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Iron Maiden - A Matter of Life and Death

Iron Maiden - A Matter of Life and Death

Trubadur ::

Že zunaj...
Je že kdo poslušal?

Trenutno poslušam 2. komad in so tradicionalno dobri!:)
Berite Thomasa!

Timmah ::

03/08/2006IRON MAIDEN announce special album format

The band have now finally confirmed that the release date for their new Studio album 'A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH ' will be 28th August in most of the world, 29th August in Canada, and the USA has been confirmed as 5th September.

The album CD will also be available as a Limited Edition Special Deluxe format which contains a Bonus DVD. The DVD contains nearly an hour of documentary footage plus videos and photos all shot whilst the band were making the album. The Documentary 'The Making of A Matter Of Life and Death' directed by Matthew Amos (Early Days, Death on the Road DVD Documentaries) features candid video footage shot largely by Kevin Shirley himself during the recording of the album giving a real behind the scenes look at life in the studio . The bonus DVD also features the full 7.21 minute video promo for 'The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg', and a special intimate filming of the band recording 'Different World' in the studio.

'A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH' will also be available as a Limited Edition double picture disc vinyl in gatefold sleeve, and as a digital download, available through the newly launched official Iron Maiden Digital Store, where you can buy single tracks, a bundle, or an album for your PC, or your MP3 player.

source: ironmaiden.com

nism poslusou se bom pa zih nabavu in vrjamem da so dobri :D
donde esta francesca

Ejsi_Disi ::

Že parkrat zavrtel in so mi hudičevo dobri. Zdej je pa treba samo še CD kupit.

klemen22 ::

No jaz sem slovel kot velik fan Maidnov. To je nekaj za mojo dušo.8-)

Torej je album tako dober kot Brave new world? Ker ta album je bil prvi njihov v pravem pomenu po zamenjavi pevca?
Motiti se je človeško, odpuščati pa božje. Torej ti odpuščam ;)

Ejsi_Disi ::

Bolj vleče na /th son of a 7th son;) . Čeprav sem po prvih dveh komadih dobil občutek, kot da poslušam BraveNew World.

klemen22 ::

/th son of a 7th son

No to pa je špica!! Bo trreba u trgovine
Motiti se je človeško, odpuščati pa božje. Torej ti odpuščam ;)

Trubadur ::

Kurac dobri, zakon so!
Kako pa v kitare v Brighter than A Thousand Suns povlečejo na Megadeth...hehe :))
Berite Thomasa!

Trubadur ::

Matr sem navdušen...noro. Mogoče v prvo ne sede preveč ampak šele ko ga 2,3 poslušaš je pa špica.

When 'Brave New world' was released, the majority of people claimed it to be Maiden's best work since 'Seventh Son'..same again with 'Dance Of Death' in 2003. Now here we are in 2006 with their latest opus - A Matter Of Life And Death...and do you know what, this really is their best work since 'Seventh Son'. In fact, i'd go further and say that it is every bit the equal of the 1988 concept album. Whilst the two records are very different musically, they do share a common trait that very few other Iron Maiden albums have enjoyed - absolutely no filler tracks. AMOLAD is jam packed with 10 songs that are so brilliant, you'll be struggling to pick out clear favourites after the first couple of spins.

The album kicks of perfectly with the one-two punch of the 'Different Worlds' (infectiously melodic) and 'These Colours Don't Run' (semi-epic yet pure grandiose Maiden) - both of which are certain to be a part of their live set when they tour later this year. Following that is another tune that's a good contender for a live appearance - the utterly sensational 'Brighter Than A Thousand Suns'. This is one of several multi-layered epics on the album that will have you discovering new things with each subsequent listen - brilliant Maiden, simply brilliant. Other standout songs worthy of note (to be fair they are all 'standout' tracks) - 'The Longest Day' (Harris excels on bass here), 'Out Of The Shadows'(beautifully melancholic)..and 'The Pilgrim' & 'The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg' that have Maiden getting all riffy on us.

A Matter Of Life And Death isn't just a step-up from BNW & DOD, it's in a completely different league. It's almost as if the band were just teasing us on the previous two records, hinting a truly great things but not quite delivering. Well here they are with one of the greatest records they've ever made. This is what we've all been waiting for - Iron Maiden firing on all cylinders...and isn't it just a spectale to behold.
Berite Thomasa!

Soon ::


Meni vsebno the best album Somewhere in time>:D .
Obvezno moram kupiti CD.


Ejsi_Disi ::

Greš 3x skoz cel album in ti pride v kri:D .

Ekola še zelo dobra recenzija.

