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Pozna kdo švicarske banke? Imam opis, ne vem pa imena...

Pozna kdo švicarske banke? Imam opis, ne vem pa imena...

Kebab ::

Torej rad bi zvedel ime te švicarske banke. Imam pa samo spodnji opis:

This is the 8th largest bank in Switzerland with 2000
branches and over 3 million clients, established in
1984 and rated AA+ by standard and poor's stability
rating. There are branches all over including Bern and
Zurich some bank have a foreign counter and you should
call the bank and find out which branch to go to. The
bank we work with offers free ATM cards (maestro) and
cashing of foreign checks for $5. Checks usually take
2 weeks to clear.

Sem googlal ampak nisem našel... Lahko kdo pomaga?

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