Forum » Loža » Izgubil sem ključe od avta!
Izgubil sem ključe od avta!

Tero ::
Joj ma kdo kako idejo kaj naj naredim. OD mojega ax-a sem izgubil ključe, rezervnih ni. Kako bi lahko z čim manj škode vdrl not? Ali bi mogoče lahko poklical kakega strokovanjaka?
ma kdo kako idejo?
ma kdo kako idejo?
Give a man a fish, he'll be fed for a day.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.

perci ::
Glede na to, da nimaš nobenih ključev, boš tako in tako moral menjat ključavnice, kar pomeni, da lahko obstoječo brez slabe vesti uničiš. Ne vem, kako je pri AX-ih, ampak pri twingotih je zadeva precej enostavna, potrebuješ samo šraufncigr.

Brane2 ::
Sem snel zanimiv filmček o odpiranju ključavnic brez ključa.
Mogoče lahko AX-a odneseš domov in si v sobi v miru vzameš čas za poskus...
Mogoče lahko AX-a odneseš domov in si v sobi v miru vzameš čas za poskus...

On the journey of life, I chose the psycho path.

Širajzl ::
Raje poišči ključe, ker jih boš sigurno našel, samo spolniti se moraš, kje vse si bil, pa brez panike, samo lepo počasi.

acerAspire ::
Zadnje malo okence se da ven vzet (za zadnjimi vrati), potem pa se stegneš not in ga odkleneš. Rabiš pa ključe, da ga vžgeš, razen če še ti pri tem kdo pomaga. In pa volan je potrebno odklent. V končni fazi rabiš za premikanje avta ključe.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: acerAspire ()

Vajenc ::
Probaj z dlanmi (vakumsko) povlečt šipo za malenkost dol, če ne moreš sam si nekje "sposodi" še par rok in nato z kovinsko zanko kljukico potegnit gor ;).
Edit: samo ključavnico ti ponavadi brez škode zrihta vsak ključavničar.
Edit: samo ključavnico ti ponavadi brez škode zrihta vsak ključavničar.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Vajenc ()

Morfejus1 ::
Z enim ovitim izvijačem ali palico od zgoraj razpri vrata in z eno žico potegni gor kljukico. Tako sem jaz svojega odprl in tako ti ga odpre tudi AMZS če jih pokličeš.

#000000 ::
Poleg gospodarskega razstavišča je en ki dela kjuče, on ti avto odklene in naredi ključ po ključavnici, kolk točno stane ne vem ampak bo ceneje kot če menjaš vse klučavnice. LP

acerAspire ::
Je pa enkrat bilo o tem nekje govora in baje da bi naj pri takšnih zadevah pomagali tudi gasilci. Če je potrebno plačat in koliko, ne vem, se pa spomnim, da je bilo rečeno, da bi naj to celo zastonj rešili.
Mogoče pa res. Je pa težava, če je prometna zataknjena nekje v vozilu za senčnik, je težko dopovedat, da je avto vaš. Bi bilo smešno, če bi vam gasilci ali policija pomagali pri vlomu. Mogoče pa ne bo nihče nič spraševal. Potem, ko bojo že tam, se še zmenite da odprejo dva sosednja avtomobila. Plačilo ali trinkgeld pa ponudite v obliki avtoradia in drugih uporabnih drobnarij.
Mogoče pa res. Je pa težava, če je prometna zataknjena nekje v vozilu za senčnik, je težko dopovedat, da je avto vaš. Bi bilo smešno, če bi vam gasilci ali policija pomagali pri vlomu. Mogoče pa ne bo nihče nič spraševal. Potem, ko bojo že tam, se še zmenite da odprejo dva sosednja avtomobila. Plačilo ali trinkgeld pa ponudite v obliki avtoradia in drugih uporabnih drobnarij.

nokia6310 ::
Mene pa čudijo moderatorji zakaj sploh dopuščajo, da se delijo taki nasveti?
A nebi bilo bolje, da bi ostali samo nasveti v obliki pokliči policijo ali gasilce, pojdi tja in tja itd ne pa, da se dajejo konkretni predlogi, ki se jih zlahka zlorabi?
Če bi bila tema o piratskih windowsih ali pa o kakem hakcanju, bi bila že zdavnaj zaklenjena.
Ok nej mi en pove mam eno vprašanje:
V bankomatu mi je ostala kartica, kako se ga da brez večje škode odpreti in kartico dobiti?
A nebi bilo bolje, da bi ostali samo nasveti v obliki pokliči policijo ali gasilce, pojdi tja in tja itd ne pa, da se dajejo konkretni predlogi, ki se jih zlahka zlorabi?
Če bi bila tema o piratskih windowsih ali pa o kakem hakcanju, bi bila že zdavnaj zaklenjena.
Ok nej mi en pove mam eno vprašanje:
V bankomatu mi je ostala kartica, kako se ga da brez večje škode odpreti in kartico dobiti?

