Forum » Sedem umetnosti » Lost - nadaljevanka!
Lost - nadaljevanka!

mavec ::
Seveda ni mrtev, le ustrelil se je, Henryju dal razlog za pobeg, sam pa bo krivdo prevalil nanj. Verjetno ga ne bodo sumili uboja Ane in Libby, razen, če Libby ni mrtva, saj je imela pred sabo blazino.

]Fusion[ ::
Blazina pa je imela neprebojno perje
Drugače če pogledaš trailer za naslednji del vidiš da je res K.I.A.

Drugače če pogledaš trailer za naslednji del vidiš da je res K.I.A.
"I am not an animal! I am a human being! I... am... a man!" - John Merrick

mavec ::
No, če bi gledal ALIAS serijo, potem bi lahko videl, da tudi avtomatsko orožje na manj kot 1/2 metra ne ubije človeka BTW
Verjetno pa je mrtva, saj je v spoilerju pisalo, da umreta 2 osebi.

Verjetno pa je mrtva, saj je v spoilerju pisalo, da umreta 2 osebi.

iro ::
Nevem če ste opazli (25minuta) vglavnem v kuhinji imajo keramično kuhalno ploščo,smešno glede na vso drugo opremo ki izgleda stra 20-30 let (mislim plošče računalnik...)

Kato ::
Sem vedu, da je nekaj narobe takoj ,ko je rekel ,da živijo v šotorih pa ,da so neki primitivci, čeprav nisem pa pričakoval takega konca.

Jackal ::
Kaj pa če je Michael postal The Other...
Zgleda spet pripravljajo cliffhanger za konec sezone.
Zgleda spet pripravljajo cliffhanger za konec sezone.

mavec ::
Torej, kako lahko preživiš z blazino v rokah strel iz pištole. Verjetno se, da in po tem kar sem spoznal JJ Abramsa glede na Alias in Lost me tole ni presenetilo niti malo!
In the previews for next week's episode, one of the characters is heard to say, "She's dead," instead of "They're dead." This could indicate that only one of them died, and since Ana Lucia died on camera, that is pretty final. As the line used in the preview could have been taken out of context from anywhere in the show, this is splitting hairs.
Torej, kako lahko preživiš z blazino v rokah strel iz pištole. Verjetno se, da in po tem kar sem spoznal JJ Abramsa glede na Alias in Lost me tole ni presenetilo niti malo!

zos ::
Tale Micheal je sumljiv. Verjetno je z njimi sklenil kaksen deal ali kaj podobnega. Se ena skrita fora je v tem delu, ko prikazuje retrospektivo zgodbe o Ani Lucii, se na parkiriscu lepo vidi ta znana stevilcna sekvenca na strehah policijskih avtomobilov. Sicer pa mi za Ano ni zal, ker mi je sla na zivce in mi je kul, da so jo producenti odstranili. Vsaj upam tako.

jest10 ::
Možno da je pa fora tudi v tem, da hoče Michael povzročiti vojno. Za umor obdolži Henrya in upa, da bodo šli z orožjem nad "druge". Tako bi lahko dobil sina nazaj.

mavec ::
Samo bo pa nastal problem, če je to res, da je Libby preživela. Potem se teorija o tem, da bo Michael povzročil vojno, sfižila. In pa vprašanje, kaj se bo zgodilo z Michaelom.

Keyser Soze ::
Na pa so fental še eno bejbo, k je bla res gledljiva.
Sploh ne razumem tega Michaela. Samo zgago dela in nič drugega. Bi bilo fino, če bi bil še sedaj tako "smotan" in bi se malo bolj "vitalno" zadel. Samo za zgago je tip. Ni čudno, da ga še lasten otrok težko prenaša.

