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Nimbda virus in WinXP

Nimbda virus in WinXP

Matty ::

Zdejle me nekaj dni ni bilo v blizini kompjuterja zato tudi nisem ujel "vala" okuzb s temu virusom. Vseeno pa me zanima kaj je z WinXP? Na tejle strani Microsofta namrec XPji in verzija explorerja 6.0 ni omenjena. Pomeni to, da tukaj ni nevarnosti, kar tezko verjamem...
(skrbi me predvsem okuzba preko httpja)

teac ::

Matty ::

Torej to pomeni, da uporabnika WinXP ne ogroza? Ali pa le ni tega podatka... (vsaj na tej strani ga ni)

teac ::

Po mojem, XP-ji niso izjeme....

ginekolog ::

Tudi uporabnaik XP je ogrožen, le da ga ne moreš dobiti preko web strani, temveč z okuženio datoteko(readme.exe, admin.dll)

To je to:D


simon ::

--- snip z slashdota
WARNING to IE6 users or people without Outlook installed: You are not invulnerable! A virus file on your system can still easily be excecuted. I recently got infected, and it was the dumbest thing ever. Some time ago I had to reinstall Windows (gdi.exe was corrupted!?!), so I backed my files up to my friend's computer over the network. To get them back I made an open share on my computer (should have had a password) and sent them over. When I was done I noticed that some *.eml files had been inserted into my open share. "Hey, that's the virus I read about on Slashdot," I thought. So I went to delete it. I simply selected the file to delete it (I didn't run it) but Explorer, in its infinite stupidity, ran the file in the preview pane! Simply by the act of selecting the file I had run it inadvertently! This on a system running IE6 without Outlook installed!
Fortunately I was able to boot into Linux and delete all those .eml files, then download a virus remover from McAfee or someplace. But let this be a warning: Before deleting a .eml file, TURN FILE PREVIEWS OFF!

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