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Computer infected

Computer infected

dash_wallace ::

torej. tukaj sta dva linka, na katerih je print screen. SVAKA ČAST tistemu, kateremu je to uspelo odpravit. Ker se že trudim cel dan s tem in ne gre. Toda to želim odpravit, brez formatiranja. Prosim za pomoč... Verjetno se je to že dogodilo marsikateremu uprabniku. TOREJ, RAZPIŠITE SE IN SVETUJE... HVALA!!!

[EDIT: Beri pravila in drugič napiši primernejši naslov, moderator]

Invention ::

Mene je enkrat v taki situaciji rešila Restore point.
Zmanjkalo črnila za podpis ...

Elemen_T ::

Meni je uspel s Spyware Doctorjem.

Žal ni zastonj; no, meni je bil podarjen;)

ql000 ::

Naštimaj si ta program: klik, pa še kak dober antivirus (jaz uporabljam nod32), bootaj v safe mode, poženi najprej ewida, potem pa še nod-a. Jaz sem se na tak način rešil tega sporočila, ki je najbolj annoying stvar, ki se mi je na računalniku kadarkoli zgodila (na winsih mislim).

Stajerc ::

V bistvu to sem jaz dobil preko internet explorerja in sicer tako da se je samo naložlo ko se mi je neko okno odprlo gor.

V bistvu še tak imaš srečo ker meni je še nasred namizja napisalo na črno kvadrat "your computer has been infected".

Potem moi je pa ta isti program rekel naj naložim si dol mislim da ravno "spyware doctor " ja.

Seved apa je spayware doctror za plačat. Mislim virus ko ti pove kateri program potrebuješ je malo sumljivo a se vam ne zdi?

No zgodilo pa se je to da mi je računalnik začel delati občutno počasneje in nisem mogel spremenit ozadja. Čez čas ko sem mel poln k... sem le ugotovil kje v registru se zbriše vrstica in sem lahko mel spet staro ozadje ampak računalnik pa je še vedno deloval počasi.

Programa pa nisem mogel odstranit z dobenim antivirusnim, adaware programom in z dobenim nisem mogel ugotoviti kje se ta program zažene tak oda mislim d aspremeni nastavitve windowsa pač. Celo še več če greš na start->nadzorna plošča-> dodaj odstrani programe je tam not celo da lahko odinštaliraš ta "virus" in če ga se kljub temu ne spremeni nič!

Tako da mislim da brez nove čiste inštalacije windowsow ćw niste neki maher nebo šlo, če hočete težavo rešit v nulo.

Potem pa opvezno mozilla firefox. Pa backup sistema na dvd ali drugo particijo diska in drugič boste elegantno samo vstavili disketo in bop vse na novo posneto in se s takimi virusi ko to sploh niso sploh neboste rabli več ukvarjat.
Have a nice day.

ddeben ::

Tole mi je znano ze od win98 kjer je cel blue screen bil s tem napisom...na koncu mi stric google zaupal da je to crv po imenu sober. Ti bom kr copy paste...
Microsoft Security Advisory (912920)
Systems that are infected with Win32/Sober.Z@mm may download and run malicious files from certain Web domains beginning on January 6, 2006
Published: January 3, 2006

Microsoft is aware of the Sober mass mailer worm variant named Win32/Sober.Z@mm. The worm tries to entice users through social engineering efforts into opening an attached file or executable in e-mail. If the recipient opens the file or executable, the worm sends itself to all the contacts that are contained in the system’s address book. Customers who are using the most recent and updated antivirus software are at a reduced risk from infection by the Win32/Sober.Z@mm worm.

On systems that are infected by Win32/Sober.Z@mm, the malware is programmed to download and run malicious files from certain Web domains beginning on January 6, 2006. Beginning approximately every two weeks thereafter, the worm is set to begin downloading and running malicious files from additional sites on the same Web domains.

As with all currently known variants of the Sober worm, the worm does not appear to target a security vulnerability, but rather relies on the user opening an infected attachment.

Microsoft added detection for the latest Sober variants in its December 2005 update to the Malicious Software Removal Tool and in the Windows Live Safety Center.

Customers who believe that they are infected with Sober or are not sure whether they are infected should visit Safety.live.com and choose "Protection Scan" or run the latest version of the Malicious Software Removal Tool from either Microsoft Update or Windows Update to ensure that their systems are free of infection. Additionally, Windows OneCare from Microsoft provides detection for and protection against Sober and its known variants.

Microsoft will release an updated version of the Malicious Software Removal Tool on January 10, 2006, that will further assist in the detection and removal of known malware threats including Sober and its known variants. See Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 891716 for additional details on how to deploy the Malicious Software Removal Tool with the latest definitions to help protect against malware.

For more information about Sober, to help determine whether you have been infected by the worm, and for instructions on how to repair your system if you have been infected, see the Microsoft Virus Encyclopedia. For Microsoft Virus Encyclopedia references, see the “Overview” section. We continue to encourage customers to use caution with unknown file attachments and to follow our Protect Your PC guidance of enabling a firewall, getting software updates, and installing antivirus software. Customers can learn more about these steps by visiting the Protect Your PC Web site.

Check for and remove the Sober infection.

Use the Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool, Safety.live.com, or Windows OneCare to search for and remove the Sober worm and its variants from infected systems.

Invention ::

Jaz sem imel točno tak problem kot ga je opisal Stajerc. Mi Firefox takrat tudi ni pomagal :) ...mi je pa restore point, kokr sm zgori omenu.
Zmanjkalo črnila za podpis ...

Stajerc ::

Ja možno da je bil ta sober. Pa tud veseli me da nisem bil sam v tem boju. ;)

Jaz sem ga dobil malo pred koncem prejšnega leta in na internetu nisem našel nič o njem ker sem se res trudil in doben antivirusni mi ni zaznal. Škoda da nimam tudi sam restore point oziroma vrjetno mam pa nisem sprobal ker ne znam oziroma mi ni na pamet padlo.

Zgleda da sem bil eden prvih srečnežev pač ki smo ga dobili in še ni bil doben antivirusni mu kos.
Have a nice day.

boss-tech ::

joj jst sm tud tko preklel tole. sm pol nekak v safe modu prečekiral z vsem kar sem mel- ewido, spyboot, adaware pa še kej in na konc je le šlo adijo. sm bil tko vesel

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