Sploh ne razumem tega Michaela. Samo zgago dela in nič drugega. Bi bilo fino, če bi bil še sedaj tako "smotan" in bi se malo bolj "vitalno" zadel. Samo za zgago je tip. Ni čudno, da ga še lasten otrok težko prenaša.

rh^ ::
V tem delu se je tudi videlo, ko Ana spusti očeta od Jacka pred cocteil baru, kako fotr odpre vrata in zadene Sawyerja.

smilyxx ::
Tale konc je biu res nepričakovan. Čeprov tist kar je Michael govoril o šotorih pa temu je bilo jasn da je nakladal (tisti ljudje ki so ugrabli claire očitno niso živel v šotorih). Pa kolikor se jst spomnim Michaela ni blo zlo dolg cajta, sam tisto njegovo zgodbo bi pa spravu v ene 5 dni.
Save water.
drink beer.
drink beer.

rh^ ::
Sej Michael je omenil da imajo en hatch, tam kjer so držali Claire pa so tudi že našli zapuščeno (Kate je takrat šla s Claire in Rossau).

orka ::
Hmmmmm.... Jst mislm da še sami ne vejo kako se bo zadeva odvijala glede na to, da nadaljevanka nastaja sproti

mavec ::
Spoilerji tud nastajajo sproti, samo vedeti je potrebno kje iskati in kak vir je to, iz katerega je spoiler podan :).

globoko grlo ::
Kaj pa če sta dve skupini "the others", eni živijo v šotorih in so razcapani, bradati & co pa nekje drugje, majo orožje in so bolj sci-fi?
Pa una steklokeramična plošča me je prec zbodla v oči, kako so jo mel v 70 letih (al kdaj je bil ta hatch postavljen).
Michael gre tut men na Q, na Ana Lucia tut, preveč impulzivna in nič ne razmislita o posledicah svojih dejanj, kot ene dve ovci letata in zgago delata, je pa sj sawyer na svoj račun prišel
A bojo vse pičke, ki se bodo zapletne s tipi šle rakom žvižgat? Shannon, Ana Lucija ...
Pa verjetno unih ni samo 22, pol starih, pol pa bab, pa sam 2 guna naj bi imeli, verjetno jih je ornk nategnil, ko bodo šli v napad, jih bo pa še izdal, tale Michael more it.
Sam da tele, ki je šla z Jackom v junglo ne bodo fental, pa bo
(se zdejle ne spomnim kako ji je ime)
Pa una steklokeramična plošča me je prec zbodla v oči, kako so jo mel v 70 letih (al kdaj je bil ta hatch postavljen).
Michael gre tut men na Q, na Ana Lucia tut, preveč impulzivna in nič ne razmislita o posledicah svojih dejanj, kot ene dve ovci letata in zgago delata, je pa sj sawyer na svoj račun prišel

A bojo vse pičke, ki se bodo zapletne s tipi šle rakom žvižgat? Shannon, Ana Lucija ...
Pa verjetno unih ni samo 22, pol starih, pol pa bab, pa sam 2 guna naj bi imeli, verjetno jih je ornk nategnil, ko bodo šli v napad, jih bo pa še izdal, tale Michael more it.
Sam da tele, ki je šla z Jackom v junglo ne bodo fental, pa bo

neoto ::
Hm... Tole vedno bolj spooky postaja
Tako je vse skupaj povezano. Je kdo gledal 21. del?
Tale Sawyer je pa tud - svojo zalogo skrije vsem na očem, pa je ne najdejo...

Tale Sawyer je pa tud - svojo zalogo skrije vsem na očem, pa je ne najdejo...

lebang1 :: gledu ta 21 del, je res zlo zanimiv.... in pa to odkritje nove lopute (nadzornega centra)...

globoko grlo ::
ampak to res že mal meji na santa barbaro, sam še aliene nej not potegnejo, pa bo
aja Grey, ja, Kate sem mislil, z njo bi pa bil na lost na samotnem otoku
aja Grey, ja, Kate sem mislil, z njo bi pa bil na lost na samotnem otoku

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: globoko grlo ()

neoto ::
Kaj mislite, da je tole: The Hanso Foundation Zrežirano skupaj s filmom?
Glede zadnjega dela: po mojem bodo s tistimi zapiski razkrinkali Mike-a, kaj se vam zdi?
Glede zadnjega dela: po mojem bodo s tistimi zapiski razkrinkali Mike-a, kaj se vam zdi?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: neoto ()

