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VMware in linux

Gogo ::
Ali mi lahko kdo pomaga namestit VMware in Open Suse Linux na WinXP HOme?
Step by step, če se le da. Namreč VMware sem inštaliral a mi javka, da nimam IIS. Potem pa ne vem kam naj dam Open SUSe pod Linux/SUSE ali pod Linux/Novell?
Step by step, če se le da. Namreč VMware sem inštaliral a mi javka, da nimam IIS. Potem pa ne vem kam naj dam Open SUSe pod Linux/SUSE ali pod Linux/Novell?
Gigabyte Aorus B550 Elite|Ryzen 3 3100|GeForce GT 1030|
TG Delta RGB 16GB CL 16|ADATA XPG SX8200 PRO 512GB NVMe SSD M.2|
Chieftec Photon Series 650W RGB ATX| Antec PerformanceOne P7 Silent Black|
TG Delta RGB 16GB CL 16|ADATA XPG SX8200 PRO 512GB NVMe SSD M.2|
Chieftec Photon Series 650W RGB ATX| Antec PerformanceOne P7 Silent Black|

cekr ::
Poskusi še "Microsoft Virtual PC". Mogoče ti bo bolje uspelo.
Sinclair ZX Spectrum [Zilog Z80A - 3.5 MHz, 48kB, dvojni kasetofon,
TV-OUT, radirke, Sinclair-Basic], Sinclair ZX-81 [Z80A, 3.25MHZ, 1kB]
TV-OUT, radirke, Sinclair-Basic], Sinclair ZX-81 [Z80A, 3.25MHZ, 1kB]

itak37 ::
Zakaj pa si ne DL-jas VMPlayer image ze instaliranega Suse-ja?
Ne bo ti treba instalirat Linuxa pa se legit bos...
Ne bo ti treba instalirat Linuxa pa se legit bos...

Gogo ::
OK, dal sem ga pod Linux/Suse in bootal z DVD. V konzoli zadeva napiše kup stvari a vidim da je to Caldera DOS. Kurzor se mi ustavi na A:> Kaj sedaj?
Ker je to šolski projekt moram imeti pod VMware.
Help please obupancu.:))
Ker je to šolski projekt moram imeti pod VMware.
Help please obupancu.:))
Gigabyte Aorus B550 Elite|Ryzen 3 3100|GeForce GT 1030|
TG Delta RGB 16GB CL 16|ADATA XPG SX8200 PRO 512GB NVMe SSD M.2|
Chieftec Photon Series 650W RGB ATX| Antec PerformanceOne P7 Silent Black|
TG Delta RGB 16GB CL 16|ADATA XPG SX8200 PRO 512GB NVMe SSD M.2|
Chieftec Photon Series 650W RGB ATX| Antec PerformanceOne P7 Silent Black|

Daedalus ::
Jao mene.
Lej, lepo inštaliraš Vmvare playerja. Pol si preneseš z neta (Vmvare player podstrani) preneseš arhiv, v kerem je disk image z inštaliranim Suse linuxom + nekaj config datotek. Dvakrat klikneš na *.vmx fajl in lej ga hudiča...zboota se Suse
Lahko pa dejansko nekaj vložiš nekaj truda in si kaj prebereš - tud komentarje. Se mimogrede naučiš se konfiguracijske datoteke skup spravljat, pa še kaj.
Lej, lepo inštaliraš Vmvare playerja. Pol si preneseš z neta (Vmvare player podstrani) preneseš arhiv, v kerem je disk image z inštaliranim Suse linuxom + nekaj config datotek. Dvakrat klikneš na *.vmx fajl in lej ga hudiča...zboota se Suse

Lahko pa dejansko nekaj vložiš nekaj truda in si kaj prebereš - tud komentarje. Se mimogrede naučiš se konfiguracijske datoteke skup spravljat, pa še kaj.
Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world,
he is responsible for everything he does.
he is responsible for everything he does.

kriko1 ::
Počasi, VMware je več različic - če boš poganjal image ki jih dobiš na netu potrebuješ vmware player.
Če želiš imeti še en virtualni kalkulator, potem rabiš vmware worksation.
Če želiš imeti še en virtualni kalkulator, potem rabiš vmware worksation.

Daedalus ::
Resnici na ljubo - se da komot z vmware playerjem inštalirat sistem in mu določat vse parametre, ki jih lahko z workstationom. Sam vmx datoteko je treba ročno urejat - itak je navaden txt fajl. Da ti je pa ni treba lih "na roko" pisat, pa maš na netu ene par vmx generatorjev, kjer samo obkljukaš, kaj in kako češ meti in ti izpljunejo ustrezen config. Disk image pa lahko zgeneriraš z uporabo orodja qemu-img. In si lahko popolnoma zastonj in legalno delaš pa uporabljaš kakršnekoli virtualne stroje hočeš.
Lahko pa tud vmware server uporabljaš, je tudi zastonj. Meni sicer čisto zadostuje player, da lahko za tiste dve aplikacije lavfam win2k v linuxu.
Lahko pa tud vmware server uporabljaš, je tudi zastonj. Meni sicer čisto zadostuje player, da lahko za tiste dve aplikacije lavfam win2k v linuxu.
Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world,
he is responsible for everything he does.
he is responsible for everything he does.

cryptozaver ::
Z VMW serverjem si pa res ne mors dost pomagat. Sej ne nardi druzga kot razdeli sistemske resurse obstojece konfiguracije. Ce prou razumem namen. Je pa res da izkusenj z VMW razen z VMW WS nimam.

Daedalus ::
Em...server lahko lavfa več virtualnih mašin vzporedno.
Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world,
he is responsible for everything he does.
he is responsible for everything he does.

cryptozaver ::
V splosnem receno to isto velja tudi za WS. Ampak v WS lahko laufas n-razlicnih OS-ov v server varjanti pa ne!

Daedalus ::
Q: Which guest operating systems does VMware Server support?
A: VMware Server supports Windows, Linux, Solaris and Novell NetWare guest operating systems, including 64-bit guest OS support. For complete list of supported guest operating systems refer to the VMware Server datasheet.
A: VMware Server supports Windows, Linux, Solaris and Novell NetWare guest operating systems, including 64-bit guest OS support. For complete list of supported guest operating systems refer to the VMware Server datasheet.
Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world,
he is responsible for everything he does.
he is responsible for everything he does.

Daedalus ::
Pri Vmware pravijo tole:
Q: How is VMware Server different from Workstation? Will Workstation also be free?
A: VMware will continue to charge for Workstation and has no plans to drop its price. Workstation has unique, advanced features that are not available in VMware Server. These features include the ability to manage multi-tier configurations and multiple snapshots. Workstation is a productivity tool used by developers and technical professionals on an individual PC. VMware will continue to develop compelling features on this product that dramatically streamline software testing and development.
Q: How is VMware Server different from Workstation? Will Workstation also be free?
A: VMware will continue to charge for Workstation and has no plans to drop its price. Workstation has unique, advanced features that are not available in VMware Server. These features include the ability to manage multi-tier configurations and multiple snapshots. Workstation is a productivity tool used by developers and technical professionals on an individual PC. VMware will continue to develop compelling features on this product that dramatically streamline software testing and development.
Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world,
he is responsible for everything he does.
he is responsible for everything he does.
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