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carcar ::

A mi lahko kdo pove kkšn je prevod besede The Briar patch?

Bob Rock ::

Šipkov obliž :))
gance hale ale cuzamen

carcar ::

Ja če dobesedno prevajaš, sam kaj nej bi to u pesmi pomenil ???

The briar patch
no don't throw me in the briar patch
you can cut off all my toes, but not the briar patch
you can fill me full of holes, but not the briar patch
Dont throw me in the briar patch .......

borchi ::

nevermind, got me spelling wrong ;-)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: borchi ()

jype ::

Definitions of briar patch on the Web:

* In the Star Trek fictional universe, the Briar Patch is a fictional nebula in sector 441 in ''''. While the nebula's visual characteristics are reminiscent of astronomical photographs, many of its more interesting properties were invented to support the film's storyline.

carcar ::

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