]Fusion[ ::
pomoje pa ne. Tista nadzorovalna postaja že kar nekaj časa izgleda zapuščena. Edino migoče če so kje posnetki...
"I am not an animal! I am a human being! I... am... a man!" - John Merrick

]Fusion[ ::
Mogoče kdo ve kak bi lahko bil Login iz tiste strani ko je dal neoto? Je zanimivo da se samo z imenom loginaš in ni gesla :)
"I am not an animal! I am a human being! I... am... a man!" - John Merrick

McClane ::
probaj "breaking strain" :)
\"You want us to build WHAT??\" - Ancient Chinese Wall Engineer

Stepni Volk ::
Stekleno keramični štedilniki so v uporabi od leta 1968.
Samo zgodbo si tako zmišljujejo sproti. O tem zakaj sta umrli zadnji dve žrtvi - pozor SPOILER.
Trivia Fact #1: The role of Jack was originally supposed to die during the pilot episode.
Trivia Fact #2: In the tradition of "Lassie," the dog Vincent (male) is played by a female dog.
Trivia Fact #3: Jack/Matthew Fox's tattoos are authentic. In fact, these tattoos are important future storyline points.
Trivia Fact #4: Yunjin Kim originally auditioned for the role of Kate. Although she didn't get the role, the producers decided to create a role for her.
Samo zgodbo si tako zmišljujejo sproti. O tem zakaj sta umrli zadnji dve žrtvi - pozor SPOILER.
Trivia Fact #1: The role of Jack was originally supposed to die during the pilot episode.
Trivia Fact #2: In the tradition of "Lassie," the dog Vincent (male) is played by a female dog.
Trivia Fact #3: Jack/Matthew Fox's tattoos are authentic. In fact, these tattoos are important future storyline points.
Trivia Fact #4: Yunjin Kim originally auditioned for the role of Kate. Although she didn't get the role, the producers decided to create a role for her.

Grey ::
Stepni volk:
Zanimivo je to, da manjek prepucija na Vincentu nikogar ne moti. Še sam nisem opazil.
Zanimivo je to, da manjek prepucija na Vincentu nikogar ne moti. Še sam nisem opazil.