Tero ::
Mi je ratalo vdret. Z žico sem odprl, pa menjali smo ključavnico... Ah ja nekaj škode je samo ni prevelika.
Give a man a fish, he'll be fed for a day.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.

Brane2 ::
Kaj je nelegalnega v odpiranju svojega avta ?
To o zlorabi je pa rahlo smešno v času, ko ti vsak narkič v sekundi odpre avto s ceglom in ko so na netu dostopni legalni filmi o odpiranju ključavnic brez ključa...
Kot pravijo, če znaš napasti, imaš tudi precej dobro idejo o tem, kako bi se branil in obratno.
Kaj je nelegalnega v odpiranju svojega avta ?
To o zlorabi je pa rahlo smešno v času, ko ti vsak narkič v sekundi odpre avto s ceglom in ko so na netu dostopni legalni filmi o odpiranju ključavnic brez ključa...
Kot pravijo, če znaš napasti, imaš tudi precej dobro idejo o tem, kako bi se branil in obratno.
On the journey of life, I chose the psycho path.

MasterS ::
AMZS in gasilci majo posebno vrečo, ketero nastavijo v zgornjo lino med vrati in samim avtom ter zadevo napihnejo da vmes nastane mansa lina ter nat zadevo preprosto odprejo...
Stane pa cirka 10k
//Kmalu si usposobi tipko v
Stane pa cirka 10k
//Kmalu si usposobi tipko v

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Nejc Pintar ()

Vajenc ::
V bankomatu mi je ostala kartica, kako se ga da brez večje škode odpreti in kartico dobiti?
Aja, ti bi rad pa kršil zakone ?

Doman ::
Če bi klical gasilce v našem kraju bi ti naredili še več škode, kot bi jo imel če bi se sam lotil problema.
Če bi klical gasilce v našem kraju bi ti naredili še več škode, kot bi jo imel če bi se sam lotil problema.

nokia6310 ::
Brane nič ni narobe z odpiranjem svojega avta nisem nikjer tega napisal, samo potem tudi teme kot so kje naj dobim to in to ne zaklepat, ker ni nič narobe s tem, da hočem recimo usposobit program, da mi bo delal.
Vajenc: Ne razumeš heca.
Vajenc: Ne razumeš heca.

Brane2 ::
Kot sem že rekel, so _LEGALNI_ materiali za odklepanje ključavnic dostopni na netu.
Tako težko prepovem nekomu spraševati o tem.
Po drugi strani pa, če nekdo sprašuje po razbitju določene zaščite ali programa, je to drugače, saj gre za zbiranje informacij o očitno nedovoljenem posegu.
Kot sem že rekel, so _LEGALNI_ materiali za odklepanje ključavnic dostopni na netu.
Tako težko prepovem nekomu spraševati o tem.
Po drugi strani pa, če nekdo sprašuje po razbitju določene zaščite ali programa, je to drugače, saj gre za zbiranje informacij o očitno nedovoljenem posegu.
On the journey of life, I chose the psycho path.

R33D3M33R ::
Kot jih je že par povedalo bi ti vstop v avto omogočila pomoč AMZS. Če si član ti to storijo brezplačno (se mi zdi da piše v brošuri pod brezplačno tudi odklepanje avtomobila).
Pač članstvo v AMZS je tak uporabna stvar za voznike, da sploh še ne vem kaj čakate s včlanitvijo. Z družinskim članstvom je pa itak 50% ceneje. Za tisto kar dobiš kot član, je tistih 4,5k drobiž.
Pač članstvo v AMZS je tak uporabna stvar za voznike, da sploh še ne vem kaj čakate s včlanitvijo. Z družinskim članstvom je pa itak 50% ceneje. Za tisto kar dobiš kot član, je tistih 4,5k drobiž.
Moja domača stran:
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:
Na spletu že od junija 2002 ;)
:(){ :|:& };:

