Forum » Izdelava spletišč » pc nuke max
pc nuke max
A to na PHP-Nuku temelji slucajno?
I can't uninstall it, there seems to be some kind of "Uninstall Shield"...
I can't uninstall it, there seems to be some kind of "Uninstall Shield"...
boss-tech ::
ja- sam da je mal predelan- v nastavitvah pa ne najdem nastavitev za mail server al pa vsaj da ne bi bilo treba registracije naredit prek maila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: boss-tech ()
boss-tech ::
Pc-Nuke! welcomes everyone to the latest release of our PcNuke-MAX! portal system. PcNuke-MAX! is based from PHP-Nuke v7.8 by and is over 33% smaller in size that the previous issue. This version not made to be used as an upgrade version
Pc-Nuke! welcomes everyone to the latest release of our PcNuke-MAX! portal system. PcNuke-MAX! is based from PHP-Nuke v7.8 by and is over 33% smaller in size that the previous issue. This version not made to be used as an upgrade version
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: boss-tech ()
boss-tech ::
neki sm našu:
kter server nej uporabim- bi šlo tud prek
pa bo sploh tole delal na registraciji?
kter server nej uporabim- bi šlo tud prek
pa bo sploh tole delal na registraciji?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- zavaroval slike: Tody ()
Jah najbrz tele nastavitve nimajo veze z temu "CMS"jem ampak so take kot bi jih nastavil drugot.
Zakaj sploh ohces uporabljat nekaj kar je v bistvu php-nuke?
Dej si raj kak resen in varen CMS dobot no.
Zakaj sploh ohces uporabljat nekaj kar je v bistvu php-nuke?
Dej si raj kak resen in varen CMS dobot no.
I can't uninstall it, there seems to be some kind of "Uninstall Shield"...
I can't uninstall it, there seems to be some kind of "Uninstall Shield"...
boss-tech ::
zato k more met sporočila in galeijo ter forum vezano vse v eno- in tale to najbolš ponud- men je sam važn da se bodo lahko uporabniki registriral- kok bi zej naredu da bi se alhko registriral brez mail potrditve ali da bi mi vsaj mail delu
Glede na to da si tole postal na vseh forumih kjer tut jestsodelujem in da ti ni noben pomagal, bos mogu pomoj eneki druzga najdt![;)](
Ne verjamem da je to edin sistem ki ima take standardne zadeve. Res.
Ne verjamem da je to edin sistem ki ima take standardne zadeve. Res.
I can't uninstall it, there seems to be some kind of "Uninstall Shield"...
I can't uninstall it, there seems to be some kind of "Uninstall Shield"...
Tody ::
Ja resno tipo serješ ga :) Jest vem za dva CMS ki ti ponujato isto. Prvi je RUNCMS ki ima 2 integrirana foruma eden od njih je phpbb. Drugi je pa Subdreamer, ki pa ti integirira ene 5 rezličnih vrst forumov. Seveda galerija in ostale igrače so na voljo. Pa v googla vnesi recimor : cmsmatrix pa boš videl da ni tako malo cms na svetu.
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