Stepni Volk ::
Trivia on LOST:
* ABC picked up the show before there even was a script. J.J. Abrams and Damon Lindelof had only turned in an outline and based on this ABC picked up the show.
* The production budget for the 2-hour pilot was $12 million, which is far greater than most TV shows. This led to Disney firing Lloyd Braun, the ABC Entertainment Chairman, for greenlighting the show, which has now become one of ABC's biggest hits in years.
* The airplane pieces on the beach, depicting the doomed flight from Sydney, are the remnants of a Lockheed Tristar L-1011. She began service for Eastern Airlines (N308EA) in 1972 and was retired by Delta Airlines (N783DL) in 1998 having racked up a total of 28,822 landings and 58,841 flight-hours.
* The Airline in this show that flew the ill-fated flight is called "Oceanic" this Airline name has been used before in Executive Decision (1996), and has also been used in many other made-for-TV movies.
* ABC opted not to fly the intact N783DL to Hawaii first before dismantling it. Instead, ABC dispatched 40 production workers to Mojave to cannibalize and ship the aircraft pieces. Dismantling took about 5 days in February 2004.
* N783DL was bought by Thompson's Aviation Warehouse (Mojave, CA) for $50,000. ABC/Touchstone purchased it for about $200,000.
* The first episode debuted on ABC with 18.65 million viewers. The second episode attracted 16.33 million viewers.
* The first season depicts the first 44 days on the island. Locke mentions this when talking to Desmond inside the hatch.
* Hurley uses the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42 to win the lottery. During the season 1 finale, as Hurley drives to the airport, the numbers appear on the dashboard as the car stalls. Running to the gate, he passes a girl's soccer team with the same numbers on their uniform jerseys. They also appear on the hatch exterior and the vial Desmond uses for injection.
* Charlie's shoulder tattoo reads "Living is easy with eyes closed". This is a lyric from the song "Strawberry Fields Forever" by The Beatles.
* The symbol that Claire wears around her neck is the Japanese kanji for "love".
* The symbol on Boone's shirt is the Chinese symbol for the number 84. Reversed the number is 48, The exact number of Survivors when the plane first crashed.
* The shirt that Sawyer wears that has a fish on it is from an actual restaurant. One of the show's creators went to Humpy's in Alaska and liked the logo so much he wanted to use it on the show. They didn't get permission to use it until much later so they took the logo from the site and made their own. No one at Humpy's knew how it got onto the show until much later.
* During Charlie's snorting scenes, Dominic Monaghan is actually snorting brown sugar.
* Plane wreckage scenes were filmed at Mokuleia Beach.
* The majority of post-pilot beach scenes are filmed along a more remote, secluded stretch of Oahu's famous North Shore. The sandy shoreline is not private but the access is off the beaten path.
* Jungle scenes depicting open, grassy pasture areas at the foot of jagged cliffs were filmed in Kaaawa Valley (first season).
* Mokuleia Beach is near Oahu's northwest tip (Kaena Point). Kaaawa Valley is over 30 miles away on the island's eastern coast.
* The rocks used in the waterfall cave set are made of rubber so that the sound of the actors, and crew members walking about are not picked up on camera.
* The sound stage where the cave scenes are filmed is at the old Xerox building.
* Ian Somerhalder (Boone) was the first actor to be cast as one of the survivors.
* Jennifer Jason Leigh was approached to play the part of Libby, but she declined
* James Cash lost the part of Jack Shepherd to Matthew Fox at the final auditions.
* Jorge Garcia (Hurley) missed his sister's wedding to shoot this show in Hawaii.
* Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje came up with his own characters name, "Mr. Eko", while he and the writers were developing the character.
* Yoon-jin Kim originally read for the character of Kate. The producers felt she was not what they were looking for but decided to create a new character for her along with her character's spouse.
* The part of Charlie was originally written for someone much older, but when Dominic Monaghan auditioned, the writers and producers loved him so much that they set about re-writing the part to Dominic's strengths.
* ABC picked up the show before there even was a script. J.J. Abrams and Damon Lindelof had only turned in an outline and based on this ABC picked up the show.
* The production budget for the 2-hour pilot was $12 million, which is far greater than most TV shows. This led to Disney firing Lloyd Braun, the ABC Entertainment Chairman, for greenlighting the show, which has now become one of ABC's biggest hits in years.
* The airplane pieces on the beach, depicting the doomed flight from Sydney, are the remnants of a Lockheed Tristar L-1011. She began service for Eastern Airlines (N308EA) in 1972 and was retired by Delta Airlines (N783DL) in 1998 having racked up a total of 28,822 landings and 58,841 flight-hours.
* The Airline in this show that flew the ill-fated flight is called "Oceanic" this Airline name has been used before in Executive Decision (1996), and has also been used in many other made-for-TV movies.
* ABC opted not to fly the intact N783DL to Hawaii first before dismantling it. Instead, ABC dispatched 40 production workers to Mojave to cannibalize and ship the aircraft pieces. Dismantling took about 5 days in February 2004.
* N783DL was bought by Thompson's Aviation Warehouse (Mojave, CA) for $50,000. ABC/Touchstone purchased it for about $200,000.
* The first episode debuted on ABC with 18.65 million viewers. The second episode attracted 16.33 million viewers.
* The first season depicts the first 44 days on the island. Locke mentions this when talking to Desmond inside the hatch.
* Hurley uses the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42 to win the lottery. During the season 1 finale, as Hurley drives to the airport, the numbers appear on the dashboard as the car stalls. Running to the gate, he passes a girl's soccer team with the same numbers on their uniform jerseys. They also appear on the hatch exterior and the vial Desmond uses for injection.
* Charlie's shoulder tattoo reads "Living is easy with eyes closed". This is a lyric from the song "Strawberry Fields Forever" by The Beatles.
* The symbol that Claire wears around her neck is the Japanese kanji for "love".
* The symbol on Boone's shirt is the Chinese symbol for the number 84. Reversed the number is 48, The exact number of Survivors when the plane first crashed.
* The shirt that Sawyer wears that has a fish on it is from an actual restaurant. One of the show's creators went to Humpy's in Alaska and liked the logo so much he wanted to use it on the show. They didn't get permission to use it until much later so they took the logo from the site and made their own. No one at Humpy's knew how it got onto the show until much later.
* During Charlie's snorting scenes, Dominic Monaghan is actually snorting brown sugar.
* Plane wreckage scenes were filmed at Mokuleia Beach.
* The majority of post-pilot beach scenes are filmed along a more remote, secluded stretch of Oahu's famous North Shore. The sandy shoreline is not private but the access is off the beaten path.
* Jungle scenes depicting open, grassy pasture areas at the foot of jagged cliffs were filmed in Kaaawa Valley (first season).
* Mokuleia Beach is near Oahu's northwest tip (Kaena Point). Kaaawa Valley is over 30 miles away on the island's eastern coast.
* The rocks used in the waterfall cave set are made of rubber so that the sound of the actors, and crew members walking about are not picked up on camera.
* The sound stage where the cave scenes are filmed is at the old Xerox building.
* Ian Somerhalder (Boone) was the first actor to be cast as one of the survivors.
* Jennifer Jason Leigh was approached to play the part of Libby, but she declined
* James Cash lost the part of Jack Shepherd to Matthew Fox at the final auditions.
* Jorge Garcia (Hurley) missed his sister's wedding to shoot this show in Hawaii.
* Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje came up with his own characters name, "Mr. Eko", while he and the writers were developing the character.
* Yoon-jin Kim originally read for the character of Kate. The producers felt she was not what they were looking for but decided to create a new character for her along with her character's spouse.
* The part of Charlie was originally written for someone much older, but when Dominic Monaghan auditioned, the writers and producers loved him so much that they set about re-writing the part to Dominic's strengths.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Stepni Volk ()