Morfejus1 ::
"V bankomatu mi je ostala kartica, kako se ga da brez večje škode odpreti in kartico dobiti?"
Pripelji traktor, odšlepaj bankomat domov, potem pa se ga počasi z malcolo in varilnim aparatom loti :)
Pripelji traktor, odšlepaj bankomat domov, potem pa se ga počasi z malcolo in varilnim aparatom loti :)

;-) ::
Probaj z dlanmi (vakumsko) povlečt šipo za malenkost dol, če ne moreš sam si nekje "sposodi" še par rok in nato z kovinsko zanko kljukico potegnit gor ;).
Tvoje dlani so take kot ono za odtoke pucat? Z dlanmi nemoreš potisnit šipe dol-vsaj vakuumsko ne


Buldožer ::
Med dlani in šipo daš cuno, da ne drsi tolk.
Deluje samo te ljudje čudn gledajo.
Deluje samo te ljudje čudn gledajo.

Več glav več ve. No, ni nujno!

Vajenc ::
Tvoje dlani so take kot ono za odtoke pucat? Z dlanmi nemoreš potisnit šipe dol-vsaj vakuumsko ne.
Probaj. Če je odtok malo zamašen, se ga da odmašit tudi z delanjem vakuma samo z roko.


Pyr0Beast ::
Vem, da so imeli eni AX-i bug v ključavnici od prtljažnika - odprl si ga brez ključa

Some nanoparticles are more equal than others
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

opeter ::
Ej, nikomur ni padlo na pamet to: kaj pa če Tero sploh nima AX-a in želi odpreti sosedovega?

Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška

Pyr0Beast ::
Ej, jst se ne sekiram kaj bo Tero počel s svojimi izkušnjami in znanjem.

Some nanoparticles are more equal than others
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place
Good work: Any notion of sanity and critical thought is off-topic in this place

Tero ::
heh ja. Na srečo sem že vdrl v avto. Spomnil sem se namreč da le imam ene rezervne ključe... Ampak v avtu!
Stransko steklo mi je nekako ratalo malo dol potegnit, nato sem z tako žico potegnil gor oni gumb za zaklenit.
Tako da je ratalo :)
P.s, Potem pa sem še med vožnjo gledal porniče in dal ful na glas ker imam laptop priklopljen na mojo (precej moćno) avtoakustiko
EDIT: Ah spregledal sem da sem že v tej temi povedal da sem vdrl...

Stransko steklo mi je nekako ratalo malo dol potegnit, nato sem z tako žico potegnil gor oni gumb za zaklenit.
Tako da je ratalo :)
P.s, Potem pa sem še med vožnjo gledal porniče in dal ful na glas ker imam laptop priklopljen na mojo (precej moćno) avtoakustiko

EDIT: Ah spregledal sem da sem že v tej temi povedal da sem vdrl...
Give a man a fish, he'll be fed for a day.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.
Teach a man to fish and he'll drown himself.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Tero ()

