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Outlook 2003 bombončki

Outlook 2003 bombončki

Cokolesnik ::

Za začetek:
1. Kako prisiliti Outlook 2003, da bo prikazoval Namizno opozorilo (New Mail Desktop Alert) tudi, če prispelo sporočilo ne pride v mapo Prejeto (v kolikor imamo denimo nastavljena pravila za razvrščanje prejetih sporočil v več map):

"It only works on the Inbox folder"
By default the new New Mail Desktop Alert will only show when the mail is delivered to the Inbox (as the option says as well in Tools-> Options-> button E-mail Options-> button Advanced E-mail Options). This means that when you have a rule configured to move your mail to a different folder the Notification won't show.

To workaround this you can add the action "display a Desktop Alert" to each and every rule. Besides the fact that it is very tiresome the real downside of this is that when you are in an Exchange organization the rule will become a local rule so that it will only execute when Outlook is running. This means that when you have added extra actions to the rule like forwarding it to another address this action won't be executed either.

A better solution it to create a generic rule with no conditions and just the action to display the Desktop Alert.
Tools-> Wizards and Alerts... (press OK if you get an HTTP warning)
Button New Rule...
Select "Start from a blank rule" and verify that "Check messages when they arrive" is selected
Press Next to go to the Conditions screen
Verify that no condition is selected and press Next
A warning will pop-up stating that this rule will apply to all messages. Press "Yes" to indicate that that is correct
Select the action "display a Desktop Alert"
Press Finish to complete the rule
If needed move the "display a Desktop Alert" rule all the way to the top

2. Kako prisiliti prikaz Namiznega opozorila na več kot 30 sekund, kolikor nam sicer Outlook 2003 ponuja v nastavitvah:

"It cannot be configured to stay longer than 30 seconds; I WANT IT TO STAY PERMANENT!"
Well permanent isn't possible but how does 50 days sound? Through the registry you can set the New Mail Desktop Alert as long as 4,294,967,295 milliseconds ≈ 50 days.
Just a little math first to clarify the working of the registry key;

the value is defined in milliseconds
when the registry key is set to 0 the New Mail Alert still shows for 3 seconds so this is hard coded in the program thus 3,000 milliseconds
4,294,967,295 is the maximum value you can give to a DWORD value in the registry which is 32 bit
as the object that controls the time of the New Mail Desktop Alert is also defined as a DWORD and is 3000 already we cannot give the TimeOn registry key a higher value than
4,294,967,295 - 3000 = 4,294,964,295
To convert from milliseconds to days we must divide the milliseconds through; 1000 to convert to seconds, then 60 to convert to minutes, then 60 to convert to hours, then 24 to convert to days
(4,294,967,295 - 3,000) / (1000 * 60 * 60 *24) ≈ 50

After all this math it's time to tell the registry key (to open the registry go to Start-> Run and type "regedit");

If this key isn't available choose Edit-> New-> DWORD Value and name it "TimeOn" (without the quotes but case sensitive).

Double click the key to give it a decimal value between 0 and 4294964295 (in Hexadecimal value this will be fffff448).

Vir + ostali nasveti za Outlook
Uporabniki naj pred pisanjem sporočil uporabljajo iskalnik www.google.com.
Čokolešnik ne vsebuje nobenih aditivov, konzervansov ali umetnih barvil.

Cokolesnik ::

In še en pameten link... http://www.outlook-tips.net/

Še en trik... Ob uporabi IMAP strežnika za pošto... Kako prisiliti Outlook, da ne bo prenašal sporočil, ki so večja od X Kb:

1. Quit Outlook 2003.
2. Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.
3. Locate and then click to select the following registry key:
4. After you select the key that is specified in step 3, point to New on the Edit menu, and then click DWORD Value.
5. Type IMAPMessageDownloadSizeLimit, and then press ENTER.
6. Right-click IMAPMessageDownloadSizeLimit, and then click Modify.
7. In the Value data box, type 100, and then click OK.

Note When you set the value to 100, you specify that messages that are larger than 100 bytes will not be downloaded. The DWORD value of 100 decimal represents 100 bytes. 0x100 in hexadecimal equals 256 bytes. You can adjust this value to limit the size of the e-mail messages that you want to download. To do this, change the value in the Value data box.
8. On the File menu, click Exit to quit Registry Editor.


Še Bit kalkulator, če si želite preračunati velikost majlov več od 100 bytov... Klik...
Uporabniki naj pred pisanjem sporočil uporabljajo iskalnik www.google.com.
Čokolešnik ne vsebuje nobenih aditivov, konzervansov ali umetnih barvil.

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