rh^ ::
Strani kot so bile oceanicflight in recimo ta zadnja so vse od avtorjev losta. Med drugim se je stran sublymonal pojavila med reklamami za lost!

Kato ::
Yap, še en del samih flashbackov, tale lost ima nadležno navado ,da se konča takrat ko bi se moral začeti. Komi čakam kaj se bodo spomnil, morda še eno skupino ,ki bo šla za prvo.

]Fusion[ ::
Trailer za zadnji del
Bojda bo v zadnem delu vse razloženo :)
Bojda bo v zadnem delu vse razloženo :)
"I am not an animal! I am a human being! I... am... a man!" - John Merrick

rh^ ::
Razloženo bo zakaj je letalo padlo, kaj se zgodi če ne prtisneš gumba s številkami in tudi zadeva z Waltom. To pa še zdaleč ni vse ;).

SebaR ::
@smilyxx: Prišel je 22 del sezone.
Povej ti to raje komu brez nog, da bo lahko skakljal po cesti...

neoto ::
Me pa res zanima, kaj je zdaj s tisto jadrnico, ki jo zagledajo! In pa, sem mislil, da si Mike izmišljuje, kaj je vse videl, ampak je vse kar je rekel res (razen tega, da so ga zvezali in tja peljali ter da ni videl Walt-a)...

lebang1 ::
ABC has released its fall schedule for the 2006-2007 season, and it seems that executives have listened to complaints from fans of the show. Lost will not be airing reruns for its third season. The show will air seven new episodes consecutively in the Fall (late September or early October) in its current time slot, then will be replaced by a new thriller starring Taye Diggs, Day Break. Lost will then return to its home in February, airing all new episodes until the season ends in May
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