum » Loža » Kako je bolj pravilno in vljudno?
Kako je bolj pravilno in vljudno?
M@73Y ::
May i borrow this pen? ali --> could i borrow this pen?
May i borrow this pen? ali --> could i borrow this pen?
..jump into psytrance tunnel..
NiMH ::
Can i borrow your pen, please? bi blo menda najbolj...Drugače pa od onih dveh odgovorov bi pa blo May I borrow your pen?
No Comment...
NBA => I LOVE this Game
NBA => I LOVE this Game
gzibret ::
Would you mind, if I borrow the pen please
Do you think it is possibkle to borrow your pen please?
Would you mind if i think if it is possible to borrow your pen?
Would you appologize if i am going to ask you if it is possible to borrow your pen.
I am going to think about the possibility to appologize if i am going to ask you if it is possible to borrow your pen.
Do you think it is possibkle to borrow your pen please?
Would you mind if i think if it is possible to borrow your pen?
Would you appologize if i am going to ask you if it is possible to borrow your pen.
I am going to think about the possibility to appologize if i am going to ask you if it is possible to borrow your pen.
Vse je za neki dobr!
NiMH ::
omg gzibret
Zadnja je najbolj huda
Matej zakaj pa rabiš to tak BTW??
No Comment...
NBA => I LOVE this Game
NBA => I LOVE this Game
username ::
"May I borrow this pen?" je defninitivno višja stopnja vljudnosti kot "can.."
"could" mi zveni nekako ne najbolj pravilno
"could" mi zveni nekako ne najbolj pravilno
I've got a solution for the rainforest: napalm the lot. (Jeremy Clarkson)
moj_nick ::
Uporaba besede could namesto can je za odtenek bolj vljudna. Uporaba fraze "would you mind" je pa najbolj vljudna in se praviloma po fine english art ne bi smelo nanjo odgovoriti z yes.
miwche ::
definitivno "may i borrow".
naj povem eno anekdoto. enkrat je prišel en starejši angleški profesor k nam in ena študentka ga vpraša "can i bla-bla..." (se ne spomnim točno kaj), on pa ji odgovori "yes, you may."
:) pwnd.
naj povem eno anekdoto. enkrat je prišel en starejši angleški profesor k nam in ena študentka ga vpraša "can i bla-bla..." (se ne spomnim točno kaj), on pa ji odgovori "yes, you may."
:) pwnd.
~ there are more alpha males than beta testers ~
Sergio ::
None of the above. Z besedo borrow impliciras na nekaj, kar bi ti zelel, z drugacno frazo pa lahko izpades, da ga/jo prosis, da ona nekaj naredi.
Would you mind lending me your pen, please?
Would you mind lending me your pen, please?
Tako grem jaz, tako gre vsak, kdor čuti cilj v daljavi:
če usoda ustavi mu korak,
on se ji zoperstavi.
če usoda ustavi mu korak,
on se ji zoperstavi.
jype ::
Še najbolje je
in ustrezna gesta.
Tudi, če zna zelo malo angleško, bo lastnik peresa razumel :)
in ustrezna gesta.
Tudi, če zna zelo malo angleško, bo lastnik peresa razumel :)
BigWhale ::
Can / Can't bolj govori o zmoznosti.
Can I jump over that wall? No you silly, it is ten feet high! :)
Sergiov pristop je pa definitivno se najbolj vljuden. Morda ze prevec. :)
Can I jump over that wall? No you silly, it is ten feet high! :)
Sergiov pristop je pa definitivno se najbolj vljuden. Morda ze prevec. :)
'FireSTORM' ::
Just gimme the fucking pen bitch, mkay?
kak manjka en smajli ki se vali po podu
Those penguins.... They sure aint normal....
madmitch ::
Q: I beg your pardon. May I use your pen for a moment?
A: Certainty
Ok, tole bi bilo to, če želiš biti tako British saharinast. Ne reci tega američanu, da te ne bo čukast gledal.
A: Certainty
Ok, tole bi bilo to, če želiš biti tako British saharinast. Ne reci tega američanu, da te ne bo čukast gledal.
Nobody is perfect, my name is Nob Ody
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: madmitch ()
kopernik ::
Ja, še sedaj se spomnim nekega primera iz srednješolske Angleščine :
Bob : Can I go to the disco tonight ?
Bob's mother : Yes you can, but you may not.
Bob : Can I go to the disco tonight ?
Bob's mother : Yes you can, but you may not.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kopernik ()
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