Forum » Operacijski sistemi » NTFS

~Panter~ ::
Zanima me če lohka pretvorm iz fat32 particije v NTFS particijo, brez da bi formatirou, se prau da nebi zgubu podatkov na disku? Mam pa WinXp.

~Panter~ ::
Sem prebrau tole, pa me zanima če lohka slučajn podatke na disku zgubim?
Click Start and then click the Run command.
In the Run dialog box, type cmd in the Open text box. Click OK.
At the command prompt type convert x: /FS:NTFS /V (replace the 'x:' with the letter of the drive you want to convert to NTFS. After typing in the command press [ENTER].
You'll be asked for the Volume Label. Most drives don't have volume labels, but you can find the label by right clicking on your drive letter in the Windows Explorer and clicking the Properties command. On the General Tab you'll see a text box at the top. If there's nothing in there, you have no volume label. If there is something in there, that's your volume label.
You'll see the names of the files fly by as they are being converted. You may need to restart the computer. You may also get a message that the volume is in use and that the system cannot be converted. If that happens, type in the following command at the command prompt convert x: /FS:NTFS /V /X (replace the 'x:' with the drive letter that you want to convert). It might take awhile if you have a lot of files on the drive, so be patient. You’ll be informed when the process is done.
After the drive is converted to NTFS, you can compress files. You system will end up being a lot more stable and you're less likely to lose your work if the system does crash.
Click Start and then click the Run command.
In the Run dialog box, type cmd in the Open text box. Click OK.
At the command prompt type convert x: /FS:NTFS /V (replace the 'x:' with the letter of the drive you want to convert to NTFS. After typing in the command press [ENTER].
You'll be asked for the Volume Label. Most drives don't have volume labels, but you can find the label by right clicking on your drive letter in the Windows Explorer and clicking the Properties command. On the General Tab you'll see a text box at the top. If there's nothing in there, you have no volume label. If there is something in there, that's your volume label.
You'll see the names of the files fly by as they are being converted. You may need to restart the computer. You may also get a message that the volume is in use and that the system cannot be converted. If that happens, type in the following command at the command prompt convert x: /FS:NTFS /V /X (replace the 'x:' with the drive letter that you want to convert). It might take awhile if you have a lot of files on the drive, so be patient. You’ll be informed when the process is done.
After the drive is converted to NTFS, you can compress files. You system will end up being a lot more stable and you're less likely to lose your work if the system does crash.

~Panter~ ::
Ja u ntfs bi dal sam za foro, tko da bi stestirou če kej hitrej dela, pa baje nej bi blo bl zanesljiv? Drgač mam pa na particiji kr dost muske pa neki filmou, pa špile. Je pa problem kje bi dobu dost velk disk za backup, kt mam usega skupi za okol 27 GB.

Paramedic ::
Zanesljivost se res pozna; pa tudi dosti pravice lahko nastavljaš z NTFS.
FAT32 lahko v konzoli konvertiraš v NTFS
FAT32 lahko v konzoli konvertiraš v NTFS
End transmission.

andrej ::
nekolme: si ziher? razlika v hitrosti je v vecini primerov neopazna.
Mislim, da skoraj ni razloga zakaj nebi w2k/XP mel na NTFS particiji!
Mislim, da skoraj ni razloga zakaj nebi w2k/XP mel na NTFS particiji!

Mercier ::
No, da ne bo kdo zdj šou v FAT formatirat. 
Ja, zihr sm. Prebral v neki knjižurini za MCSE vonabije. Ampak bo verjetno veljalo za kaj starejšega. Verjanem, da je razlika neopazna.

Ja, zihr sm. Prebral v neki knjižurini za MCSE vonabije. Ampak bo verjetno veljalo za kaj starejšega. Verjanem, da je razlika neopazna.
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