IgorGrozni ::
Če že sprašujete, evo vam malo nasvetov:
Lockpicking I: Cars and assorted other locks
While the basic themes of lockpicking and uninvited entry have not changed much in the last few years, some modern
devices and techniques have appeared on the scene.
Many older automobiles can still be opened with a Slim Jim type of opener (these and other auto locksmithing
techniques are covered fully in the book "In the Still of the Night", by John Russell III); however, many car
manufacturers have built cases over the lock mechanism, or have moved the lock mechanism so the Slim Jim will not
work. So:
American Locksmith Service
P.O. Box 26
Culver City, CA 90230
ALS offers a new and improved Slim Jim that is 30 inches long and 3/4 inches wide, so it will both reach and slip
through the new car lock covers (inside the door). Price is $5.75 plus $2.00 postage and handling.
Cars manufactured by General Motors have always been a bane to people who needed to open them, because the
sidebar locking unit they employ is very difficult to pick. To further complicate matters, the new GM cars employ metal
shields to make the use of a Slim Jim type instrument very difficult. So:
Lock Technology Corporation
685 Main St.
New Rochelle, NY 10801
LTC offers a cute little tool which will easily remove the lock cylinder without harm to the vehicle, and will allow you
to enter and/or start the vehicle. The GMC-40 sells for $56.00 plus $2.00 for postage and handling.
The best general automobile opening kit is probably a set of lockout tools offered by:
Steck MFG Corporation
1319 W. Stewart St.
Dayton, OH 45408
For $29.95 one can purchase a complete set of six carbon lockout tools that will open more than 95% of all the cars
Kwickset locks have become quite popular as one step security locks for many types of buildings. They are a bit harder
to pick and offer a higher degree of security than a normal builder installed door lock. So:
1151 Wallace St.
Massilon, OH 44646
Price is $11.95. Kwickset locks can handily be disassembled and the door opened without harm to either the lock or the
door by using the above mentioned Kwick Out tool.
If you are too lazy to pick auto locks:
Veehof Supply
Box 361
Storm Lake, IO 50588
VS sells tryout keys for most cars (tryout keys are used since there is no one master key for any one make of car, but
there are group type masters (a.k.a. tryout keys). Prices average about $20.00 a set.
Updated Lockpicking:
For years, there have been a number of pick attack procedures for most pin and tumbler lock systems. In reverse order
of ease they are as follows:
Normal Picking:
Using a pick set to align the pins, one by one, until the shear line is set and the lock opens.
This method uses picks that are constructed with a series of bumps, or diamond shape notches. These picks are "raked"
(i.e. run over all the pins at one time). With luck, the pins will raise in the open position and stay there. Raking, if
successful, can be much less of an effort than standard picking.
Lock Aid Gun:
This gun shaped device was invented a number of years ago and has found application with many locksmiths and
security personnel. Basically, a needle shaped pick is inserted in the snout of the "gun", and the "trigger" is pulled.
This action snaps the pick up and down strongly. If the tip is slipped under the pins, they will also be snapped up and
down strongly. With a bit of luck they will strike each other and separate at the shear line for a split second. When this
happens the lock will open. The lock aid gun is not 100% successful, but when it does work, the results are very
dramatic. You can sometimes open the lock with one snap of the trigger.
Some crafty people have mounted a needle pick into an electric toothbrush power unit. This vibrating effect will
sometimes open pin tumbler locks -- instantly.
There is now another method to open pin and wafer locks in a very short time. Although it resembles a toothbrush pick
in appearance, it is actually an electronic device. I am speaking of the Cobra pick that is designed and sold by:
Fed Corporation
P.O. Box 569
Scottsdale, AR 85252
