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epox 8kda3+

epox 8kda3+

sirotka ::

Imam os. ploščo ep. 8kda3+, ki mi undervolta procesor, oz. je za to kriv amd cool'n'quiet-voltaža je samo 1.25v ko proc ni v uporabi, drugače pa skače gor in dol, če je proc v loadu. Kje se to sklopi, ker v biosu nimam te nastavitve, v knjigi pa je? Prosil bi tudi za kak mod bios za višje voltaže, ali za kak vmem mod.

sirotka ::

Še tole iz epoxove strani:
AMD's Cool'n'Quiet™ Technology lowers CPU operating voltage when the system is in idle mode. This helps to reduce heat dissipation and in effect lowers the fan speed to noise from your PC. To enable Cool'n'Quiet™ the BIOS must support this feature.
Kako naj to sranje izklopim, ker mi omejuje možnosti navijanja. Imam a643000+, ki gre na 240*10, drugače ga imam zdaj na 250*8, več pa ne gre, ker imam ch5rame, ki rabijo napetost. tudi, če dam asinhrono, mi več kot 7*260 ne zdrži...

sirotka ::

Sem že našel napako:
Yes this is a common peob with this board.. I dont think anyones figured out yet why it happends when it does. But if it does just pull the power plug and flip the power on button a few times, plug it back in and power up.. If it still does it then just cold boot a few times till its normal.. Thats one thing that bothered the hell outa me and i believe i only experianced that prob with bios later then 5-14.

Zdaj pa bi rabil nekoga, ki bi mi naredil vmem in vcoremod za kakšno pivo:D ?

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