Meni osebno je pa najboljša plata Iron Maiden, čeprov je čist odvisn od razpoloženja.

sid_dabster ::

Ni blo se cajta - ampak kmalu:D
Fallen beyond all grace deeper and deeper
The sound of her own blood dripping
Like sacred tears from a bleeding rose...( Embraced, Within)

klemen22 ::

Meni osebno je pa najboljša plata Iron Maiden

No dvomim da je to najboljša plata od Iron MAiden. Sicer ima vsak svoj okus, vendar si preposlušal kaj plate iz 80 let ko so Maidni zažigali?
Motiti se je človeško, odpuščati pa božje. Torej ti odpuščam ;)

Ejsi_Disi ::

Nisem rekel, da je najboljša. Sem rekel meni osebno. Ampak še to je čist odvisno od razpoloženja. Ne skrbi vse plate sem preposlušal ohoho še pa še.

Najboljša plata pa pravijo, da je Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son (1988), ki je med drugim tudi konceptualni album. Govori pa o skrivnostnem magu obdarjenem s paranormalnimi močmi.

Recimo meni sta tudi všeč plati z Bayleyem (The X Factor, Virtual XI). Čeprav vsi kritizirajo ti dve plati.

Zaključek: Mejdni nimajo zanič plate.

para! ::

Kul plata. Še vedno huda muzka, ni kej, kapo dol. Different World me sicer spominja na en drug komad od Maidnov, ampak nisem tak poznavalc, da bi znal izločit na katerega :)

Death before dishonor!

Jackal ::

Ne bom rekel, da je najboljša plata od Iron Maiden, je pa vsekakor ena od boljših. Zakon kitare in bobni. Je pa treba parkrat poslušat CD, da pride v kri.

Nikec3 ::

Pa sem našel pravo temo. Pred kratkim sem se odločil, da bom podrobno preposlušal celotno diskografijo od Iron Maidnov. Odločil pa sem se, da bom začel v obratnem vrstnem redu, tako da že imam za sabo "The Final Frontier", sem pa skoraj že zaključil "A Matter Of Life And Death".

Pa najprej nekaj o "The Final Frontier". Odlični pesmi sta mi prva (satellite 15....the final frontier), kjer najdemo veliko eksperimentiranja, ter zadnja, klasična, dolga, epska, Harrisova "When the wild wind blows". obre skladbe so še mi "Coming home" in "The Isle Of Avalon". Ni pa mi všeč "Mother Of Mercy", kjer mi gredo začuda malo na živce Dikinsonovi vokali. Skupno gledano nekje povprečen album za maidne (kar je še vedno zelo dobro8-).

Z poslušanjem "A Matter Of Life And Death" sem pa skoraj še končal. Pri tem albumi praktično ni pesmi, ki mi nebi bila všeč. Otvoritvena pesem "Different World"je zelo dobra, mogoče celo preveč "catchy". Potem so mi pa vse pesmi na albumi zelo všeč, edino mogoče "Lord of Light" malo manj. Za na konec sem si pa pustil pesem, ki sem jo omenil že v drugi temi, in sicer: "For The Greater Good Of God". Iron Maiden perfekcija. Dolga kot se za Harrisa spodobi, z izjemno globokim besedilom, ki govori o vojni in religiji (kot cel album). Samo nekaj vrstic za "v razmislek":

Are you a man of peace
Or man of holy war?

They fire off many shots
And many parting blows
Their actions beyond a reasoning
Only God would know
And as he lies in heaven
Or it could be in hell
I feel he's somewhere here
Or looking from below
But I don't know, I don't know

Please tell me now what life is
Please tell me now what love is
Well tell me now what war is
Again tell me what life is

Ta pa je posebej izjemna:
More pain and misery in the history of mankind
Sometimes it seems more like the blind leading the blind
It brings upon us more of famine, death and war
You know religion has a lot of answer for

Moje končno mnenje po poslušanju dveh zadnjih albumov je, da Maidni z leti postajajo boljši in se lotevajo resnejših, temačnejših tem, česar kot mladi enostavno niso bili sposobni. Novi albumi so mi tudi bolj všeč kot stari, saj nikoli nisem bil pretiran fan galop klasik kot so "The Trooper" in podobni.


c3p0 ::

Powerslave FTW.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: c3p0 ()

galu ::

Maidni so kot vino... Cel čas se spreminjajo, ampak nekej pa zagotovo drži. - Starejši so, boljši so.;)
Tako to gre.

jazbec ::

galu je izjavil:

Maidni so kot vino... Cel čas se spreminjajo, ampak nekej pa zagotovo drži. - Starejši so, boljši so.;)

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