The Cobra uses two nine volt batteries, teflon bearings (for less noise), and a cam roller. It comes with three picks (for
different types of locks) and works both in America and overseas, on pin or wafer locks. The Cobra will open group
one locks (common door locks) in three to seven seconds with no damage, in the hands of an experienced locksmith. It
can take a few seconds more or up to a half a minute for someone with no experience at all. It will also open group two
locks (including government, high security, and medicos), although this can take a short time longer. It will not open
GM sidebar locks, although a device is about to be introduced to fill that gap. How much for this toy that will open
most locks in seven seconds?
$235.00 plus $4.00 shipping and handling.
For you hard core safe crackers, FC also sells the MI-6 that will open most safes at a cost of $10,000 for the three
wheel attack model, and $10,500 for the four wheel model. It comes in a sturdy aluminum carrying case with monitor,
disk drive and software.
If none of these safe and sane ideas appeal to you, you can always fall back on the magic thermal lance...
The thermal lance is a rather crude instrument constructed from 3/8 inch hollow magnesium rods. Each tube comes in a
10 foot length, but can be cut down if desired. Each one is threaded on one end. To use the lance, you screw the tube
together with a matted regulator (like a welding outfit uses) and hook up an oxygen tank. Then oxygen is turned on and
the rod is lit with a standard welding igniter. The device produces an incredible amount of heat. It is used for cutting up
concrete blocks or even rocks. An active lance will go through a foot of steel in a few seconds. The lance is also known
as a burning bar, and is available from:
7748 W. Addison
Chicago, IL 60634
6. The Arts of Lockpicking II by The Jolly Roger
So you want to be a criminal. Well, if you want to be like James Bond and open a lock in fifteen seconds, then go to
Hollywood, because that is the only place you are ever going to do it. Even experienced locksmiths can spend five to
ten minutes on a lock if they are unlucky. If you are wanting extremely quick access, look elsewhere. The following
instructions will pertain mostly to the "lock in knob" type lock, since it is the easiest to pick.
First of all, you need a pick set. If you know a locksmith, get him to make you a set. This will be the best possible set
for you to use. If you find a locksmith unwilling to supply a set, don't give up hope. It is possible to make your own, if
you have access to a grinder (you can use a file, but it takes forever).
The thing you need is an allen wrench set (very small). These should be small enough to fit into the keyhole slot. Now,
bend the long end of the allen wrench at a slight angle (not 90ø). Now, take your pick to a grinder or a file, and smooth
the end until it is rounded so it won't hang inside the lock. Test your tool out on doorknobs at your house to see if it
will slide in and out smoothly. Now, this is where the screwdriver comes in. It must be small enough for it and your
pick to be used in the same lock at the same time, one above the other. In the coming instructions, please refer to this
chart of the interior of a lock:
\ K
| | | | | | / E
| | | | \ Y [|] Upper tumbler pin
^ ^ / H [^] Lower tumbler pin
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ \ O [-] Cylinder wall
/ L (This is a greatly simplified
\ E drawing)
The object is to press the pin up so that the space between the upper pin and the lower pin is level with the cylinder
wall. Now, if you push a pin up, it's tendency is to fall back down, right? That is where the screwdriver comes in.
Insert the screwdriver into the slot and turn. This tension will keep the "solved" pins from falling back down. Now,
work from the back of the lock to the front, and when you are through, there will be a click, the screwdriver will turn
freely, and the door will open.
Do not get discouraged on your first try! It will probably take you about twenty to thirty minutes your first time. After
that, you will quickly improve with practice.

