Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Nezaželen reboot XP-jev ob 'switch user'
Nezaželen reboot XP-jev ob 'switch user'
Rešpetlin ::
Torej, ce sem prijavljen v XP-je in zelim preklopiti na drug racun (switch user) se sistem resetira. Log off, zanimivo, deluje brez tezav. Poskusil sem tole, kar je spodaj, pa zal ne pomaga. Kaksna ideja?
A User Logon Request Is Rejected Without Any Messages
Verified by Rick Lewis:
The problem turned out to be that the Winlogon userinit entry was set to
"wsupdater.exe," and not "userinit.exe,".
Verified by Rick Lewis:
Place your XP CD in and navigate to the Recovery Console.
Change the C:\Windows prompt to: C:\Windows\System32 and copy userinit.exe
to wsaupdater.exe
Reboot into Safe Mode and modify:
change userinit in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows
NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon from wsaupdater.exe, to userinit.exe,
Added info:
Recovering XP using the Recover Console (Line 333) Right hand side:
A User Logon Request Is Rejected Without Any Messages
Verified by Rick Lewis:
The problem turned out to be that the Winlogon userinit entry was set to
"wsupdater.exe," and not "userinit.exe,".
Verified by Rick Lewis:
Place your XP CD in and navigate to the Recovery Console.
Change the C:\Windows prompt to: C:\Windows\System32 and copy userinit.exe
to wsaupdater.exe
Reboot into Safe Mode and modify:
change userinit in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows
NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon from wsaupdater.exe, to userinit.exe,
Added info:
Recovering XP using the Recover Console (Line 333) Right hand side:
matevzm2 ::
Najverjetneje so problem kaksni driverji, ki so se za Windows 2000, kjer tega user switchinga ni bilo. Eni driverji/tray monitorji so imeli potem probleme.
Jaz osebno sem imel nekoc recimo probleme s Teles ISDN modemom, za katerega so zadnji driverji za Windows 2000. V XP so delali, samo pri user switch je pa sistem padel. Brez driverjev je delalo lepo.
Jaz osebno sem imel nekoc recimo probleme s Teles ISDN modemom, za katerega so zadnji driverji za Windows 2000. V XP so delali, samo pri user switch je pa sistem padel. Brez driverjev je delalo lepo.
Rešpetlin ::
Toliko strokovnjakov tu gor, pa nobene pametne resitve...
Istalacija XP-jev je 'sveza' s SP 2... Zgleda, da bo potrebna se ena
Istalacija XP-jev je 'sveza' s SP 2... Zgleda, da bo potrebna se ena
alioni ::
Imel sem podoben problem, ugotovili smo, da je bil problem v pokvarjeni grafični. Probaj zalaufat še kakšno igrico, če ti bo tudi tu resetiralo je skoraj zagotovo grafična.
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