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Win XP - messenger

Win XP - messenger

SuperHik ::


Zanima me, če kdo ve seveda, kako bi ugasnil oz. uninstallu Windows messenger, ki ti ga Win XP avtomatično naloži ??

Vsaka pomoč bo dobrodošla..
Always look on the bright side of life; LIFE! You never saw my wife ...

Tr0n ::

Seveda. To je prva stvar, ki sem jo naredil, ko sem se logiral v XPje. Uninstall Messanger :).

1. Navigate to C:\windows\inf\
2. Open sysoc.inf
3. find msmsgs=msgrocm.dll,OcEntry,msmsgs.inf,hide,7 in the file and take out the word hide so the line would look like msmsgs=msgrocm.dll,OcEntry,msmsgs.inf,,7
4. Close the file and save it
5. Now go to the Add and remove programs applet in the control panel and you will be able to uninstall windows messenger.
6. Make sure to click on the add remove windows components button.

Ali brez uninstalla.

-Computer Configuration
-Administrative Templates
-Windows Components
-Windows Messenger

Here you can enable
"Do not allow Windows Messenger to be run"
"Do not automatically start Windows Messenger initially"

SuperHik ::


Vsaka ti dala.
Always look on the bright side of life; LIFE! You never saw my wife ...

andrej ::

ta drugi nacin z Group Policy ti disabla Windows Messenger za vse uporabnike na racunalniku.

boljsi nacin za je uporabit kar "msconfig" in startup tab...

Hojne ::

Ja andrej to že, sam kaj pa potem ko se Outlook zažene pol je pa spet spodaj, greš spet v msconfig, izklopiš restartaš, ga ni, ko se spet zažene Outlook - voila!

andrej ::

in potem gres v outlook in najdes nastavitev, da ti ne zazene Messengerja...

Tr0n ::

Ne pomaga. Sem ze vklapljal pa izklapljal ko zmesan. Messanger se vedno zazene ko pozenes Expressa. Najboljse je prasico odinstalirat :).

andrej ::

cudno, to bi moglo picit. oz. vsaj pri drugih je delalo...

IgiS ::

Enter Msconfig by typing 'msconfig' at the run command. Go to the startup tab, and uncheck Messenger's entry. Also, in Outlook Express, if you haven't already, go into the Options and uncheck to load Windows Messenger.

Paramedic ::

A kdo ve kdaj bo pa WMP8 izšel za vse OSe. Ker ga rabim, da bom lahk da reinstall all components, ker se mi je zjeba* :D
End transmission.

Tr0n ::

IgiS: to ne pomaga, sem ze vse sprobal :)

IgiS ::

Ta bo pa delu:
Look at the file sysoc.inf in c:\windows\inf . Open it up and find the entry for windows messenger (msmsgs)and remove the word 'hide' but LEAVE THE
COMMAS. close and save the file. Now Messenger should appear in the add/remove windows components section.
Pol pa svizec ............

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