Lockpicking I: Cars and assorted other locks
While the basic themes of lockpicking and uninvited entry have not changed much in the last few years, some modern
devices and techniques have appeared on the scene.
Many older automobiles can still be opened with a Slim Jim type of opener (these and other auto locksmithing
techniques are covered fully in the book "In the Still of the Night", by John Russell III); however, many car
manufacturers have built cases over the lock mechanism, or have moved the lock mechanism so the Slim Jim will not
work. So:
American Locksmith Service
P.O. Box 26
Culver City, CA 90230
ALS offers a new and improved Slim Jim that is 30 inches long and 3/4 inches wide, so it will both reach and slip
through the new car lock covers (inside the door). Price is $5.75 plus $2.00 postage and handling.
Cars manufactured by General Motors have always been a bane to people who needed to open them, because the
sidebar locking unit they employ is very difficult to pick. To further complicate matters, the new GM cars employ metal
shields to make the use of a Slim Jim type instrument very difficult. So:
Lock Technology Corporation
685 Main St.
New Rochelle, NY 10801
LTC offers a cute little tool which will easily remove the lock cylinder without harm to the vehicle, and will allow you
to enter and/or start the vehicle. The GMC-40 sells for $56.00 plus $2.00 for postage and handling.
The best general automobile opening kit is probably a set of lockout tools offered by:
Steck MFG Corporation
1319 W. Stewart St.
Dayton, OH 45408
For $29.95 one can purchase a complete set of six carbon lockout tools that will open more than 95% of all the cars
Kwickset locks have become quite popular as one step security locks for many types of buildings. They are a bit harder
to pick and offer a higher degree of security than a normal builder installed door lock. So:
1151 Wallace St.
Massilon, OH 44646
Price is $11.95. Kwickset locks can handily be disassembled and the door opened without harm to either the lock or the
door by using the above mentioned Kwick Out tool.
If you are too lazy to pick auto locks:
Veehof Supply
Box 361
Storm Lake, IO 50588
VS sells tryout keys for most cars (tryout keys are used since there is no one master key for any one make of car, but
there are group type masters (a.k.a. tryout keys). Prices average about $20.00 a set.
Updated Lockpicking:
For years, there have been a number of pick attack procedures for most pin and tumbler lock systems. In reverse order
of ease they are as follows:
Normal Picking:
Using a pick set to align the pins, one by one, until the shear line is set and the lock opens.
This method uses picks that are constructed with a series of bumps, or diamond shape notches. These picks are "raked"
(i.e. run over all the pins at one time). With luck, the pins will raise in the open position and stay there. Raking, if
successful, can be much less of an effort than standard picking.
Lock Aid Gun:
This gun shaped device was invented a number of years ago and has found application with many locksmiths and
security personnel. Basically, a needle shaped pick is inserted in the snout of the "gun", and the "trigger" is pulled.
This action snaps the pick up and down strongly. If the tip is slipped under the pins, they will also be snapped up and
down strongly. With a bit of luck they will strike each other and separate at the shear line for a split second. When this
happens the lock will open. The lock aid gun is not 100% successful, but when it does work, the results are very
dramatic. You can sometimes open the lock with one snap of the trigger.
Some crafty people have mounted a needle pick into an electric toothbrush power unit. This vibrating effect will
sometimes open pin tumbler locks -- instantly.
There is now another method to open pin and wafer locks in a very short time. Although it resembles a toothbrush pick
in appearance, it is actually an electronic device. I am speaking of the Cobra pick that is designed and sold by:
Fed Corporation
P.O. Box 569
Scottsdale, AR 85252
The Cobra uses two nine volt batteries, teflon bearings (for less noise), and a cam roller. It comes with three picks (for
different types of locks) and works both in America and overseas, on pin or wafer locks. The Cobra will open group
one locks (common door locks) in three to seven seconds with no damage, in the hands of an experienced locksmith. It
can take a few seconds more or up to a half a minute for someone with no experience at all. It will also open group two
locks (including government, high security, and medicos), although this can take a short time longer. It will not open
GM sidebar locks, although a device is about to be introduced to fill that gap. How much for this toy that will open
most locks in seven seconds?
$235.00 plus $4.00 shipping and handling.
For you hard core safe crackers, FC also sells the MI-6 that will open most safes at a cost of $10,000 for the three
wheel attack model, and $10,500 for the four wheel model. It comes in a sturdy aluminum carrying case with monitor,
disk drive and software.
If none of these safe and sane ideas appeal to you, you can always fall back on the magic thermal lance...
The thermal lance is a rather crude instrument constructed from 3/8 inch hollow magnesium rods. Each tube comes in a
10 foot length, but can be cut down if desired. Each one is threaded on one end. To use the lance, you screw the tube
together with a matted regulator (like a welding outfit uses) and hook up an oxygen tank. Then oxygen is turned on and
the rod is lit with a standard welding igniter. The device produces an incredible amount of heat. It is used for cutting up
concrete blocks or even rocks. An active lance will go through a foot of steel in a few seconds. The lance is also known
as a burning bar, and is available from:
7748 W. Addison
Chicago, IL 60634
6. The Arts of Lockpicking II by The Jolly Roger
So you want to be a criminal. Well, if you want to be like James Bond and open a lock in fifteen seconds, then go to
Hollywood, because that is the only place you are ever going to do it. Even experienced locksmiths can spend five to
ten minutes on a lock if they are unlucky. If you are wanting extremely quick access, look elsewhere. The following
instructions will pertain mostly to the "lock in knob" type lock, since it is the easiest to pick.
First of all, you need a pick set. If you know a locksmith, get him to make you a set. This will be the best possible set
for you to use. If you find a locksmith unwilling to supply a set, don't give up hope. It is possible to make your own, if
you have access to a grinder (you can use a file, but it takes forever).
The thing you need is an allen wrench set (very small). These should be small enough to fit into the keyhole slot. Now,
bend the long end of the allen wrench at a slight angle (not 90ø). Now, take your pick to a grinder or a file, and smooth
the end until it is rounded so it won't hang inside the lock. Test your tool out on doorknobs at your house to see if it
will slide in and out smoothly. Now, this is where the screwdriver comes in. It must be small enough for it and your
pick to be used in the same lock at the same time, one above the other. In the coming instructions, please refer to this
chart of the interior of a lock:
\ K
| | | | | | / E
| | | | \ Y [|] Upper tumbler pin
^ ^ / H [^] Lower tumbler pin
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ \ O [-] Cylinder wall
/ L (This is a greatly simplified
\ E drawing)
The object is to press the pin up so that the space between the upper pin and the lower pin is level with the cylinder
wall. Now, if you push a pin up, it's tendency is to fall back down, right? That is where the screwdriver comes in.
Insert the screwdriver into the slot and turn. This tension will keep the "solved" pins from falling back down. Now,
work from the back of the lock to the front, and when you are through, there will be a click, the screwdriver will turn
freely, and the door will open.
Do not get discouraged on your first try! It will probably take you about twenty to thirty minutes your first time. After
that, you will quickly improve with practice.
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